J Welcome to Dr. Zeiny’s Quran class  J

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

June 3, 2012

Take Home Final:

Click here to get the take home final

Due date is extended to Sunday 6/17/2012

Audio Notes:

Click here to listen to the class


1)      In 300 words essay, summarize today’s explanation of Ayah 33 Surah 22. Email to me at aelzeiny@hotmail.com by Saturday 10:00pm. Explain how time of death is pre-determined by Allah and how can we change it to make our life longer. Explain how our shares of life and share of pain are pre-determined by Allah and it is up to us how to get them, the Hallal way or the Haram way.

2)      Memorize the meaning of the Ayah in English


Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

May 20, 2012

Click here to Listen to Class


3)   In 300 words essay, summarize today’s explanation of Ayah 42 Surah 39. Email to me at aelzeiny@hotmail.com by Saturday 10:00pm. Explain how time of death is pre-determined by Allah and how can we change it to make our life longer. Explain how our shares of life and share of pain are pre-determined by Allah and it is up to us how to get them, the Hallal way or the Haram way.

4)   Memorize the meaning of the Ayah in English

“Allah takes away the souls from the bodies at the time of death and sleep. Then he holds the souls that are due for death and sends back to life the souls that have remaining life term to go untill the pre-determined time of death


Ayah 42 Surah 39 (Al-Zomor)

The difference between the final book and the initial book. Both have the pre-assigned shares of life and time of death. The difference is explained in Ayah 39 in Surah 13.

Every life has a pre-determined life term written in a book. Allah erases from the book whatever he wants and confirms whatever he wants. He has the final book.

Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

May 6, 2012

Click here to Listen to Class


5)   In 300 words essay, summarize today’s explanation of Ayah 42 Surah 39. Email to me at aelzeiny@hotmail.com by Saturday 10:00pm

6)   Memorize the meaning of the Ayah in English

“Allah takes away the souls from the bodies at the time of death and sleep. Then he holds the souls that are due for death and sends back to life the souls that have remaining life term to go”


Ayah 42 Surah 39 (Al-Zomor)

Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

April 29, 2012


Click here to Listen to Class

Class Notes:


Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

April 22, 2012


The meaning of the Ayah in English

Allah said to the angels “I am creating a representation on earth”. The angled asked Allah wondering “Are you going to create on earth someone who is going to spread corruption and shed blood while we are praising you and purifying ourselves to get closer to you?” Allah answered “I know things that you don’t know”.


Click here to listen to the class

Angles seek closeness to Allah by engaging into the so called “Taqdees”. Taqdees is the process of seeking closeness to Allah by purifying yourself. This is applicable only to the angels because they are at the level of purity. For humans, we seek closeness to Allah by doing Tazkiah, which is cleaning the heart from dirty temptations. Angles don’t have dirty temptations, so they do Taqdees but we humans are not at this level yet. We do Tazkhiah. The word Sanctify in English means to seek Holiness by purifications.

Allah is Al-Qodoos, which means the infinite purity. The more pure angels get, the closer they get to Allah.





Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

April 8, 2012


1)   Memorize Ayah 78 translation in English and at least learn how to read the Arabic text. Double credit to the ones who also memorize the Arabic text.

2)   Answer the following questions:

a)   Why doesn’t Allah make everyone rich?

b)  What would happen if Allah gives power to every evil person so that he/she can do the evil they desire?

c)    Why doesn’t Allah make every believer rich and every non believer poor?

d)  Why doesn’t Allah make every poor rich and every non believer rich?


We are continuing to learn about Qaroon (Korah). Click here to see the Cartoon on Islamic Tube

His response to the advice of the wise people in his community was that I got this wealth because of my talent. Nobody did me any favor, including Allah. Allah SWT said commenting on his response “Doesn’t he know that I have destroyed as a punishment before him many evil nations that were much stronger than him and had accumulated much more wealth than his” and then Allah SWT continued saying that the criminals are too evil to be questioned about their sins. They will be thrown in hell right away.

Qaroon went out before his people showing himself off with all his wealth and riches (servants, clothes and riding animals …etc). When the people who love this life more than the next life saw him, they wished to have the same and said "what a great fortune he has. He is so lucky. We wish we are in his place”.


When the wise righteous people heard them saying that, they said to them:

Woe to you! The Reward of Allah is better for those who believe and do righteous good deeds, i.e. the Reward of Allah in the Hereafter is better and higher than what you see now. Only the people who are patient enough get the reward of Allah in the next life.



