Welcome to Dr. Elzeiny Islamic Studies Class

Homework must be emailed to hw@zeiny.net 

  1. This is a fascinating site in learning Quranic Arabic. It will help you a lot.

  2. This is a site for translation of the Holy Quran using easy English.

  3. Books about the Names of Allah [Book 1] [Book 2] [Brief Meanings]

Week [33]: May 28, 2017

The End of Surat Al-Forqan. Ibad Al-Rahman (Servants of The Compassionate) - Part II

Click here to listen to the class.


Listen to class, read the notes and in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. Worshiping others besides Allah takes many forms. List and explain all of them.

  2. What are the sins that can't be forgiven unless the person repents?

  3. What are the sins that can't be forgiven even with a repentance?

  4. When does Allah stop forgiving the sinners?

  5. What is the meaning of the despair of Allah's mercy? Why is it a big sin?

  6. What if you repent and then redo the bad deed again? Would Allah still forgive you? How many repentances after which Allah will stop forgiving you?

  7. What are the four conditions of sincere repentance?

  8. Can we live without love? What is the main cause of war? (hint related to love).

  9. Explain how paganism would make some few people take advantage of others?

  10. What is logically wrong if Islam teaches that there are other acceptable ways that lead to Jannah?

  11. In the Hadith Qudsi Allah talks about the one person who said to his sinful brother Allah will never forgive you?

  12. Can we say that x person is going to hell? Who are the ones that we are sure are going to hell?

  13. Who is the person who helped Prophet Mohamed S the most and why is he going to hell?

  14. Allah will do what to the chest of the people to turn them away from Islam?

  15. What are the many forms of killing? Mention examples?

  16. Is abortion murder? When is it acceptable? Would you vote yes to legalize abortion? why yes or why no?

  17. In a case of dating and romance outside the marriage (Haram romance), who is suffer the consequences the most, boys or girls?

  18. Explain the saying why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free and how is it related to the romance outside of marriage?

  19. The romance outside of marriage is a sin but is it a legal crime? Mention few cases where it becomes a legal crime to be handled by the Islamic Sharia laws?


Week [32]: May 21, 2017

The End of Surat Al-Forqan. Ibad Al-Rahman (Servants of The Compassionate) - Part I


Listen to class, read the notes and in no less that 600 words summarize the class.


Week [31]: May 14, 2017

Islam, the religion of Fitrah (the way of life for the pure nature)

Click here to listen to the class.


Listen to class and in no less that 600 words answer the following question in detail. You may add your own points. Short answers are not accepted.

  1. You are born innocent. You want to stay innocent so that you die innocent. How?

  2. Explain the balance as related to the body and soul. Mention and explain the three categories. Hint: excess to the right, excessive to the left and balanced. Give examples of each kind.

  3. Allah bulled out all souls and made them testify that he is our Lord. Quran (7:172) mention the Ayah and explaoin it. Do you remember this testimony. Where is it stored?
  4. We are made of two parts. What are they? Which being is one part only?
  5. We are made of two parts. Which one is more precious? Use the example of the gift and the box.
  6. Which part of our body is the interface between the body and the soul? Explain.
  7. Explain how marriage is viewed by the left extreme, the right extreme and the middle path in Islam.
  8. What is misogyny ? What religion is associated with it?
  9. In this life, the body covers the heart. You can see a beautiful woman that has a nasty heart. What happen in the day of judgment. Who are the people that will be given a blue body? What happens to the tyrant in the day of resurrection?
  10. Explain the incident when the soul and the body fight in the day of judgment. Quran (41:20-22).
  11. Salan Al-Farsi saw the wife of Abu-Al-Darda in bad shape. Mention the story.
  12. All religions breach idealism. What is the difference between the idealism in Islam versus other religions such as Christianity for example?
  13. The laws of nature and the laws of Islam are made by Allah. They fit together. If you break the laws of Islam you get in trouble with the laws of nature. Given two examples.

Week [30] May 7, 2017.


A chance for you to do your missed homework.

Week [29]: April 30, 2017

Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran

Click here to listen to the class.


Listen to class and in no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Talk about the following:

  1. Explain the Miracles of the mountain shape and role. Write the English translation of all of the Ayat that speaks about this and highlight the part that talks about the miracles of the mountain's shape and role. The Ayat are (13:3, 15:19, 21:31, 27:61, 31:10, 41:10, 50:7, 27:77, 78:6-7)

  2. Explain the barrier between the two seas and the barrier between the river and sea. Write the English translation of the Ayat that speak about this miracles and highlight the part of the Ayat that speaks about the miracle. Quran (55:19-20, 25:53, 27:61)

  3. Explain the positions of the star. After how many minutes we see the position of the sun. Is it possible to see the actual sun and stars now? Explain. Explain how is it possible that we can still see a star that has expired or exploded millions of years ago? Mention the Ayah that talks about the positions of the stars and highlight the specific part of the Ayah that talks about the miracle Quran 56:75-76.

