Welcome to Dr. Elzeiny Islamic Studies Class

1. This is a site for translation of the Holy Quran using easy English.

2. This is a site for Meaning of Quran in Pictures.

3. Books about the Names of Allah [Book 1[Book 2[Brief Meanings]

Choose for yourself. Where would you like to live?

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Table of Contents

Lesson [0] Preparations. 1

Lesson [1]: Our Enemies. 1

Lesson [2]: The Knowledge of Allah . 1

Lesson [3]: The Name of Allah Al-Wakeel (The One we depend on) Part 1. 1

Lesson [4]: The Name of Allah Al-Wakeel (The One we depend on) Part II. 1

Lesson [5]: Sweet and Sour Mercy. 1

Lesson [6]: Believe in the Unseen World.. 1

Lesson [7]: Pillars of Faith - Believe in Allah . 1

Lesson [8]: Pillars of Faith - Believe in Angels. 1

Lesson [9]: Pillars of Faith - Believe in the Books, the Prophets the Day of Judgment and the Qadar. 1

Lesson [10]: Pillars of Islam – (1) After Faith, There is No Deity Except Allah and Mohamed is His Messenger Must be Established First Before any Thing else. (2) Establishing prayers. 1

Lesson [11]: Pillars of Islam – (3) Zakah, (4) Fasting and (5) Haj. 1

Lesson [12]: Reply to "Quran Says: Kill them where ever you find them". Does the Quran Really Sanction Violence Against 'Unbelievers'?. 1

Lesson [13]: Reply to "Muslims are terrorists and Islam is the religion of terror"  1

Lesson [14]: Reply to “Islam Spread by the Sword”. 1

Lesson [15]: Reply to “Sharia (Islamic Law) is too Harsh”. 1

Lesson [16]: Reply to “Sharia (Islamic Law) is too old”. 1

Lesson [17] Reply to Hijab Issues. 1

Lesson [18]: Reply to “Women are not Equal to Men - Islam allows girls to marry young - Islam does not allow boys and girls to get intimate before marriage. 1

Lesson [19]: Reply to “Islam Allows Men to have four wives - Women can’t be leaders”. 1

Lesson [20]: Reply to “Islam Allows Slavery”. 1

Lesson [21]: Reply to “Islam is not an American Religion and Mohamed is not an American Name”. 1

Lesson [22]: Reply to: “Islam is not civilized religion. Muslims are not civilized people” - [Part I] Analysis of the World’s Modern Civilization – The Book ‘Out of Control – Global Turmoil’. 1

Lesson [23]: Reply to: Islam Is Not Civilized Religion - Muslims Are Not Civilized People - [Part II] Criteria to Measure Civilization. 1

Lesson [24]: Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran. 1

Lesson [25]: Why We are being Tested - The Wisdom of Fitnah and Trials for The Believer. 1

Lesson [26]: Hadeeth of Intentions. You must have a sincere intention to Allah     1

Lesson [27]: Sunah and Bida’a (Innovations) - Legal and Illegal Changes. 1

Lesson [28]: Enjoin Good and Forbid Evil - Speaking Truth to Power. 1

Lesson [29]: The Hadeeth Collections: Hadeeth of Intentions Part I:. 1

Lesson [30]: Doing Business with Allah ... 1

Lesson [31] Lessons from COVID-19 Crisis – By Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi. 1

Lesson [32] The American Dream – By Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi. 1

Lesson [33] Surat Al-Baqara 1.. 1

Lesson [34] Surat Al-Baqara 2.. 1

Lesson [35]: Modern Challenges – Speech to the Muslim Youth by Dr. Yasir Qadhi. 1

Lesson [36]: 7 Wisdoms of pain and suffering – Shaikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi 1

Lesson [37]: – The Day of Judgment [1] (Lecture No. 1). By Shaikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi 1

Lesson [38]: – The Day of Judgment [2] (Lecture No. 5). The Plains of Judgment Day. By Shaikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi 1


Lesson [0] Preparations



Click here to learn how to do your homework.

Click here to learn how to get the Arabic Keyboard.

Lesson [1]: Our Enemies.


Click here to watch the video recording of the class


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Click here to read the notes.

(Optional) Click here for a short video (60 sec) to learn why we should be thankful for what we have


[Part I]: If you have not done this already, send me an email to hw@zeiny.net telling me about yourself. What you want me to know about you. It is very confidential. I will not share it with anyone. If you are using your parent’s email, you may print it out and give it to me in person. Please include a picture of yourself in the email. You can take a selfie picture of yourself and email it to me.

[Part II]: Listen to the audio recording of the class or watch the video, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1.     Why did Allah create in General?

2.     Why did Allah create humans and Jinn kinds in particular?

3.     Why didn’t he create just angels and trees that would cause no corruption and blood shed?

4.     Who are our four enemies (evil motives)? Give examples.

5.     Why did Allah create the Shytan and his other enemies?

6.     If there is no meanness, would kindness exist? Explain why?

7.     Can we have free will if we don’t have evil motives? Give an example of a creation of Allah that has no evil motives at all. Are they being tested?

8.     Can things happen without Allah making them happen? Is Allah responsible of evil?

9.     What are the tests of submission? Explain and give examples.

10.  After the Shytan starts the temptations, would he be able to make it grow? Explain.

11.  If no one can avoid the startup of temptations in his/her heart, how can we fight temptations then and how come we are held responsible of what we will do as result?

12.  Mention the story of the son of Adam who committed a monstrous act due to the temptations of jealousy. What was his name and who was his victim?

13.  What are the good motives? Explain each motive and show why it is good for us.

14.  When believers ask bad people to give charity to the poor and needy, they reply and say that we are not going to feed them. Allah is the one that should feed them not us. How would you reply to this argument?

15.  If the engineers design a bad airplane and it fell down kill 400 passengers. Was it the responsibility of Allah to stop this tragedy? Why doesn’t Allah stop this from happening?

16.  Why does Allah allow evil, pain and suffering, such as Holocaust and 911? Was it the responsibility of Allah to stop them from happening?

17.  Why does Allah let bad things happen to good people?

Board Notes:













Lesson [2]: The Knowledge of Allah .




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Click here to listen to the class.


Click here to read the written notes.


Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

 Allah knows everything that happen and would happen in the future. Allah guides whom so ever he wills and misguides whom so ever he wills. Allah seals the ears of the bad guys so that they can’t hear the truth. Allah blinds their eyes so that they can’t see the truth. Allah locked their hearts from understanding the truth. Allah already wrote everything that will happen in a book.

1.           What is the ridiculous understanding of these statements?

2.           How can I know your answer ahead of time without forcing you to follow my answer? Explain using the metaphor of prediction and example of the cows who fly on their own.

3.           What is the opposite of the statement "Allah guides whom so ever he wants and misguides whomsoever he wants”? Prove that this statement is true by proving that the opposite is impossible.

4.           Can good exist without evil? Explain why?

5.           Can good deeds exist without bad deeds? Explain why?

6.           Why doesn’t the Shytan repent knowing that he will be burning in hell without end?

7.           Is it possible for us to have a free will if bad deeds don’t exist?

8.           If it is already written, then how come we have freedom of choice?

9.           He already wrote our deeds. We have no choice. How come he is punishing the wrong doers?

10.        Allah doesn’t want to guide me. It is not my fault. How do you reply to that ridiculous argument?

11.        Why did Allah create evil people knowing that they will end up in hell?

12.        Explain how Allah is helping out the believers for choosing to believe in him and submit to him. Give examples.

13.        Explain how Allah would misguide the people who chose evil.

14.        The names of Allah (الأول) means the first without start and the twin name of this name is (الآخر) which means the last without end. Explain this in terms of time. Use the example of the story board.

15.        Explain how Allah controls the time and he does not change or age with time.

16.        Allah made the time able to age everything else. Explain the previous statement and use that to explain how Allah contains time and everything else is contained in time.

17.        Mention the story of Omer RA with the guy who was arguing that he stole because it is the decree of Allah and it is not his fault. What was the reply of Omer RA?

18.        Is our will superior to Allah 's will? Mention the relevant Ayat from Surat [Takweer, 81:28-29] and from Surat [Al-Insan, 76:29-30]. Explain them.

19.        The knowledge of Allah is surrounding knowledge. What does that mean?

20.        How many books Allah has? What are they and what is the difference between them?

21.        Why did Allah prescribed 50 prayers initially knowing that it would be five at the end?

22.        How do you increase your wealth and life?

23.        What is the story of the person who used to say “O Allah I disobeyed you so many times and you never punished me”? Explain

24.        What was the story of the bird who stole meat?

25.        Believers are always thinking about their deeds and link them to the events happening. How about the nonbelievers? Why did the Prophet said that they are like camels?

26.        Describe the Knowledge of Allah using the metaphor of oceans and trees? Use [Cave, 18:109] and [Loqman, 31:27]

Board Notes:















Lesson [3]: The Name of Allah Al-Wakeel (The One we depend on) Part 1




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Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.


Click Here to Read the Written Notes for Al-Wakil Part I.


Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1.     What is the meaning of the name Al-Wakeel?

2.     Explain the word "Tawfik توفيق". Who does control Tawfik?

3.     Since we cannot expect Allah to vacuum your carpet and wash your dishes, then how do you depend on Allah in both of these tasks? What could go wrong?

4.     How do you reply to the one who says "If I do my part, then there is nothing left for Allah to do".

5.     Depending on Allah is the job of the heart. Doing your part is the job of the brain and muscles. Explain this sentence with examples.

6.     If a person studies for a test, why does he need to depend on Allah ? What could go wrong?

7.     In the case of a Muslim student who did not study because he is claiming that he “depends” on Allah and non-Muslim student who studied who doesn’t know Allah . Who would pass the test and why?

8.     Is Tawfik granted only for believers or for anyone? Explain why?

9.     Is Tawfik granted only for the ones who depend on Allah or for anyone? Explain why?

10.  Explain the probability of failure?

11.  Mention the story of tying the camel and how did Prophet Mohamed comment on this?

12.  How do you reply to the ones who say "I tied the camel, what is left for Allah to do"?

13.  How do I depend on Allah to heal my sicknesses? What are the two extremes regarding this issue? Explain how is Islam in the middle?

14.  What did Omar Ibn Al-khatab say regarding the people who stayed in the Masjid claiming that they depend on Allah to bring them sustenance? Explain?

15.  The engineer who built Titanic said "Even God cannot sink it". What happened and how did Allah make him fail?

16. Explain how was the arrogance of the captain in terms of speed and life boat.

17.  Why the evil Arab Lord couldn’t kill the Prophet before the event of Hijrah? What did they do to make killing of the Prophet possible?

18.  Explain in detail the plan of immigration of the Prophet from Macca to Medina.

a.     Direction of travel.

b.     Asmara flock of sheep.

c.     Food and water supplies.

d.     Spying.

e.     Sleep in bed.

f.      Returning the trusted things.

g.     Hiding for the first few days.

h.     Routing.

i.       Who was the companion of the Prophet during his immigration?

j.      Who was the woman of the two belts? How did she get this name? What was her relationship to the Prophet and Abo Bakr? What was her role during the Prophet migration to Madina?

k.     Who was the person who was spying on the Arab Lords? How? What was his relationship to Abo Baker Al-Sidiq?