Allah SWT said: So, We caused the earth to swallow him up and his mansion. Then, he had no group or party to help him against Allah, nor was he one of those who could save themselves.



When the people saw what happened to Qarun and his treasures of sinking into the earth and complete destruction, those who had desired for money and position like his position the day before, felt bad and thanked Allah SWT and they said: “Had it not been that Allah was kind to us, He could have caused the earth to swallow us up also! We Know now that the disbelievers will never be successful”



Allah is now giving us the final lesson that the home of the Hereafter (i.e. Paradise), We shall grant it to those who do not go against the truth with pride and oppression in the land nor do mischief by committing crimes. And the good end is for the pious and righteous people. The ones who do good will be rewarded by better than what they did. The ones who do bad deeds will be paid back from the same kind of bad deeds they committed.



Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

April 1, 2012


Part I

It is good if you can memorize both Ayat, but the least is to learn how to read them similar to the following audio clip

Here is the audio file for Surat Al-Qasas (28) Ayat 76 and 77

Part II: How to thank Allah for the following favors so that we are not like Qaroon.


Qaroon denied that Allah is the one who gave him all these favors in response to the advice from the knowledgeable people in his community.


Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

March 25, 2012


Click here to memorize Ayah 76 from Surah 28 (Al-Qasas)



Qaroon was a rich Jew. His wealth is stored in rooms. The keys for these rooms are so heavy that a group of about 13 strong men can’t carry. He claims that he earned this wealth because of his talent and no one did him any favor in earning this wealth including Allah himself. This is false because there is something called Tawfeek from Allah, which means Allah will make your effort successful or not successful, or you can say Allah will make you either lucky or unlucky.

The reaction of people depended on their kind. People can be divided to two kinds; knowledgeable people are the ones who know who is Allah, what is he expecting from them, how to please him and what to expect from him. Ignorant people are the ones who don’t know these things.

We shouldn’t confuse the terms knowledgeable and ignorant with the equivalent terms for education. Education is about the technical knowledge, not about knowing Allah. From a technical knowledge point of view people are divided into educated (knowledgeable) and uneducated (illiterate).

So the reaction of the people who are knowledgeable about Allah was that they advised him to use his wealth to thank Allah and at the same time enjoy Halal entertainment. He didn’t listen to them and he was spending his wealth to show off, oppress people, promote injustice, spread corruption and enjoy Haram entertainment.

Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

March 18, 2012


Click here to memorize Ayah 1 to 4 from Surat the Spider (29)



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March 11, 2012


Click here to Memorize Surat the Spider Ayah 3




Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

March 4, 2012


Click here to memorize the Ayat


Alif-Lam-Meem. No one knows what they mean until now.

The Prophet didn’t tell us what they mean. They are left open for the discovery of people who will come after the Prophet. If the Prophet would explain their meaning, then they are closed for any future interpretations. The meaning could be impossible to understand without a certain knowledge, such as the scientific miracles in the Quran. The Ayat of Scientific miracles are not explained by the Prophet and left open for later interpretation of people who live in the science era.

The Quran doesn’t expire and has endless giving. There are many Ayats and secrets in the Quran that are not discovered yet.


Some scholars say that these letters in the Quran, such as Alif Lam Meem, Kaf Ha Ya Aien Sad, …etc are a form of challenge to the people who claim that Mohamed SAW has fabricated the Quran. Allah is basically saying that the Quran is made of the Arabic Alphabet Alif-Lam-Meem, if Mohamed SAW has used this alphabet to fabricate the Quran, then why don’t you use the same alphabet to fabricate a Quran similar to the one Mohamed SAW fabricated. Acutally, Mohamed SAW didn’t know how to spell his name and you know how to spell, read and write, why don’t you use the alphabet to fabricate a similar Quran. You have more access to the Alif-Lam-Meem more than him.

Indeed it is not sense to say that the Quran is the first publication of a person who didn’t know how to spell his name. People go to schools and colleges to learn how to write books. After graduation, they get trained and try to publish. Then they learn from their mistakes and try again. And after several trails, they may come up with a decent publication. How could this Quran be the first publication of a man who didn’t know how to read or to write.

It is a shame for any person not to be able to spell his name except Prophet Mohamed SAW. It is an honor to him because Allah wants to make it clear that his knowledge are heavenly knowledge coming from above and not an earthly knowledge gained by reading and writing.

Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

February 26, 2012



Click Here to Memorize the Ayah

Whether you say what is in your heart or hide it, he knows it for he knows what is inside the hearts.




Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

February 12, 2012

The pictures are deleted by accident. Students should use their notes.