  4. Explain the stages of the development of the baby inside his mother's womb. Write the English translation of the Ayat and highlight the parts that talk about the miracle. Quran, (23:12-14)

  5. Explain the miracle about the formation of Iron.

  6. Explain the miracle about the darkness in the deep ocians.

  7. Explain the miracle about the relationship between darkness and conception of babies. How many layers of darkness are provide and what are they?

  8. Explain the miracles about the light of the sun and the light of the moon.


Click here to download the presentation


Week [28]: April 23, 2017

Surat Al-Baqara (2)

Click here to listen to the class.

You can use Quran Explorer to lookup the mentioned Ayat


Read the notes, listen to the audio recording, and then in no less that 600 words Answer the following questions. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. Explain the story in 2:102, what was the Shytans recite about the royal powers of Suliman? Who are Haroot and Maroot mentioned in the Ayah?

  2. How is black majic done?

  3. Before the birth of Prophet Mohamed SAW, could the Shytans sneak to heaven and listen to the talks of the angels? What happened after the birth of Prophet Mohamed SAW.

  4. What is the nature of Jinn? How can they make themselves visible to us.

  5. How is the Jinn able to bring the thrown of Balqis from Yemen to Jerusalem?

  6. Mention the story of Taloot and Jaloot (Goliath) and how Allah filtered the army soldiers to weed out the weak ones. Who killed Jaloot? The story is in 2:246-251.

Week [27]: April 16, 2017

Surat Al-Baqara

Class recording is not available.

You can use Quran Explorer to lookup the mentioned Ayat


Read the notes, and then in no less that 600 words Answer the following questions. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. What is special about Surat Al-Baqara in terms of length?

  2. Where the name of the Surah come from? Mention the story. Mention the Ayat numbers that talks about the story.

  3. How many kind of guidance we have? What are they? Explain them and use examples.

  4. At the end of Surat Al-Fatiha, who are الضالينAl-Daleen and who are المغضوب عيلهمAl-Magdoob Alyhm? Give examples of each.

  5. Explain the similarity between someone who knows the truth but don't want to follow it and the one who is trying to lose weight.

  6. The Surah speaks about four kinds of people. Who are they and how many Ayat was assigned for each kind. Mention the Ayat number.

  7.  Why the hypocrites were described using more Ayat than the other two kinds.

  8. Why did 1/3 of the Surah dedicated to talk about the Jews who denied the message of Prophet Mohamed SAW?

  9. What do you learn from Ayat (6:20) and (2:75) about the Jews?

  10. What is the story mentioned in Ayah (2:89).

  11. Why did Allah blame the Jews who denied that Prophet Mohamed is a Prophet for the mistakes of the early Jews who worshiped the kaf and killed the Prophets?

  12. Mention the reasons for which the Jews rejected the Prophet SAW despite the fact that they had detailed description of him in their book. Hint use Ayah (2:90).

  13. Describe the link between Ayah (1:6) in Surat Al-Fatiha and Ayah (2:2) in Surat Al-Baqra.

  14. In Ayah (2:7) Allah said that he sealed the hearts, the ears and the eyes of the non believers so that they can't see the truth. How is that fair? Why didn't Allah open their hearts, ears and eyes instead of sealing them.

  15. What is the story about the last two Ayat in Surat Al-Baqra.

  16. Why does the hypocrites believe that righteous people are idiots? Mention examples. Hint: you don't know what you are missing.

  17. Mention the illustrative examples mentioned about the personality of the hypocrites. Hint: one is related to the fear of making a commitment and the other is about plugging their ears.


Week [26]: April 2, 2017

Speaking Truth to Power

Enjoining Good and Forbidding Bad.

الْأَمْرُ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ والنَّهْيِ عَنَ الْمُنْكَرِ

Click here to listen to the class.

Click here to listen to Dr. Yasir Qadhi about Speaking Truth to Power. Very inspiring.


Listen to the class and read the notes, and then in no less that 600 words Answer the following questions. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. What is the equivalent in Islam to Speaking the truth to power?

  2. Who is the best Jihad and who is the best Martyr? Mention the Hadith.

  3. Why would you expect to be harmed when you enjoin good and forbid evil?

  4. Regarding enjoining good and forbidding bad, people are one of four kinds. Mention them and explain the difference.

  5. What is wrong with good silent people?

  6. Would Allah destroy an evil nation that has few righteous silent people? Would Allah destroy this nation if it has few reformers? Explain in details.

  7. In the Quran (3:110) Allah said that we are the best nation. He mentioned two conditions to meet this status. What are these two conditions?

  8. In the Quran (8:25) Allah speaks about the punishment due to sins. Is it going to fall on the wrong doers only? Explain.

  9. What are the problems that we will be facing if we stop enjoining good and forbidding bad.

  10. Mention the metaphor about the ones who sin and the silent ones. Hint it is like a boat.

  11. Regarding the followers of tyrants and evil leaders. Mention the arguments between the followers and the evil leaders in hell fire. Quran (14:21), ( 34:31-33),, (40:47-48), (7:38), and (38-61), and comment on them.