19.  The plan of the Prophet failed three time? Explain the three times and how did Allah save him?

20.  About why Alawsat saved the Prophet three times:

a.     What is the meaning of the concept of being desperate? How is it related to this subject?

b.     What was the first miracle that Allah saved his Prophet with? What happened to the assassins that were surrounding the house of the Prophet ? What did the Prophet do to them before he leaves? Why?

c.     What was the second miracle that Allah saved his Prophet with?

d.     Who was the guy that was trying to capture the Prophet for a prize? What was his name? And what was the prize? The Prophet promised him something. What was it? Why did the Prophet promise him? When did this promise become true, i.e. after what battle?

21.  Failure to plan is a plan to fail. Explain this statement and how is it related to the subject of how to depend on Allah ?

Board Notes:








Board Pictures from prior years:





Lesson [4]: The Name of Allah Al-Wakeel (The One we depend on) Part II


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Click Here to Read the Written Notes for Al-Wakil Part II.


Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. Explain the law of “be and its”? Hint: (36:82)

2. Did Allah create and has been governing the universe using the laws of “be and its”? Explain in details.

3. For anything to exist in reality, it had to exist in the knowledge of Allah first. Why?

4. If Allah will excuse anyone from using the laws of nature, who would be exempted?

5. Regarding the unseen soldiers sent from Allah to save you.

a. Mention the three times the Prophet became desperate and what were the unseen soldiers sent from Allah to save him?

b. When does Allah help you with unseen soldiers? Are they available for anyone? How do you qualify for them? (Hint Faith | desperate | this link).

6. About the incident of Isra and Mirag:

a. What was the destination of each trip?

b. What were the means of transportation of each trip?

c. Why did not Allah take his Prophet straight from Makkah to his final destination? Why did he stop by in the middle at the Aqsa Masjid?

d. What are the three sacred Masjids in Islam? List them in the order of importance.

7. In the comparison between the immigration of the Prophet Mohamed to Madina and his Isra’a trip:

a. What was the difference between the Isra’a and the Higra?

b. Which trip was dangerous?

c. In which trip the Prophet was in desperate need of miraculous transportation? Why?

d. Why did Allah make the Prophet follow the laws of nature in his immigration to Madina but in the Isra’a he gave him a miraculous mean of transportation?

e. How is this related to the topic of depending on Allah ?

8. About the fruit basket Allah sent several times from Jannah to Mariam in her worship place:

a. What was so special about the fruit basket?

b. What did Allah ask Mariam to do after she gave birth to Prophet Isa?

c. In comparison to her condition after labor, which condition she was in more need of food?

d. Why did Allah ask Mariam to use the means available to her after labor to get food? Why not a fruit basket gift from Jannah?

e. How many people are needed to shake a palm tree hard enough for the dates to fall?

f. How is this related to the topic of depending on Allah ?

9. Regarding the escape of Prophet Musa and the children of Israel from Egypt:

a. What happened when the children of Israel while escaping?

b. What was the response of Prophet Musa to their cry?

c. What did Allah ask Prophet Musa to do? What tool did he use to do the task?

d. Why did Allah require him to use this tool to part the sea? Why not part the sea right away?

e. How is this related to the topic of depending on Allah ?

10. Does depending on Allah (Tawakul) related to the future or the past? When do we say “In Sha’a Allah ” and when do we say “Masha’a Allah ”?

11. For the following list of benefits gained from Tawakul, explain each one in detail. You may use your own examples.

a. In the incident of Prophet Mohamed traveling using his donkey and there was a young youth setting behind him. What did the Prophet advised him regarding things that would come to him and things that wouldn’t come to him?

b. Dependence on Allah makes a person fearless and worriless. How?

c. Spiritual Tawakul can’t be on other than Allah ? Explain.

d. A person missing the bus that got in an accident. Who delayed that person?

e. Mention the story of the guy who was laid off from his job. Was he happy and what happened to him?

f. Sometimes we ask Allah for things that we desire so much but they are bad for us. Would Allah give them to us? Comment.

12. When a calamity happens and we become sad.

a. Are we allowed to be sad? Can we stop ourselves from being sad?

b. How to handle our sadness the right way and the wrong way? Give an example that explains your answer.

13. When something good happens and we become happy.

a. Are we allowed to be happy? Can we stop ourselves from being happy?

b. How to handle our happiness the right way and the wrong way? Give an example that explains your answer.

14. When we worry about something and we become worried.

a. Are we allowed to be worried? Can we stop ourselves from being worried?

b. How to handle our worry the right way and the wrong way? Give an example that explains your answer.

Lesson [5]: Sweet and Sour Mercy







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Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1.        In your own words, mention the story of Prophet Moses (Mosa and the Righteous slave of Allah . Hint use Quran 18:60-82

2.        What are the two types of knowledge? Explain.

3.        What are the two types of mercy?

4.        In the first event, which was damaging the boat, who was the one who made the decision? Which type is this mercy?

5.        In the second event, which was killing the boy, who was the one who made the decision? Which type is this mercy?

6.        In the third event, which was fixing the wall of a ruined house, who was the one who made the decision? Which type is this mercy?

7.        Compare the type of mercy that comes directly from Allah with the type of mercy that comes from his creation.

8.        Explain how is that you may pray for something which is bad for you or hate something which is good for you. Give a few examples.

9.        Mention a few lessons that you learned from the story.

10.     When something bad happens to you, are you allowed to feel sad and cry? You should change your sadness to what?

11.     When something good happens to you, are you allowed to feel joy and happiness? You should change your Happiness to what?

12.     When you are worried, you should change your worry to what?


Board Notes:







Lesson [6]: Believe in the Unseen World

Mysteries of the Unseen World

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Click here for the notes


Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

Possible life in higher dimensions

1. Use the metaphor of the people who live in 2D to show that we are being seen and accessed from higher dimensions. Can we see them? Can they see all of us? What would they see if you place your finger in their 2D plane?


2. Do we see everything in existence? Mention few examples of things that exit but we don’t see them. Mention the relevant joke about the smart kid and his atheist teacher.

Possible life in higher frequencies:

1. What is the frequency our bodies and the solid objects around us?

2. Comparing the ones with higher frequency with the ones they have lower frequency. Which one is more powerful and why?

3. From what angels were created and from what Jinn were created?

4. It is believed that the nature of Jinn is a body of energy. How can they make us see them? How can the angels make us see them as well?

5. What is the theory of relativity e=mc2 and how is it related to the story of the throne of the Queen of Sheba?

6. Which creation would have more frequency, the Jinn or the angels?

7. Is it possible that higher frequencies creations occupy the same space we occupy as the same time? Is it possible that they can reach our entire bodies?

8. If the Jinn make us to see them by altering their frequency to the visible spectrum or convert their energy into mass. What laws are they bound to, our laws of nature or their laws?

About the importance of believing of the world of unseen

1. What are the two worlds that we have? To which one Allah , his angels and life after? What world that we live in now? To which world belong the things that we can feel using any of the five senses?

2. Mention the Ayah where Allah praised the ones who believe in the Unseen. For what reason Allah praise them?

3. From an Islamic perspective, what is the difference between to know and to believe? Use the metaphor of the furnace.

About the relationship between death and sleep

1. How would death open the door to the unseen world? Mention the Ayah in the Quran that explains this.

2. What are the Ayat and Hadith that mention the relationship between death and sleep?

3. Is lying more difficult or saying the truth?

4. Lying takes a lot of brain work and good memory. Mention the joke of the teacher who quizzed the four students about the flat tire.

5. When the angels ask you the three questions right after death, how come you can't lie and give the correct answers?

6. Compare the punishment in the grave with nightmares.

7. Compare the joy in the grave with sweet dreams.

8. If you want to torture someone in this life, which part (Body or Soul) you can apply the torture non? How about in the grave? How about in Hell fire?

9. Explain the metaphor of the body and soul as compared to the car and the driver? Explain when is the soul going to be alone and when is the soul is coupled with the body?

10. How can the soul control the body? What is the interface between the body and the sould?

11. During the time we were in our mother’s womb the universe to us was that tight place. After birth the universe became very huge. How about the relationship between the seen universe and the unseen universe?

Board Notes:







Lesson [7]: Pillars of Faith - Believe in Allah .

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 Image result for allah 


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Click here to Read the Notes.



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net



1. Mention the Hadith where Angel Gibriel came in a form of a man and asked him questions? Mention only the part related to the pillar of faith.

2. Allah is One (Wahid) and He is Unit (Ahad). What is the difference between these two attributes of Allah ?

3. Which Surah known to be one third of the Quran? Why?

4. What did Allah provide us with to see him with our brains?


Why having One God is mercy to us?

5. Many Gods lead to what according to Surat Al-Anbya’a (21:22)

6. Many Gods lead to what according to Surat Al-Moemnon (23:91)

7. Explain the disasters that would result from having many Gods? which God we and the entire existence are required to submit to God A or God B or God C?

8. The ultimate purpose of all creation is to submit to which God?

9. What is the Name used in the Arabic Bible to refer to God?


Various Arguments

 10. Logical argument about the existence of God.

a.   How many of the people on earth deny the existence of God?

b.   What is the meaning of the statement “God did not create man, man created God”?

c.    What is the watch maker argument?

d.   Explain the metaphor of the ship that leaves India and reach New York. How is that metaphor related to Allah , the sun and the moon?

e.   Why must we have a big boss?

f.    When we see beautiful painting of nature, how does this make us feel about the artist who drew the picture and about Allah ?

 11. Denying the existence of Allah , the creator, seems unreasonable. What caused the atheists to don’t want to admit the existence of the Creator?

a.   Religions are wrong and don’t make sense. So, ……...

b.   Atheist who rejected religions are essentially have rejected Christianity and then assuming that ………...

c.    Explain how is the Christian religion was used as a slave mind management system? What was the response of the smart slaves?

d.   Explain how people deny the existence of God when they see tragedies. Example the holocaust. What would be their arguments?

e.   Man (victims) says where are you God? God replies …………..

f.    How do we reply to the ones who said “Shall we feed the ones whom Allah should have fed” Yasin (36:47)?

g.   Tell the joke about selling parts of the paradise by the church in the old days.

 12. Theory of evolution.

a.   Are Muslim against the entire theory of evolution? What is the part that we disagree with?

b.   Why the racist people draw monkeys to describe black people? How does this relate to the theory of evolution?

c.    Why theory of evolution (Darwin’s theory) would justify the killing of the “less developed humans.”

d.   What is the Arian race? Who promoted its superiority over all other races? Explain the disaster that resulted from that.

 13. People attempt to ignore the presence of God. What is the name of the people who just ignore the presence of Allah ? Summarize their beliefs.


Pictures of the Board:





Lesson [8]: Pillars of Faith - Believe in Angels.

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Click here to Read the Notes.



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1.        Why is it not appropriate to Allah to do all tasks by himself? Give examples of tasks that it is not appropriate for Him to do.

2.        What is the Royal way of getting something done?

3.        Angels could be a body of energy made of what? Can they take the form of humans? Did Gibril came to the Prophet in a form of a man? What did the man look like?

4.        In the Hadith of Pillars of faith, the Hadith that we are studying now, who was talking to the Prophet ?

5.        Angels don’t ever disobey Allah ? Why?

6.        Do angels go to hell or heaven? Why?

7.        Mention the names and the role of 11 angels. of different angels doing different tasks.

8.        Complete: The wandering angels. Don’t enter a house that has a ………. Don’t attend a lecture or a talk where a woman is ………. or a man who is not ………...