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February 5, 2012


Click here to memorize the Surah


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January 29, 2012



Ayat 3 and 4 of Surat Al-Mulk talks about the book of nature, i.e. the creation of Allah. It challenges us to find out anything wrong in his creation. It tells us to keep looking and asks us do you see anything wrong. Now we will study the book of nature.

No Nature connects with no Maker in the diagram below.



Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

January 22, 2012


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Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

January 15, 2012

Homework Due Next Week

1.    Memorize Ayat 1-2 of Surat Tabark

2.    Related to the meaning of Ayah number 2:  Describe the states of existence. Start of Creation -> Dead -> alive -> Dead->Blowing in the trumpet the first time->Souls Sleep-> Blowing in the trumpet the Second time->Rise from Death Naked->Court of Allah->(Jannah or Hell Fire)

Class Notes:

States of existence: Start of Creation -> Dead -> alive -> Dead->Blowing in the trumpet the first time->Souls Sleep-> Blowing in the trumpet the Second time->Rise from Death Naked->Court of Allah->(Jannah or Hell Fire)


Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

December 18, 2011

Mathematical Proof of the Oness of Allah

Two infinities can never coexist together. If we have two infinities, then there has to be a boundary at which the first infinity will end and the second infinity will start. Then how can we have a boundary for infinity. It means that both infinities are not truly infinity because the true infinity must not have any limiting boundary.

Mathematical Proof of the Unity of Allah (Ahad, means undividable unit)

If you divide infinity, then you are creating a boundary between two parts of this infinity. Again, how can we have a boundary for infinity.

Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

December 11, 2011

Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

December 4, 2011

Review for the memorization test next week. The test is about the following Ayat

Click here to memorize Surat Al-Hadeed Ayat (1-3)

Click here to Memorize Surah 59:22 to 24

Click here to Memorize Surah 59:22

Click here to Memorize Surah 59:23

Click here to Memorize Surah 59:24

Click here to Memorize Ayat Al-Korsi




Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

November 20, 2011

Click here to download and print the midterm exam.

Solution of the midterm is due on December 4, 2011. Email the solution i@zeiny.net or print and bring to class


Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

November 13, 2011

Click here to memorize Surat Al-Hadeed Ayat (1-3)

Click here to Memorize Surah 59:22 to 24

Click here to Memorize Surah 59:22

Click here to Memorize Surah 59:23

Click here to Memorize Surah 59:24

Click here to Memorize Ayat Al-Korsi




The Names of Allah in Surat Al-Hashir


Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

October 30, 2011


Click here to memorize Surat Al-Hadeed Ayat (1-3)




Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

October 16, 2011


Click here to memorize Surat Al-Hadeed Ayat (1-3)


Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

October 9, 2011

Click here to Memorize Surah 59:22 to 24

Click here to Memorize Surah 59:22

Click here to Memorize Surah 59:23

Click here to Memorize Surah 59:24

Click here to Memorize Ayat Al-Korsi










You want to be A not Y or X.




·         You might own your car but Allah owns you and your car

·         You can lose your property but Allah can’t lose and will never

·         You can’t protect your property, Allah can


Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

October 2, 2011






Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

September 25, 2011


Click here to Memorize Surah 59:22

Click here to Memorize Surah 59:23

Today in class we talked about the names of Allah:

Ayahs that talk about the names of Allah

1)      Ayat Al-Korsi

2)      Surat Al Hashr Ayah 22 (59:22)

The first name we will discuss today is the Eternal.

Now, we will discuss His name the Self-sufficient:

Why would anyone think that Allah sleeps and takes naps?

They make excuses like “Crimes happen while God is asleep.” This is wrong. Crimes happen because Allah SWT allows the free will, which means people are allowed to do what they want. In order for us to be responsible for our actions, no one can be directly controlling us.


Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

September  18, 2011


Click here to Memorize Surah 59:22




Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681

September  11, 2011

Class Information:

·         This site will be updated EVERY WEEK (usually on  the day of the school) so parents should feel free to check if they want to know what their children are learning.

·         Report cards will be emailed.

·         We will contact parents if the students are doing bad in class.

·         Students are expected to bring their notebooks and pencils to class.

·         There will usually be a memorization homework assignment and a written homework assignment.

·         The written exams  are open note and the memorization exams are from memory.

·         The memorization assignment will be easier if you put in 15 minutes a day.

·         We have a system of checks and minuses in this class.


Click here to Memorize Ayat Al-Korsi



The wisdom of having only one God:




Description: Description: Description: Description: MC900065681