9.        What is the job of the Guardian Angels? Do they do their job with both good and bad guys or only good guys?

10.    Regarding the angels on the right and left, who is in charge of the other? Why?

11.    Who are the two Angels that were converted to humans and sent to earth? Why did Allah do that to them? What happened at the end?

12.    Who taught black magic? Is it Halal or Haram? The sorcerer Kafir? Why?

13.    How does the sorcerer please the Jinn? How is this communication would make of the condition of the sorcerer?


This video is about a sorcerer who was trying to invoke Jinn. Obtained from “The Kingdom of Solomon movie.”


Pictures from the Board:


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A white paper with writing on it

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Additional Material




Names of the angels and their duties. | Islam facts, Prophets in islam,  Learn islam


Muslims believe that angels, or malaikah, were created before humans with the purpose of following the orders of Allah and communicating with humans. Muslims believe that angels, like all other creatures, were created by God. In Islamic belief, angels communicate messages from Allah to humanity.

The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and [so have] the believers. All of them have believed in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers, [saying], ‘We make no distinctions between any of His messengers.’ And they say, ‘We hear and obey. [We seek] your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the [final] destination.’ (Qur’an 2:285)

Muslims also believe that angels are with them at all times. They have two angels, which sit on either shoulder and are known as Al-Kiram and Al-Katibun. One of the angels records the good things the person has done and the other records the bad things the person has done. Allah will judge each person based on these deeds, deciding whether they are worth of Paradise (Jannah or Hell (Jahannam).

Lesson [9]: Pillars of Faith - Believe in the Books, the Prophets the Day of Judgment and the Qadar

A list of words on a white background

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Click here to watch the video recording of the class


Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.


(1)        Click here to read the notes about belief in the books and the Prophets.

(2)        Click here to read the notes about belief in the Day of Judgment.

(3)        Click here to read the notes about belief in Qadar.



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net


Belief in Books and Prophets:

1. How many Prophets and how many messengers were sent by Allah ?

2. What is the difference between a Prophet and Messenger? Explain how the messenger is sent to non-believers but the Prophet is sent to believers. Explain in detail.

3. Since no more Prophets will be sent, Allah substituted the Prophet with what? Explain how and why?

4. Did each Prophet teach the same faith about Allah ? Why? Explain.

5. Each Messenger came with different Sharia laws. Give three examples of differences between the Sharia laws of the Messengers.

6. What are the similar things between Sharia laws for each messenger?

7. Explain why the three heavenly “religions” teach that the only acceptable religion and way of life is their version of religion. What would happen if they didn’t teach that?

8. Who are the people of the book? Explain do we consider them the best Non-Muslims.

9. Because Prophets are teachers, what do they need to teach from?

10. What are the benefits of having books (scriptures) while the Prophets are alive? What is the use of these books after the Prophets die?

11. All books now have been changed due to translations and manipulations except the Quran. Why did Allah declare that he will be guard the Quran from being lost, manipulate it or changed until the Day of Judgment?

12. Explain the telephone game and how it affected the authenticity of previous scriptures?


Belief in the Day of Judgment:

13. If there is no day of judgment, then good guys and bad guys end up equal. Explain how they are the same. Is it fair?

14. If there is no day of judgment, then it will make no sense for us to fight our temptations and lower desires. Explain why.

15. What would you say about a judge who makes good guys equal to bad guys? How this is related to belief in the Day of Judgment?

16. What are the three spiritual motivations that will motivate someone wake up very early in the morning and go to Fajr?

17. How many rounds we have? The true winner is the one who wins which one of them? Explain.

18. Prove logically that the society that has faith gives more charity than the society that doesn’t have faith.

19. Briefly describe what will happen in the Day of Judgement?


Belief in the Qadar (fate):

20. Who has been writing our books when we were children? What happens as you grow older?

21. Allah knows about what we will be written in our books. How do you reconcile this with the fact that we are writing our own books and that we have the freedom to write them?

22. What are the decisions that have been made by Allah and we have no choice over? Can we question Allah , reject or change any of these decisions?

23. What is the story of the parents who accidently left their children to die in the garage due to carbon dioxide coming out of their running car? What did they do after the accident to be able to handle with the harsh reality? 

24. In the grief management classes, what is the first thing they teach? How is that related to the sixth pillar of faith in Islam?

25. Why bad things may happen to good people? Isn’t it cruel to make good people suffer? Relate to the story of Musa (AS) and the righteous slave, ruining the boat and killing the boy.

26. Some people are born with all the fame and wealth they need, while others are deprived? Are we born to equal rights? Are we born to equal opportunities? Who controls the distribution of wealth?

27. If our share of wealth, health and whatnot, were pre- assigned. Then what is our role in obtaining them? Explain and mention the story of the camel of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RAA)


A whiteboard with writing on it

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A white board with writing on it

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A white board with writing on it

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Lesson [10]: Pillars of Islam – (1) After Faith, There is No Deity Except Allah and Mohamed is His Messenger Must be Established First Before any Thing else. (2) Establishing prayers.




Click here to watch the video recording of the class


Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class


(1) Click here for the written notes about Shihada must be established first.

(2) Click here for the written notes about establishing the five times prayers.


(Optional) Click here for extra written notes about Shihada must be established first.



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework.

1.        What is the difference between the 6 pillars of faith and the 5 pillars of worship? Which one must come first?

2.        Briefly mention the black stone incident and how it is related to the subject.

3.        Prophet Mohamed was the most loved and respected by his people. He was Al-Amin (the most trust worth) and then he became the most despised and the most liar who lies about God himself. Why? What happened?

4.        Why did the Arab lords reject La Ilaha Ila Allah and Mohamed is Rasol Allah?

5.        How many years the Prophet  lived? How many years was he a Prophet? How many years in Makkah? How many years in Al-Madina? What was the purpose of the Makkah era and what was the purpose of Al-Madina period?

6.        What is the difference between the Ayat of the Quran that was revealed in Makkah and the ones that was revealed in Al-Madina?

7.        Using the metaphor of building a foundation, which one comes first removal of the dirt or establishment of foundation? How is this related to the topic?

8.        Did La Ilaha Ila Allah come first or the moral values, or the rules of Halal and Haram? What did Aisha RA say about obeying the rules of dos and don'ts? Did these rules come first or last? Why?

9.        How many easier ways the Prophet could have used to establish Islam? Summarize all of them. Explain how the intended objective of each way was achieved after the establishment of “La Ilaha Ila Allah . Mohamed Rasool Allah”.

10.   What is wrong with moral values when they are based on materialism? Give the example of gambling in Lake Tahoe and Indiana and throwing food in the ocean.


About Establishing the Prayers Five Times a Day

11.   What are the tests of Islam (tests of submission)? Why are we being given these tests? Explain how Ramadan is a test to us.

12.   Using the metaphor of the father who sent his son to study in a faraway college, relate to the following:

a.     Concept of Salah? What is the phone number you need to call on Allah ?

b.     Concept of laws of nature? Who to thank for the check? How is that relevant to the law of nature?

c.      Evolution? hint I have no father or mother.

13.   Describe the remembrance of Allah curve with time to show the relationship between prayers and the remembrance of Allah .

14.   Focusing in the prayers is a problem. In what case it would be forgiven and in what case it will not?

15.   What is the name of the Shytan whose job is to make people unable to focus during prayer?

16.   Mention the joke about the guy who insisted that the Imam prayed Zuhur two Raka instead four Raka.


Board Notes:









Lesson [11]: Pillars of Islam – (3) Zakah, (4) Fasting and (5) Haj.

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Click here to watch the video recording of the class


Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.


Click here to read the written notes of the class.



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework.

1. What do we mean by spiritual muscles? How is this related to Ramadan?

2. Why Ramadan is a training camp? Mention four of the most important benefits of fasting Ramadan (the ones mentioned in class).

3. What is the Hadith Qudsy and how is it different than regular Hadith or Quran?

4. In the Hadith Qudsy, Allah said that all the worship of the children of Adam to him except fasting it is to me and I am the one who would reward for it. Explain the meaning of this Hadith.

5. If people convert their cash money into other forms (like diamond for example) for the purpose of evading Zakah. Would they be exempted from this Zahah or what?

6. Mention the rules of Zahat of cash, gold and other valuable things.

7. Mention the rule of Zakah for farming for both cases of irrigation (by rain or by effort).

8. Mention the rules of the Zahah for oil and other mines.

9. Regarding paying Zakah on jewelry, boats, cars and homes. In what situation do we have to pay Zakah on them and in what situation we don’t have to pay Zakah on them.

10.If you loan someone money, do you have to pay Zakah on the loan?

11.What are the lifelong loans, such as mortgage, is it allowed to deduct the loan amount from the Zakatable money?

12.In Surat Yasin 36:47, Allah mentioned that bad people argue that they shouldn’t feed the poor and needy because if Allah wants them to be fed, then he should feed them himself. How do you reply to this argument?

13.Does Allah provide the share of wealth of the poor people directly to them? Explain.

14.About the Hadith of the Prophet Mohamed  saying that I swear in the Name of Allah that the charity doesn’t decrease the wealth. Explain how and use the example of someone having $1000 and donated $200 to explain how this $200 charity did not decrease his wealth when compared to someone that has $1000 and didn’t donate anything. Explain how the money left after donation ($800) is worth more than the original $1000.

15.How do you reply to someone who says that the Haj trip is dangerous because it is so crowded? Hint. Fill the blanks. People travel and go to crowded places for ......................................... Muslims travel to Haj for .........................

16.Click here to watch the video of Malcom X and explain how Haj changed his views of racism?

17.Click here to watch the video about the Haj. Briefly summarize the Haj rituals.

18.Does everyone required to do Haj? Who are the exempted ones, if any?

19.How do you reply to someone who says that how come that Allah would let the Masjids, his houses on earth, burn and would let the people doing Haj to his house die?

Lesson [12]: Reply to "Quran Says: Kill them where ever you find them". Does the Quran Really Sanction Violence Against 'Unbelievers'?


Defending Islam against Stereotypes.

Click here to watch the video recording of the class

OR Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.

Click here for class notes.


(Optional) See Dr. Yasir Qadhi lecture about modern Jihadist.

(Optional) See Dr. Yasir Qadhi lecture about the Reality of ISIS: Modern Muslim Fundamentalism.

(Optional) See Dr. Yasir Qadhi lecture about Muslims Condemn Terrorism.

(Optional) See Dr. Yasir Qadhi lecture about American Foreign Policy and the Rise of ISIS.

(Optional) See Reply of the Muslim Scholars to the arguments raised by ISIS: Letter in ArabicLetter in English and Letter in Other Languages.



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. Must email me the homework.

1. Regarding the expressions “infidels” and “holy war”. Do they exist in Islam? What were the unbelievers called in . See Surat Al-Kafiron [109].

2. See Surat Al-Kafiron [109] gives a message of tolerance. How? Explain?

3. Write Ayat Quran (2:190 to 192) that include the statement "Kill them where ever you find them". Explain the Ayat and then explain the deception of those who quoted this part of Ayah to stereotype Islam.

4. What were the instructions given by the Prophet to the armies before they left to battle?

5. Quran (5:5) Proves that Islam is very tolerant with other religions. Explain in details.

6. If Muslim men can marry non-Muslim women, then why Muslim women can't marry non-Muslim men?

7. Explain the rule in (Quran 60:8-9). Show the tolerance in these Ayat.

8. Why 911 is considered to be an evil act in Islam? Explain how the name of Islam was hijacked in 911?

9. Do radicals kill non-Muslims only? Explain. Why do they kill Muslims?

10.Vigilantism is prohibited in Islam. Explain why and relate to 911.

11.We and the people of the book worship the same God Quran [29:46]. How do we reach to God and how do Christians reach to God?

12.How do we Muslim view trinity?

13.Do Muslims honor Jesus? How is Jesus viewed in religions other than Islam and Christianity?

14.Bin Laden said, it is either with us or you are a hypocrite. George W. Bush said, you are either with us or with the terrorists. Do you agree with these statements? What is your position from these statements?

Lesson [13]: Reply to "Muslims are terrorists and Islam is the religion of terror" 

Defending Islam against Stereotypes.



Click here to watch the video recording of the class

OR Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.


Click here for class notes.


Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. Must email me the homework.

The example of Hitler


1. How do you reply to the ones who say Bin Laden shares the same religion as yours?

2. What religion was Hitler? How many people did he killed?

3. Is it right to blame Hitler’s acts on his religion?

4. Do we need to tell the Cristian people that Hitler doesn’t represent Christianity or they already know that?

5. Do we need to tell the Cristian people that Bin Laden doesn’t represent Islam or they already know that?

The example of Anti-Abortion Terror


1. What is the Christian Army of God?

2. What was its motives?

3. How many kinds and counts of violence it did?

4. Was the Christian Army of God motivated by Christianity?

5. Is it okay to blame Christianity for it? Why or why not?

The example of IRA

Image result for irish republican army

1. What is the IRA? What was its religion?

2. What did it do to be considered an Army of terror?

3. What was its motives?

4. How many kinds and counts of violence it did?

5. Was the Christian Army of God motivated by Christianity?

6. Is it okay to blame Christianity for it? Why or why not?

The example of Timothy McVeigh


1. Who is Timothy McVeigh? What religion he was?

2. What did McVeigh do? How many were his victims?

3. What was the motive behind McVeigh acts?

4. Can we say that McVeigh acts represent America? Why or Why not?

5. What was the end of McVeigh?

The example of Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

Use information from this link to answer the questions below


1. What is the KKK? What was its religion?

2. What was its motives?

3. How many kinds and counts of violence it did?

4. Was the KKK motivated by Christianity?

5. Is it okay to blame Christianity for it? Why or why not?

Other Arguments:

1. What is the point of mentioning these examples?

2. All American citizens were hurt once, but we American Muslims were hurt twice. Why? Explain.

3. When a Muslim commits a crime, the media says a Muslim committed a crime. But when a Christian commit a crime, the media mention the name of the criminal only and no mention of his religion. Why and what have been the motives of the media for doing this?

4. Mention the joke about the Muslim who saved a little girl from being killed by a dog.

5. Was the intent of 911 just to damage the building and kill people? What is the other reason, which related to unity? Did the terrorist achieve these objectives?

6. Who was Saddam Husain? Was it appropriate for the media to go to the Masjid inquire about Sadam Husain and Bin Laden? What is the right place to inquire about them? Why?

7. Use math to prove that the Al-Qaeda is an extreme radical exception? Would the exception prove the rule to be true or false? Can you have an exception if you don’t have a rule?

6. Do people who take Islam seriously be considered radicals? Why?

7. Watch this video about interview of the news to me and my family right after 911 and mention my arguments and concerns, and if you agree or disagree.

8. Visit this site and write what do you think about what is mentioned. Are all terrorists are Muslims?

9. Who are the ones who carried the largest number of acts of terrorism in US?

10. What was the deadliest act of terrorism within the United States prior to the September 11 attacks?

11. Summarize the arguments by President Obama regarding Islam in this video clip.

12. How Hollywood is giving Islam a bad name? See this video.

13. In Islam, do we build coalitions based on justice or religion? Do you prefer to have a bad Muslim friend or a good non-Muslim friend?

Lesson [14]: Reply to “Islam Spread by the Sword”

Reply to stereotypes:

1. Islam is a religion that spread with the sword.

2. Islam is a religion that doesn’t tolerate other religions.

3. In a Muslim state, you have to either give up your religion or get killed.



Click here to watch the video recording of the class

OR Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.


Click here for class notes


Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net


A. What made people say that about Islam?

B. Summarize the following replies to the Stereotypes that Islam spread by the sword (violence).

1. Muslims made the invaded county better than it was.

2. When the British occupied Egypt, did they make Cairo better than London? When the French occupied Algeria, did they make Algeria better than Paris. When Gorge Bush occupied Iraq, did he make Bagdad better than Washington or worse than Tijuana?

3. Indonesia.

4. The sword opens a land not a heart.

5. Did the Islamic law accommodate non-Muslim minorities living in Muslim countries?

6. Non-Muslim worship places are preserved intact.

7. Quran said that "No compulsion in religion" Quran (2:256).

C. What is the difference between liberation and occupation.

D. (optional) What is the story of the Coptic guy and the son of Amro Ibn Al-As عمرو بي العاص.

E. What is the inquisition? What religion was the one who did the inquisition? where and when did it start? What was the purpose? How long did it last? Did Muslims do any inquisition?



1) From the Quran: The following verses from the Quran forbid imposing the religion on people. See Quran 2:256 [There is no compulsion in religion], 50:45 [Can’t force them to believe] and 10:99 [Your Lord could have made all people on earth believe. Who are you (Mohamed ) to compel them against the will of God].

Image result for Quran

2) The sword opens a land and doesn’t open a heart. In other words, the sword was used to expand the empire not to expand the religion.


3) In Islamic law (Sharia), any declarations, consent, marriage, divorce, contractual agreement, decision, testimony imposed by force is invalid.


4) Using force to compel religion produces nothing but hypocrisy. The person who is under the threat of the sword will not love or practice Islam nor will teach it to his/her children.



5) Unlike the history of Christianity that has 400 years of inquisition; the history of Islam doesn’t have any form of inquisition.

Ugly History: The Spanish Inquisition - Kayla Wolf (5:41min YouTube Video)

What Punishment Was Like During The Spanish Inquisition (11:13 min YouTube Video)

 Inquisition torture devices.

Holy Inquisition. 


6) The person who loves and practice Islam, as well as teach Islam to his children is not the one under the threat of the sword.

Image result for love religion

7) The largest population of Muslims in the entire world is Indonesia. Islam came to it without any military interaction. It was because Muslim merchants came in the country to do business.


8) The difference between occupation and liberation is that occupation makes the invaded country worse than it was while libration makes it better than it was. Muslims made the invaded countries better than it was, even better than their own home land. An example of this fact is Spain. Click here to see how Muslims made Spain better than the homeland they came from, including Mecca and Madina.



9) Muslims protected the worship places of other religions. See the pictures of 2000 year old churches in Muslim courtiers that have been protected by Muslims during the Islamic rulings.

Very Old Churches in Egypt still exist and respected to date.



 Church of Nativity in Bethlehem where Jesus was born still exist and respected to date in Palestine.


Crying Wall for Jews still exist and respected to date in Palestine.




10) Muslim states had many minorities that have been living safely for hundreds of years and their places of worship are protected by the

Islamic state.



11) The Islamic Law (Sharia) has a well established law that protects the rights of people of other faith that live in a Muslim state. The Christians and the Jews are called the people of the book in the Islamic Law. In addition, Other non Muslims are called the people of Dhima in the Islamic Law.



12) Islam allows a Muslim man to have a wife who is Christian or Jewish Quran 5:5. This is the highest level of tolerance when the most beloved person to your heart and the mother of your children is from a different religion.




13) Islam allows Muslims to have relationships with Non Muslims who are not fighting against the religion of Islam Quran 60:8 & 9 [It basically says that God doesn’t mind if you have non Muslim Friends and loved one but he doesn’t want you to have relationships with enemies of the Religion]


14) The reason people entered Islam after the Muslims used the sword to open the land was because they the difference between the old government and the new government. They have seen what Islam brought them and they liked it.


15) What Happens to the Muslims who Denounce Islam Publicly.


Islam has a policy that says that if you don’t harm the religion, the religion will not harm you.

At the time of the Prophet , enemies of Islam used to embrace Islam in the morning and then denounce it in the evening announcing publicly that Islam is a bad religion. It was a tactic to drive people away from Islam. The Quran mentions this fact Quran 3:72.

To stop people from doing this, the Prophet order that the ones who embrace Islam and then denounce it publicly be given three days chance to correct themselves publicly or get killed.

If people denounce Islam privately, nothing happens to them.

During the three days all what the person has to do is to declare publicly that he was wrong and then he/she will let go. It is an easy way out.

This rule applies only in Muslim countries.










Lesson [15]: Reply to “Sharia (Islamic Law) is too Harsh”

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

img56 img57

Click here to watch the video recording of the class.


Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.


Click here to read the written notes.


(Optional) Click here to download/read the book “The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam”



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1.   Is there a country without laws?

2.   There are two kinds of laws regarding the source of the law. What are they?

3.   If we reject the divine laws, what is the remaining alternative?

4.   Manmade laws made to be biased towards few? Explain the favored people in Capitalism and Communism.

5.   Why Sharia is not biased to the favor of anyone?

6.   When the name of the Islamic Law (Sharia) is mentioned, people think about the law of punishment for criminals, why? Isn’t Sharia much more than that? Explain.

7.   If we assume that what was meant by Sharia is the law of punishment for criminals, then:

a.   Why they say that Sharia is harsh. Mention the punishments of the examples given in class and you can add your own as well.

b.   Is Sharia really harsh on criminals? Why?

c.    Justice biased towards criminals (easy punishment) versus justice to the favor of victims (harsh punishment). Explain how and why Sharia is kind to victims.

d.   How does Sharia reduce the total number of victims and criminals?

e.   Explain the benefit from a crime / cost of punishment ratio, i.e., the worth of a crime. Explain how Islam keeps this ratio low? Explain the table below?

Worth of a crime = (100% - Chances of getting away) × amount of stolen money



8.        According to Surat Al-Maeda (Maeda 5:44-45), the laws of life for a life …etc. were mentioned in which book? What is the meaning of this law?

9.        What is the meaning of the Ayat (Shura 42:39-43) and how is it related to the subject?

10.        The Ayah in (Shura 42:40) talks about justice in punishment. It says that the punishment is equal to the offense. Explain how? Hint: talk about is equal means the same? If someone raped a victim, then would the punishment be a reverse rape! ....

11.        Is Sharia intended to protect the public space or the private space?

12.        Does Sharia allow spying on the people in their private places? Mention the story of Umar and the drunk people.

13.        Difference between the rich thieves and the poor thieves in terms of how harsh the punishment in both cases?

14.        When did OmarRAA stop cutting the hands of the poor thieves?

15.        In the Islamic law, what is the value of a bottle of Alcohol? Why?


Board Notes:













Lesson [16]: Reply to “Sharia (Islamic Law) is too old”

Defending Islam against Stereotypes


Click here to watch the video recording of the class.


Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.


Click here to read the written notes of the class.


(Optional) Click here to download/read the book “The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam”



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1.        How old is the Islamic Law (Sharia)

2.        What is the fixed part of Sharia that does not change with time and place and what is the variable part that changes with time and/or place?

3.        What are the Ten Commandments? Do they still apply untill today? Do they change with time and place? Why?

4.        Explain the difference between Hallal and Haram versus wise and unwise?

5.        Does Sharia allow freedom for Haram or corruption? What freedoms the Sharia provides?

6.        If Sharia allows freedom of choice between Hallal alternatives, how do you select which alternative to use?

7.        Give an example how the Capitalism laws change with time and place (Lake Tahoe for example). Comment on that. Which value is controlling? Moral values control the economy or the economy is controlling moral values in Capitalism?

8.        Capitalism is based on selfishness and greed. Give three examples (Extra crops, Safeway stores, Las Vegas buffets).

9.        Mention the haram dealings in doing business?

10.    What is Riba? Explain the equation of Riba as the equation of Sharia. How are they different? How is the Sharia equation being superior to Riba equation.

11.    Solve the following Riba puzzle. One of the puzzles that is often used to illustrate the concept of Riba is the following scenario: Two people agreed that one is going to lend the other one million today for three million next year. After the three years were over, the borrower returned only one million dollars to the lender. The lender disagreed and demanded the remaining two million. The borrower said that this is Haram Riba and he is not going to pay it. They went to the judge to rule according to Sharia. If the judge would rule to the favor of the lender, then he is violating the prohibition of Riba. If he would rule to the favor of the borrower, then it is not fair for the lender and he would be supporting injustice. So what was the fair ruling of the judge?

12.    Explain the following five objectives of Sharia. Use this link for explanation.

a.   Protection of religion.

b.   Protection of human life

c.    Protection of intellect

d.   Protection of progeny

e.   Protection of wealth

13.        Do these five objectives of Sharia change with time and place? Why?


 Board Notes:




Last Year Notes:





Lesson [17] Reply to Hijab Issues.

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Image result for hijab

Click here to watch the video recording of the class.


Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.


Click here to read the written notes of the class.


(Optional) Watch the following video about Hijab (5:41 min YouTube Video Or Download) and use it as well to answer the questions below.


Listen to the audio recording of the class or watch the video, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. What made people say that Islam has double standards when dealing with men and women in Hijab issues?

2. What made people say that Hijab is a form of oppression?

3. Is Hijab a Fard?

a. Write and explain the three Ayat that that prove that Hijab is mandatory not an option? The Ayat numbers are 24:31, 33:59 and 24:60.

b. Hijab is a Fard is proven by Ahadeeth. One of them is the Hadeeth of Asma. What is the Hadeeth of Asama when the Prophet her without Hijab?

c. Hijab is also proven by continuous practice since the days of the Prophet . Explain.

4. The Nature of women = Feminine side (physical appearance) and professional side (talent).

a. Explain.

b. Which side is for business and which side is for husband family life?

c. Can the Feminine part (Physical appearance) be used for business?

5. Women and girls can be spreading unethical temptations by physical appearance. Explain how?

6. The Shytan uses the physical appearance to generate haram lust. Explain.

7. Why does Islam want to hide the physical appearance? Explain.

8. Some commercials use the body of the women to promote product.

a. They appeal to what attributes of women to promote their products and ideas?

b. Aren’t they lust? Explain.

c. Mention the story and the reply of the Muslim women who was told that why would employers hire you instead of men who have fewer excuses? What was her reply?

9. Because of physical appearance, pretty women may be promoted over talented ones. Explain.

10.How do you reply to the one who says that my talent is my look?

11.Women may be looked at as lust objects.

a. Explain. How

b. What happens when a teacher said that the beautiful secretary is part of the fixed cost of doing business? What was the response of the female students?

c. A pretty woman reporter gets an award. Her male coworkers wanted to put her down. What was the story?

d. An almost naked girl was used for the commercial promoting buying certain kind of bulldozers. What is the relationship between the body of the women and this construction machine? What is the implied message?

12.What is the message communicated in high school culture regarding the physical appearance?

13.There are five lines of defense against adultery or fornication.

a. What are they?

b. Explain why each one of them is necessary?

c. Did Allah say don’t commit adultery or don’t approach adultery. What is the difference

d. Is it possible to avoid adultery if these lines of defense don’t exist? Use the edge of the cliff metaphor.

e. Is it permissible for a man to be alone with a woman in a private place to teach her Quran? Mention the Hadith of the Prophet regarding this.

14.The metaphor “Why buy the cow if you can’t get the milk for free”

a. What is the meaning of this metaphor?

b. In a haram romance, who is the loser? Explain why?

c. In a haram romance, who is taking advantage of the other side, the boy or the girl?

d. Why the divorce causes bankruptcy to men?

e. Why do men prefer to have Haram romance over marriage?


Board Notes:











Lines of defense against adultery or fornication are five:





Lesson [18]: Reply to “Women are not Equal to Men - Islam allows girls to marry young - Islam does not allow boys and girls to get intimate before marriage.

Defending Islam against Stereotypes




Equality is not always just.



Reply to: Women can’t be leaders


Benazir Bhutto, former prime minister of Pakistan.


Image result for sheikh hasina

Sheikh Hasina, prime minister of Bangladesh.


Click here to watch the video recording of the class.


Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.


Click here to read the notes of the class.



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must submit your homework via email hw@zeiny.net


Status of women before Islam in Early Christianity:

1. What is Misogyny?

2. Why did early Christianity refer to marriage as the “filth of marriage”? Get the answer by summarizing

·        http://plainislam.blogspot.com/p/filth-of-marriage-devils-gateway.html OR (pdf format)

3. Is the bible Misogynic? Get the answer by summarizing: 

·        https://members.bib-arch.org/biblical-archaeology-review/43/2/7. OR (pdf format)

·        OR Christianity, Religion and Women: Misogyny in the Bible. ( 6:46 min YouTube Video, Download)

4. Why do the following verses in the bible be considered as the source of misogyny? Genesis 3:6 to 8.

·        See Sexist Bible Verses (2:49 min YouTube Video, Download).

5. Why do we Muslims consider verse Genesis 3:9 to be a low image of Allah ?

6. Read and comment on why women need freedom from religion OR (pdf format)


Status of women in pre-Islamic Arabia:

7. Why would pre-Islamic Arabs burry their baby daughters alive?

8. In the pre-Islamic Arabian society, could women inherit or get inherited? Explain.

9. In the pre-Islamic Arabian society, could women own or be owned? Explain.

10. In the old Indian Hindu society, what happens to the wife when her husband dies?


Status of women in Islam:

11. Islam views that the product of a woman is a human being but the product of a man is much less value. Explain.

12. What did Islam do to correct the status of women?

13. Why would Prophet Mohamed and Islam be considered revolutionary in women rights at the time?

14. Was Prophet Mohamed a feminist, like modern day feminists? Explain why.

15. Um Salama used to ask the Prophet Mohamed about women. Allah would respond to her questions directly in the verses below. Explain them.

a. The good deeds for both genders are equally appreciated [Omran 3:195], [Women 4:124] and [Bees 16:97].

b. Listing doers of good deeds for both genders [Ahzab 33:35]


Equality versus Equity:

16. Explain the differences between Equity and Equality? 

·        See (3:36 min YouTube video, Or download).

·        Briefly summarize https://everydayfeminism.com/2014/09/equality-is-not-enough/

17. Give example of a case where equity is justice and another case where equality is justice.

18. Why men and women not compete together in the Olympics?

19. Are men and women being identical? Are they equal?


Islam allows girls to marry when they are young:

20. Difference between a pregnant teenager in US and Muslim country. Which one is more descent?

21. The alternative does not have to be arranged marriage. Explain.

22. Comment on arranged marriage, independent marriage without any regard to parent’s opinion and Islam

23. Would Islam allow a girl to be forced to marry a person without her consent?

24. Why Islam does not allow boys and girls to get intimate before marriage? Is it moral? Can girls be taken advantage of?

25. In Muslim countries would a girl would give herself up to a guy without marriage? Explain why not? Why would this make girls precious?

26. Why would a girl wear clothes showing her body when it is freezing cold?


Women can’t be leaders

27.Did the US ever have a female president?

28.How would you reply to the ones who say that Islam doesn’t allow women to be leaders?


Lesson [19]: Reply to “Islam Allows Men to have four wives - Women can’t be leaders”.



Click here to watch the video recording of the class.


Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.


Click here to read the notes of the class.



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must submit your homework via email hw@zeiny.net


1.     Is polygamy allowed in the bible?

a.   How many wives the bible say about Prophets Ibrahim, Yaqob, Dawod and Soliman? (6:28 min YouTube Video, Download)

b.   The parable of Jesus and the ten virgins in the Bible (Short YouTube Video, Download)

2. What are the main differences between polygamy allowed by Islam and polygamy allowed by other traditions, such as the bible, the book of Mormon, ...etc.

a. The number is limited to ???

b. Men are not allowed to combine the followings in the same marriage (women 4:22-23): ???

c. Justice between wives must be enforced (Women 4:3). If you have doubts of being just, then???.

d. What happen to the one who is not fair when dealing with his wives?

3. What is serial polygamy? How is it related to the subject?

4.  Is it illegal to have one wife and unlimited number of girlfriends?

5. What if a man caught with another woman that is not his wife, is it a crime?

6. What if a man caught with another woman that is his 2nd wife, is it a crime?

7. Is it illegal for a married man to have a relationship with another married woman?

8. Not allowing man to have multiple wives make women lose their rights. Explain?

9. What are the reasons when have multiple wives is necessary?

10. What is the story of the single woman who converted to Islam in Canada and was lonely?

11.What is the norm regarding having many wives? Whey?

12.Who is more likely to survive, baby boys or baby girls? Why? Hint see this. Male Mortality is ??% ??????? than female mortality.

13.Wars take the lives of which gender?

14.Why is it nice to have a co-wife sometimes? What are the advantages of this?

15.What are the reasons for which a woman cannot have multiple husbands?

16.What is the Cervix cancer and how is it related to girls who have more than one boyfriend?


Board Notes:

Three set of board notes are shown below.


Board Notes: (1)






Board Notes: (2)










Board Notes: (3)








Lesson [20]: Reply to “Islam Allows Slavery”

Defending Islam against Stereotypes.


Click here to watch the video recording of the class


Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.


Click here for the written Notes.

1.   Introductory video

·        Islam and Slavery — Condoned or Condemned? (9:49 min YouTube Video or Download) By Anne-Marie Ionescu.

·        Does the Bible Condoned Slavery? (4:40 min YouTube Video or Download)

2.   Other optional sources are:

·        Slavery in Islam (really good, comprehensive and very intellectual) by Professor Jonathan Brown (1:52:22 hours YouTube Video or Download).

·        read this article in Wikipedia about (Islamic Views on Slavery Or Download).




Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class and read the notes, then answer the following questions thoroughly:

1. When Islam came, was slavery already existing or did Islam introduce it to the society?

a. Is slavery allowed in the Bible?

b. Were any the founding fathers in the US were slave owners? Hint describe George Washington’s slave women and slave children.

c. Is it reasonable to compare the 6th century Arabia with the 21st century America?

2. The Islamic slavery was in no way comparable to the American slavery. Actually, the American slavery can’t be called slavery because ……?

3. Islam upgraded the status of slave-master relationship to be closer to employer-employee relationship. How?

4. Islam has introduced a tactic to reduce the number of slaves in a Muslim Society. What was this tactic? Use the metaphor of water tank to explain the tactic.

a. Source of slavery is only ……. ???. Outs are

 i. Killing by accident (Nisa 4:92)

 ii. …???

 iii. …???

 iv. …???

 v. …???

 vi. …???

 vii. ... ???

b. It led to the gradual freeing of slaves. Freeing all slaves at once would create …..?.

5. All Muslim countries paned slavery at ….???

6. What are the possibilities in handling prisoners of war? Rank them in terms of best to worst.

a. Free them, but they would come back to …???

b. Slavery

c. ….???

d. ….???

e. ….???

7. No prisons in the past to handle prisoners of war. The slavery is an alternative to prisons. What are the advantages of slavery over prison?

In prison, they are burden on the society, have to be ….???, have to be …???. In Slavery they work for the …???? and get exposed to …???.

8. Status pf women slaves before Islam.

a. Women can be ….???. Islam upgraded the status of slave women from being a slave-master relationship closer to a man-wife relationship that slave women are treated like wives (A concubines is a woman who….?). Once it is pregnant her status upgrades automatically ….. Most of the Sultans and leaders that ruled the Islamic world were children of …???.

b. Islam encourages to get the slave men and women ….???

9. Slave rights:

a. Access to court

b. ….?

c. …?.

d. ….?

e. ….?

f. …?

g. The Prophet said about slaves “Your slaves are your ….???. (Bukhari #2545).

h. The problem is with Muslims, not with….???.

10. The modern examples of handling prisoners of war are:

a. Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp. Compare slavery in Islam to Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Click here to learn about Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp from Wikipedia.



b. The modern example of Bosnia. …???. Systematic rape as an instrument of ethnic cleansing. ….???.

c. Rape camps happened in 1990s in the middle of Europe that brags about ….

d. Comparing 6th century Arabia to 21st century America is not reasonable. Why?

11. The old example of African Americans.

a. Kidnapped

b. …???

c. ….???

d. …???

e. …???

12. Who was Malcolm X? Why his last name is X? Briefly talk about his impact on civil rights. Use this link to read more about Malcolm X.


Notes (1):








Notes (2):




Notes (3):




















Lesson [21]: Reply to “Islam is not an American Religion and Mohamed is not an American Name”

Defending Islam against Stereotypes.





Click here to watch the video recording of the class.

OR Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.

OR Click here to read the notes.


·        Introductory videos

a. The Secret History of Muslims in the U.S. https://youtu.be/dPYIdfYfEKM,

b. How the autobiography of a Muslim slave is challenging an American narrative https://youtu.be/EBQelGvwkhE



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net


1. What were the birth area of the three religions? Is Islam the only religion imported from the middle east?

2. Mohamed is not a Christian name but it is .

3. In case of differences between Muslim American and racist Non-Muslim Americans, the Non-Muslims say go back to your country. How do you reply to that?

· I am in ….

4. Immigrant Muslims accepted to be American citizens (naturalized)

· When they were sworn as US Citizens, they were….. while being aware of it. US born……. citizens …….

5. In a case of differences between main stream Americans, they do not say to each other go back to your country. Why? Do they respect each other’s opinion?

· They ….. go back to your country.

· They don’t say that because ….

· In fact, the true Americans are the …..

6. Why love it or leave it is not American? What is the American culture?

7. You are either with us or with the terrorists (Bush). You are either with us or you are hypocrite (bin Laden). Reply to both statements.

8. What is the difference between propaganda and journalism (decent media).

9. The main stream American media insults the intellectuals because …..

10. Natural differences between us …...

11. Allah judges us for what we choose to be not what he chose for us. Explain.

12. Are we democratic or constitutional republic? Explain the difference between both with examples.

13. What is the American personality? What is the Islamic personality? Are they against each other or can coexist?

· Islamic personality is ….

· American personality ….

· They both can .. All over the history, Christians lived fine in a Muslim land, and the other way around. Muslim …men can marry …. Quran (5:5).

14. Explain how the American personality and the Islamic personality can work together using the concept of pollution.

· Noise pollution……..

15. Immigrants are being tested but American born were not tested. Explain this argument. This argument is a reply to what? You may use the example of the free pens given in a medical conference.

16. We don’t want Sharia. We want to ban Sharia laws. Explain who said that and how do you reply to them.

17. If the law of the land prohibits Muslims from praying, fasting, pay Zakah or go to Haj, what do Muslims do then? 


Board Pictures (1):







Board Pictures (2):





Lesson [22]: Reply to: “Islam is not civilized religion. Muslims are not civilized people” - [Part I] Analysis of the World’s Modern Civilization – The Book ‘Out of Control – Global Turmoil’.

Are we Civilized todays?


Click here to watch the video recording of the class

OR Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class

Notes: Click here for notes


Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

· Regarding the century of mega death:

1. Describe five of the most amazing technology we have available to us today.

2. Describe why the previous century was called the century of mega death. Briefly summarize the number of people who were killed and the event that cause their death. How much is the total?

3. How long communism lived and how many lives it took?

4. What is the meaning of “total war”? Who started and who continued doing it?

5. What is the meaning of the technology of death?

6. What is the cause of this mega death?

7. The weapons we have today, how many times they can destroy the world?

8. Who controls the technology of death?

9. Why did not the wars in the past consume even a small fraction of what were killed in the past century?

10. Describe the similarity between a person playing video games and a pilot bombing a city?

11. What is carpet bombing?

· Regarding inequality of the distribution of wealth and power See this video

1. Describe the global inequality? Compare the wealth of minority to the wealth of majority? Give numbers.

2. Describe the local inequality in the distribution of wealth in the U.S. Give numbers.

3. Describe the global inequality in the distribution of wealth in the world. Give numbers.

4. What was the ratio of the average income of a person in the poor world and the rich world in the eighties and nineties? Is the ratio growing or declining? Use the data published by the United Nations human development reports.

· Regarding Hollywood and the entertainment industry

1. Describe how the television affects the growing mind of the young kids in terms of values, what is right and what is wrong.

2. Mention the data from Nielsen Media Service regarding the hours spent watching television for different kind of people.

3. Why is many of the movies have lots of profanity, brutality, violence and vulgarity? What is the motive behind this?

4. How much is the total export hours of U.S. movies and media as compared to the rest of the world?

5. How many countries imported the television series “Dynasty” and “Dallas”? How bad are they?

6. What are the American movies teach people of other nations about the United States?

7. What are the problems resulting from the characteristics of the current movies and series?

8. (Optional) Many poor people feel miserable when they see the luxury of the rich. What makes this factor worse today than the past?

· Your Judgment

In your opinion what do you think about the current civilization? What do you think about the technology versus the civilization? Can be civilized poor people with no technology? Can be uncivilized rich people with marvelous technology?

Lesson [23]: Reply to: Islam Is Not Civilized Religion - Muslims Are Not Civilized People - [Part II] Criteria to Measure Civilization.


Click here to watch the video recording of the class

OR Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class

Click here for the written notes.


Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted.

The following is the Islamic criteria to judge civilizations. In 600 words or more, talk about each criterion and explaining why is it an important criterion and how does it affect civilization.

1. Highest Value of the society.

2. Source of Legislation.

3. Role of women.

4. Building Unit of the Society.

5. Bases of Unity.

6. Inequalities.

· Your Judgment

In your opinion what do you think about the current civilization?


Board Notes:






Previous year Board Notes:












Lesson [24]: Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran.


Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class.


Click here for the Scientific Miracles of the Quran Web Site.


Click here to watch the presentation.

Click here to download the presentation


(Optional) Click here to download the book The Bible, The Quran and Science by Maurice Bucaille.



Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net


Procedure to follow when answering the questions.

1.   Write the scientific fact.

2.   Write the Ayah or Ayat that mentions the scientific facts.

3.   Explain the miracle by explaining the link between the Quranic text and the scientific facts.


Part A:

1.        Who is Maurice Bucaille. What is the name of the book he authored and what does it contain? How is this related to the subject.

2.        Explain the miracles related to the mountains shape and role. Write the English translation of all of the Ayat that speaks about this and highlight the part that talks about the miracles of the mountain's shape and role. The Ayat are (13:3, 15:19, 21:31, 27:61, 31:10, 41:10, 50:7, 27:77, 78:6-7).

3.        Explain the miracles related to embryology by Dr. Keith Moore:

a.        Who is Dr. Keith Moore

b.        Write the matching Ayat Quran (23:13-14).

c.        Explain the matching between Quran (23:13-14) and modern embryology.

d.        Explain the stages of the development of the baby inside his mother's womb.

e.        Do we need a microscope to know the shape of the embryo?

f.         Why Dr. Keith Moore did not become a Muslim after his discoveries?

4.        Explain the miracle related to the pulsar:

a.        Write the English translation of the Ayat. Quran, (86:1-3).

b.        What is the pulsar and why doesn’t pulse. Explain in detail. Mention the verses of the Quran and the scientific fact, and then explain the relationship between the Quranic text and the scientific fact.


Part B:

5.        Explain the miracle regarding who determines the gender of the baby. The wife or the husband. Mention the verses of the Quran and the scientific fact, and then explain the relationship between the Quranic text and the scientific fact.

6.        Explain the miracle regarding the fertilization of the egg and sperm in the darkness. How many layers of darkness and what are they? Mention the verses of the Quran and the scientific fact, and then explain the relationship between the Quranic text and the scientific fact.

7.        Explain the miracle regarding what happens to breathing when you fly higher. Mention the verses of the Quran and the scientific fact, and then explain the relationship between the Quranic text and the scientific fact.

8.        Explain the miracle regarding darkness in the deep oceans and seas. Mention the verses of the Quran and the scientific fact, and then explain the relationship between the Quranic text and the scientific fact.

Part C:

9.        Explain the barrier between the two seas and the barrier between the river and sea. Write the English translation of the Ayat that speak about these miracles and highlight the part of the Ayat that speaks about the miracle. Quran (55:19-20, 25:53, 27:61)

10.    Explain the positions of the star. After how many minutes we see the position of the sun. Is it possible to see the actual sun and stars now? Explain. Explain how is it possible that we can still see a star that has expired or exploded millions of years ago? Mention the Ayah that talks about the positions of the stars and highlight the specific part of the Ayah that talks about the miracle Quran 56:75-76.

11.    Explain the miracle about the formation of Iron. Mention the verses of the Quran and the scientific fact, and then explain the relationship between the Quranic text and the scientific fact.

12.    Explain the miracles about the light of the sun and the light of the moon. Mention the verses of the Quran and the scientific fact, and then explain the relationship between the Quranic text and the scientific fact.

13.    Explain the miracle regarding fingerprints. Mention the verses of the Quran and the scientific fact, and then explain the relationship between the Quranic text and the scientific fact.

14.    Explain the saying of the Prophet about the fly when it falls in your drink cub. Mention the verses of the Quran and the scientific fact, and then explain the relationship between the Quranic text and the scientific fact.

15.    Explain the miracle regarding the expansion of the universe. Mention the verses of the Quran and the scientific fact, and then explain the relationship between the Quranic text and the scientific fact.

16.    Explain the miracle regarding the beginning of the universe (Big bang theory). Mention the verses of the Quran and the scientific fact, and then explain the relationship between the Quranic text and the scientific fact.

17.    Explain the miracle regarding the area of the brain responsible of aggression. Mention the verses of the Quran and the scientific fact, and then explain the relationship between the Quranic text and the scientific fact.

Lesson [25]: Why We are being Tested - The Wisdom of Fitnah and Trials for The Believer.


· (Optional) Listen to this lecturer about Fitnah by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

· Video https://youtu.be/M-YIJpXQm5I 3 major tests in the Donya (world)

· Video https://youtu.be/RHdH8LwI1Vs Why Allah is testing us

· Click here to watch the video recording of the class

OR Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class

· Click here for the written notes.


Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and fill in the blanks.

1. Linguistic Meaning of the word Fitnah:

a. …..

b. The gold smith is called ….


2. Not only we want to be tested, but we are looking for harder tests:

a. Dead people …., which is a harder test

b. People who don’t have freedom ….. is a harder test. With freedom comes …..

c. Poor people ….., which is a harder test.

d. Powerless people ….. With power comes ….. Power increases the circle of …..


3. Reasons for Fitnahs (tests and trials)

a. [Ankabot 29:2-4] …..

b. We all know how to say … and read ….

c. Identification ….on the edge [Haj 22:11]

d. Allah doesn’t like evil but he likes …… evil. Allah doesn’t like Fasad [Baqara 2 :205]…..

e. People have different levels of faith….. sort them.

f. Source of …… sins.

g. Raise the ranks …..

h. How do you if a fitnah is a relief or a curse? …..

i. Allah tests you because he ….. voice praying to him for …...

j. The result of the Fitnah will prove to the slave that he deserves …..en. No F grade without …..

k. Love of Allah . Prophets have the ….. Fitnahs, followed by the ….., followed by the less …., … The best has . tests than the ….


4. Types of Fitnah

a. Testing us against …. [Forqan 25:20]…..

b. Tests on different levels …...

c. Tests for Muslims is in …….Rat race for the money. You will be destroyed.

d. Test of money. ….. [Qasas 28:76-83]……

e. Tests of the children of Israel are …..

f. Tests of submission …….

g. Social Media is a …., video games …...

h. Fitnah of being a …..

i. The test of….. .things [Anbia 21:35]…..

j. Soliman and horses. [Sad 38:31-33]……

k. The worst kind of Fitnah is the Fitnah of the ….., i.e., the …... Happens at the end of time but it exists in a less serious fashion at all times.

l. Fear, hunger, shortage ….. [Baqara 2:155-157]…..


5. Results of Fitnah:

a. …. heart.

b. …. stronger

c. The one who accepts the fitnah, …..

d. Reward to the …. ones. The reward level is proportional to ….. level.

e. Waiting for the relief with …..is the among the best ….

f. Increase the …. against …. Fitnah.


6. More facts about Fitnah:

a. The Prophet predicted that this ….. will be …..

b. Hadith in Muslim. It is an obligation on every Prophet to worn his followers from …... My Umah will be tested so much at the …. and will be less tested in...

c. Never Ask Allah for …... Always pray for …...

d. Also, always pray for protection against ….. such as the ….. of a loved one.

e. Don’t test yourself and run away from ……….the lion.

f. You might not be looking for Fitnah, but it …….

g. Seek ways to prevent Fitnah. ……….. is a protection from Fitnah.

h. The Prophet said that worshiping Allah during the time of Fitnah is like ….. See the ….. suffering hardships around the world. Praying is very difficult to them.

i. We should increase our …. of Allah (). A fitnah is meant to make us …. During times of fitnah, we should increase …., our …. prayers, our …, our recitation of the …, and we should race with one another in doing ….…

j. The Fitnah is even worse than ….. [Baqara, 2:191], i.e., to cause Fitnah to someone to leave his religion is worse …..

k. According to the hadith, a time will come when a person will go to sleep as a …. and wake up as a …. or wake up as a …. and go to sleep as a ….. Why? The reason is that he will sell his own ….. for the price of this …..



Lesson [26]: Hadeeth of Intentions. You must have a sincere intention to Allah



· Click here to watch the video recording of the class

OR Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class

· The following videos are recommended.

Hadith collections https://youtu.be/I0unMjJ7S0I

Hadith of Intentions https://youtu.be/QnFB4o0F8xU

Story about intentions. A man constructed his new house. https://youtu.be/VVbn381-_ak



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted.

1. Explain why the intention's hadeeth is 1/3 of Islam that the other 2/3 are no good without.

2. Similarity of hearts: How come Allah blamed the Jews who fought Prophet Mohamed for the mistakes of their predecessors? How is that fair?

3. Many people have evil intentions. Would Allah allow all of them to do what they intended? Why or why not.

4. Why The intention of the believer is better than his/her deeds and the deeds of the hypocrite are better than his/her intentions

5. If you pray Fajr every day and one day you are sick. Would Allah count the sick day as prayer in the Masjid?

6. You don’t pray Fajr in the Masjid when you are not sick, then do you get rewarded for praying in the Masjid when you get sick?

7. Why would Allah send believer to Jannah for everlasting life when they have worshiped Allah for a limited time period?

8. Why would Allah send bad guys to hell for everlasting life when they have disobeyed Allah for a limited time period?

9. What do you say if someone gives you a compliment?

10. Are we allowed to judge the intentions of others? Why or why not. Mention the story of the companion who killed a pagan guy after he said Shihada.

11.Do Angels know the intention and write it down?

12.Explain the story of the Shytan and the righteous slave who wanted to cut a pagan tree.

13.What if someone wanted to do a good deed then he changed his mind? Explain.

14.What if someone wanted to do a bad deed and then changed his mind for the following reasons

(a) Fear of Allah . (b) Not good for health.

15.What if someone wanted to do a bad deed in Makkah and then changed his mind because it is not good for his health.

16.Situations where we are not judged for what we do. Are we judged for mistakes, for forgotten, and for innocent errors?

17.Explain the rule of combining intentions. If someone intends to go to the Masjid to pray and to buy milk on the way back, is this a sincere intention or a bad intention?

18.Can someone intend to go to the Masjid to pray and to show off?

19.Can we combine two good intentions in the same deed?

20.Can we combine bad intentions with good intentions in the same deeds? explain.

21.Guarding the intention. The intention can be spoiled before the deed, during the deed or after the deed. Give examples.

22.Explain the following rules of combining intentions. For examples, going to the Masjid to show off and pray, or going to the Masjid to pray and eat food offered in the Masjid. B+G=? G+G+B+G=? B+G+G+G=? If you know the Hadith that proves your answer, then mention it.

23.Explain the following statement “never regret a good deed that you did in the past”. Why?

24.Which intention governs, before, during after?

 Before Deed

During Deed

After Deed

Final Results


































Lesson [27]: Sunah and Bida’a (Innovations) - Legal and Illegal Changes.






· Click here to watch the video recording of the class

OR Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class

· Click here for the written notes.


Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. The meaning of the word Bid3a

a. What is the meaning of the word Bid3a in Islam.

b. Can I put my hands behind my neck during the prayer? Why?

c. Can I go to the Masjid driving a car instead of riding a camel or horse? Why?

d. Can I pay my Zakah using a check instead of cash? Why?

2. Pure sources of Islam

a. Why did Allah  select the Arabs to establish his religion? Why did he select illiterate Prophet  breaching to illiterate society in the middle of the deserts of Arabia?

b. Why didn’t Allah  select the Roman society to carry and deliver the message of Islam?

c. Why didn’t Allah  select the Jews of Arabia to carry and deliver the message of Islam?

3. Mixing Islam with Philosophy.

a. Can Allah  create a rock that he can’t carry? What is the proper answer to this question?

b. Who brought in the philosophy to the Muslim world and what was his intentions?

c. What is the concept of Unity of Existence defined by Ibn Arabi?

4. The Bid3as of the Mo3tazila’s deviant group

a. Mention the Bid3as of the Mo3tazila’s group.

b. Imam Ahmed Ibn Hunbal define Quran as?

c. What is wrong in saying the Quran was created?

d. Who is the Mo3tazila group? What did they do to make themselves different than the rest of the Muslims? What was the conflict between Imam Ahmed Ibn Hunbal and them?

e. What was the conflict between Imam Ahmed Ibn Hunbal and the Mo3tazila group regarding the Quran? Why was it so important to stop these clowns from messing with the Quran or the names of Allah ?

f. For what purpose Imam Ahmed Ibn Hunbal was tortured beyond imagination for years? They tried to force him to admit what?

g. What was the argument of Imam Ahmed Ibn Hunbal against raising the issues of the Quran is the creation of Allah , Allah  has hands, Allah 's eyes, Allah  hears, Allah  sees, Allah 's rose over the throne, Allah  established himself on the throne, ...etc? Do we need to discuss these issues?

h. What did Imam Ahmed Ibn Hunbal define Quran as?

i. What is wrong in saying the Quran was created?

j. Who is Ummar Ibn Yasir and what happened to him?

k. About the scholars who didn’t stand up with Imam and defend the Islamic theology against Mo3tazila’s ideology, Ahmed, what was their excuse and why did Imam Ahmed reject it?

5. What are the four Meanings of the word Sunnah in the Islamic terminology.

6. Bid3a divide the Believers

a. How does Bid3a divide the Muslims? How did it divide the Christian faith?

b. What are the differences between Shia Islam and Sunny Islam? What is the name of the battle that was behind this division? What caused this war and what was the outcomes?

c. Does Shia Islam have the same Quran, six pillars of faith and five pillars of worship?

Pictures of the Board:






Lesson [28]: Enjoin Good and Forbid Evil - Speaking Truth to Power


I will speak truth to power just as soon as I can speak- All profits from  the sale of this design will go towards the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights  — Born

· Click here to watch the video recording of the class

OR Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class

· Speak Truth to Power by Dr./Imam Yasir Qadhi https://youtu.be/X6f0KXg3s9I Time 1:25 to 12:30

· Click here for the written notes.


Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. Who is the best Martyr in Islam and who is the next best, in relation to speak truth to power?

2. Briefly talk about the following three people who spoke truth to power. What was the story and how did it end? Malcom X, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela.

3. About the Islamic concept of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil,

a. Is it mandatory or choice? Quote the evidence from the Quran [3:104]

b. What made the Muslim Ummah the best Ummah? Quran [3:110]

4. About the Hadith where the Prophet said “Whomsoever among you sees an evil, then let him/her change it by ….., then ….., then…..“

a. Mention the Hadith and what is the basic message of the Hadith.

b. Is the use of hands to combat evil open to anyone? Who can use the hands to stop evil?

c. Which method that has been always used by the Prophets?

5. About the Hadith where the Prophet  was describing to his companions that his Ummah would abandon the obligation of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil, and does the exact opposite.

a. Mention the Hadith and what is the basic message of the Hadith.

6. About the question “does the punishment from Allah due to committing an evil act, restricted only to the wrong doers or that everyone would suffer, whether wrong doers, victims, witnesses, etc.

a. Do we all get punished, or only the wrong doers among us?

b. Use the illustrative metaphor of different people traveling in the same ship, to illustrate what would happen if people would stop enjoin good and forbid evil among themselves.

c. Quote the evidence from the Quran that punishment coming from Allah resulting from committing an evil act is not restricted only to the wrong doers. Surat Al-Anfal (8:25)

d. Mention and explain the Hadith about when Allah sent angel Jibril to destroy a wicked town that had a righteous person (not a reformer) living in it. Would the same happen if that person was a reformer.



Lesson [29]: The Hadeeth Collections: Hadeeth of Intentions Part I:





Click here to listen to the class.

Written Notes



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. Were the Sunnah / Ahadeeth of the Prophet written when he was alive? Why?

2. Talk about the life of Imam Bukhari. You can use this link or your own sources.

3. Explain how Imam Bukhari authenticated the Ahadeeth of the Prophet ? Mention the example of the person who cheated the camel?

4. What is the Hadith of intention? Explain the Hadith and mention the story of the guy who wanted to marry Um Qays.

5. Mention the two jokes mentioned in the class regarding intentions?

6. If forty people who did not know each other narrated one Hadeeth, would it be accepted as authentic? Explain.

7. What is the order of the Hadith of intention in the book of Imam Bukhari?

8. Explain why the intention's hadeeth is 1/3 of Islam that the other 2/3 are no good without.

9. Explain how one is rewarded for a deed and the other one is punished for the same exact deed. What is the difference between them that caused one to be rewarded and the other to be punished?

10.Do angels know the intentions? What do they record?

11.Explain the Hadeeth of the four categories of people. Relate them to the intentions.


 Board Notes:


(optional) You may also use the following document as a reference. 

The HADITH - How it was Collected and Compiled.














Lesson [30]: Doing Business with Allah


Click here to listen to the class.


Listen to the class and read the notes, and then in no less that 600 words Answer the following questions. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. Explain how did Allah give you the blessings of body and money without charging you any money and then he is asking you to give back to him from that which he gave to you for free.

2. Hasan Al-Basry was once asked why people hate death so much, what was his answer?

3. What happened if you are deported to a land that you have no assets or money invested in this land? Compare this when we are deported by the angel of death.

4. Give five examples of how to do business with Allah .

5. How is doing business with Allah different than doing earthly business with others?

6. Did Allah ask us to loan him money? Explain.

7. Mention the story of the Sahabi and his garden.

8. The Prophet sweared by Allah that the charity doesn't decrease the wealth. How is that possible? Give examples.

9. Allah sweared by himself that our shares are predetermined in heaven. Explain how is this related to the subject.

10. If you don't want many children because you can't afford them. Explain how is this false?

11. What happened to the disobedient slave who used to say to Allah "Ya Allah , how many times I disobey you and you never punished me"? Explain the story.

12. Explain the Hadith when the Prophet asked his companions "Who is the bankrupt?" what was the answer and how is it related to the subject?

13. There are recommendations regarding doing business with Allah related the sources of good deeds, mention one and explain it.

Notes (1):

Click here for the written notes.


Notes (2):






Lesson [31] Lessons from COVID-19 Crisis – By Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.






Seven Lessons from the Crises of Coronavirus (COVID-19) by Shaykh Dr. Yasir



Listen to the lecture and explain the seven wisdoms that come from the crisis. Add one of your own.


Lesson [32] The American Dream – By Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.



What Does the American Dream Mean to You? | Janice S. Ellis, Ph.D.




Listen to the lecture and answers the following questions.

1. Why did Allah describe all the ones who did not answer his call to be people as cattle and worse than cattle.

2. About the pleasure of the stomach and the pleasure of the body:

a. Are they important, not important or don’t matter? Explain your answer.

b. Are they the purpose of life? Describe the kind of the people who say and the ones who say no.

c. Is there a higher purpose of life? Explain.

3. What exactly the American dream.

4. Is really there a higher power, a supreme power or a God?

5. How many people in the world they don’t associate themselves with organized religion?

6. What is the watch maker argument about the existence of God? Explain it.

7. What is the morality arguments argument about the existence of God? Explain it.

8. Do people search for a deity to commit to? Give examples.

9. Let us say there is a God, how do we know that he knows about us and care about us? How do we know that he is a loving God? How do you argue this to others?

10.How do you explain the existence of harm and evil?

11.When the people of Europe and the United States reject religion, are they rejecting Christianity or Islam? Clarify.

12.The glory years of Muslims did they happen in the presence or absence of Islam? Explain.

13.After listening to the lecture, tell me why Islam out of all these religions?



Lesson [33] Surat Al-Baqara 1

Image result for golden cow

Click here to listen to the class.

You can use Quran Explorer to lookup the mentioned Ayat


Read the notes (2 sets of notes), listen to the recording and then in no less than 600 words Answer the following questions. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. What is special about Surat Al-Baqara in terms of length?

2. Where the name of the Surah come from? Mention the story. Mention the Ayat numbers that talks about the story.

3. How many kinds of guidance we have? What are they? Explain them and use examples.

4. At the end of Surat Al-Fatiha, who are الضالينAl-Daleen and who are المغضوب عيلهمAl-Magdoob Alyhm? Give examples of each.

5. Explain the similarity between someone who knows the truth but don't want to follow it and the one who is trying to lose weight.

6. The Surah speaks about four kinds of people. Who are they and how many Ayat were assigned for each kind. Mention the Ayat number.

7. Why the hypocrites were described using more Ayat than the other two kinds.

8. Why did 1/3 of the Surah dedicated to talk about the Jews who denied the message of Prophet Mohamed ?

9. What do you learn from Ayat (6:20) and (2:75) about the Jews?

10. What is the story mentioned in Ayah (2:89).

11. Why did Allah blame the Jews who denied that Prophet Mohamed is a Prophet for the mistakes of the early Jews who worshiped the kaaf and killed the Prophets?

12. Mention the reasons for which the Jews rejected the Prophet despite the fact that they had detailed description of him in their book. Hint use Ayah (2:90).

13. Describe the link between Ayah (1:6) in Surat Al-Fatiha and Ayah (2:2) in Surat Al-Baqra.

14. In Ayah (2:7) Allah said that he sealed the hearts, the ears and the eyes of the non-believers so that they can't see the truth. How is that fair? Why didn't Allah open their hearts, ears and eyes instead of sealing them.

15. What is the story about the last two Ayat in Surat Al-Baqra?.

16. Why does the hypocrites believe that righteous people are idiots? Mention examples. Hint: you don't know what you are missing.

17. Mention the illustrative examples mentioned about the personality of the hypocrites. Hint: one is related to the fear of making a commitment and the other is about plugging their ears.

Notes (1):







Notes (2):

















Lesson [34] Surat Al-Baqara 2



Click here to listen to recording of the class.


You can use Quran Explorer to lookup the mentioned Ayat


Read the notes, listen to the recording and then in no less than 600 words Answer the following questions. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. Explain the story in 2:102, what was the Shytans recite about the royal powers of Suliman? Who are Haroot and Maroot mentioned in the Ayah?

2. How is black majic done?

3. Before the birth of Prophet Mohamed , could the Shytans sneak to heaven and listen to the talks of the angels? What happened after the birth of Prophet Mohamed .

4. What is the nature of Jinn? How can they make themselves visible to us.

5. How is the Jinn able to bring the thrown of Balqis from Yemen to Jerusalem?

6. Mention the story of Taloot and Jaloot (Goliath) and how Allah filtered the army soldiers to weed out the weak ones. Who killed Jaloot? The story is in 2:246-251.


 Board Notes:







Lesson [35]: Modern Challenges – Speech to the Muslim Youth by Dr. Yasir Qadhi.


Dr. Qadhi





Listen to the lecturer by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, and then answer the questions below from the lecture. Be thorough. No short answers are accepted.

1. What are the differences between the generation of Muslim youth born and raised in America and their parents who immigrated?

2. Why some young Muslims make fun of their immigrant parents? How do you reply to these reasons?

3. Describe the some of the challenges that the early Muslim immigrants in the sixties and seventies had to go through.

4. Why do we have to stand up in support of other victims of injustice by the American government and/or society?

5. What is the meaning of speak truth to power? Do the Muslim youth need to do that? Why?

6. Who is the single greatest American Muslim? What was his position regarding Vietnam war? Why did he take this position?

7. What are our responsibilities as American Muslims?

8. What is the true patriotism? Is it to support America regardless if it is right or wrong? Explain.

9. What do you think about the speech? Provide your own thoughts.


Lesson [36]: 7 Wisdoms of pain and suffering – Shaikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi 





Listen to the lecturer by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, and then answer the following question from the lecture. Be thorough. No short answers are accepted. You can add your own thoughts at the end.

1. What are the seven wisdoms of pain and suffering?

2. What do you think about the speech? Provide your own thoughts.


Lesson [37]: – The Day of Judgment [1] (Lecture No. 1). By Shaikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

تفسير رؤية يوم القيامة وقيام الساعة - موقع محتوى


موازين الأعمال في يوم القيامة | !!!!هل فكرت يوماً بميزانك يا… | Flickr


Listen to the lecturer by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi and then answer the following question from the lecture. You can add your own thoughts at the end. Be thorough. No short answers are accepted.


1. This religion is based on three fundamental pillars. What are they?

2. All religions of the world can be divided into two kinds. What are they? Name the religions in each kind.

3. Almost all religions believe in either the Day of Judgment, Karma or reincarnation. Which kind believe in Karma and which religion believe in the Day of Judgement?

4. How is Karma or reincarnation related to the concept of the Day of Judgement?

5. Did the classical early Judaism believe in the Day of Judgment? How about the main stream modern Jews today, what do they believe in?

6. What are the seven techniques (or genres) mentioned in the lecture that Allah used to prove the Day of Judgment? Give examples of each techniques. Make sure your answer is thorough.

7. What are the eight benefits mentioned in the lecture of believing in the Day of Judgement? Make sure your answer is thorough.

8. After listening to the lecturer, what are your thoughts about the subject and the contents?

Lesson [38]: – The Day of Judgment [2] (Lecture No. 5). The Plains of Judgment Day. By Shaikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi



When Divas Rise from the Dead: Taylor Swift, Uncanniness and ...


Listen to the lecturer by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi and then answer the following question from the lecture. You can add your own thoughts at the end. Be thorough. No short answers are accepted.

1. The punishment is similar kind to the sin, i.e. same genres. Give five examples of the condition of the bodies at resurrection of the following:

a. The one who constantly asks people and he has no need.

b. Martyrs.

c. The one who was giving Athan.

d. The one who has been drinking alcohol.

2. Regarding cloths at the time of resurrection, people are going to be naked and uncircumcised. Who was the one resurrected first and who is the first one to be clothed?

3. Animals are going to be resurrected. Mention the evidences from the Quran that proves the answer. Why animals are resurrected and what is going to happen to them at the end?

4. Who would wish to be ended like the animals? Why are they making this wish?

5. Who is the one who is resurrected blind? What was his sin and how is it from the same genres as the sin?

6. How long the Day of Judgment? Does everybody have the same perception of how long it is? Explain how?

7. Where is the Hashir (tight gathering) take place, also called Mawqif (موقف)? Which land? Is it in the same earth we have now? Are the skies going to be the same skies we have now?

8. Describe the land of gathering in details, such as color, terrain, size, …etc?

9. How do we find each other in the Day of Judgment?

10.Describe the default condition of the people in the land of gathering in terms of their heads, eyes and hearts/

11.How high the sun above the heads? There are two interpretations, mention both.

12.Due to the closeness of the sum, people will sink in sweat. How high is the sweat and on what basis the height would be decided?

13.Add your own thoughts about the lecture.