  12. After the end of the day of judgment, the Shytan would give a speech to the people of hell, Quran (14:21). Mention the speech and comment on it.


Click here for written notes.



Week [25]: March 26, 2017

Doing Business with Allah

Click here to listen to the class.


Listen to the class and read the notes, and then in no less that 600 words Answer the following questions. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. Explain how did Allah gave you the blessings of body and money without charging you any money and then he is asking you to give back to him from that which he gave to you for free.

  2. Hasan Al-Basry was once asked why people hate death so much, what was his answer?

  3. What happened if you are deported to a land that you have no assets or money invested in this land? Compare this when we are deported by the angel of death.

  4. Give five examples of how to do business with Allah.

  5. How is doing business with Allah different than doing earthly business with others?

  6. Did Allah ask us to loan him money? Explain.

  7. Mention the story of the Sahabi and his garden.

  8. The Prophet SAW sweared by Allah that the charity doesn't decrease the wealth. How is that possible? Give examples.

  9. Allah sweared by himself that our shares are predetermined in heaven. Explain how is this related to the subject.

  10. If you don't want many children because you can't afford them. Explain how is this false?

  11. What happened to the disobedient slave who used to say to Allah "Ya Allah, how many times I disobey you and you never punished me"? Explain the story.

  12. Explain the Hadith when the Prophet SAW asked his companions "Who is the bankrupt?" what was the answer and how is it related to the subject?

  13. There are recommendations regarding doing business with Allah related the sources of good deeds, mention one and explain it.


Click here for the written notes.


Week [24]: March 19, 2017

Establishment of La Ilaha Ila Allah first before anything else.

Click here to listen to the class.


Listen to the class and read the notes, and then in no less that 600 words Answer the following questions. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. Prophet Mohamed was the most loved and respected by his people and then he became the most despised. Why? What happened?

  2. How may years the Prophet SAW lived? How many years was he a Prophet? How many years in Makkah? How many years in Madina?

  3. What is the difference between the Ayat of the Quran that was revealed in Makkah and the ones that was revealed in Madina?

  4. Using the metaphor of building a foundation, which one comes first removal of the dirt or establishment of foundation? How is this related to the topic?

  5. What did Aisha RA said about obeying the rules of dos and don'ts? Were these rules come first or last? Why?

  6. Explain what is the meaning of abrogation. How many steps did Allah make drinking wine Haram? How is that related to abrogation? How is that related to the concept of gradual change?

  7. How many easier ways the Prophet SAW could have used to establish Islam? Summarize all of them. Explain how the objective intended objective of each way was achieved after the establishment of "La Ilaha Ila Allah".


Click here for the written notes.


Week [23]: March 12, 2017

Hadeeth of Intentions Part II:

Click here to listen to the class.


Listen to the class and read the notes, and then in no less that 600 words Answer the following questions. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. What are the three good motivations that motivate us to do good deeds?
2. Similarity of hearts: How come Allah blamed the Jews who fought Prophet Mohamed SAW for the mistakes of their predecessors? How is that fair?
3. Many people have evil intentions. Would Allah allow all of them to do what they intended? Why or why not. Allah reduces evil by limiting …… For example, Pharaoh and Hitler…………………
4. The intention of the believer is better than his deeds and the deeds of the hypocrite are better than his intentions. Give examples.
5. If you pray Fajr every day and one day you are sick. Would Allah count the sick day as prayer in the Masjid?

6. You don’t pray Fajr in the Masjid when you are not sick, then do you get rewarded for praying in the Masjid when you get sick?
7. Why would Allah send believer to Jannah for everlasting life when they have worshiped Allah for a limited time period?
8. Why would Allah send bad guys to hell for everlasting life when they have disobeyed Allah for a limited time period?
9. What if someone wanted to do a good deed then he changed his mind? Explain.
10. Guarding the intention. The intention can be spoiled before the deed, during the deed or after the deed. Give examples.
11. Sincerity is you do the deed regardless whether people ......... whether people will compliment ......... This shouldn’t affect your .......
12. What do you say if someone gives you a compliment?
13. Mention and explain the two jokes mentioned in class regarding intensions and explain what was funny about them.
14. Are we allowed to judge the intentions of others? Why or why not.
15. Mention the story of the companion who killed a pagan guy after he said Shihada.
16. Explain the Shytan and the righteous slave who wanted to cut a pagan tree.
17. Explain the rule of combining intentions. If someone intends to go to the Masjid to pray and to buy milk on the way back, is this a sincere intention or a bad intention? Can someone intends to go to the Masjid to pray and to show off? Can we combine two good intentions in the same deed? Can we combine bad intentions with good intentions in the same deeds explain.


Week [22]: March 5, 2017

Hadeeth of Intentions Part I:

Click here to listen to the class.


Listen to the class and read the notes, and then in no less that 600 words Answer the following questions. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. Were the Sunnah / Ahadeeth of the Prophet written when he was alive? Why?

  2. Talk about the life of Imam Bukhari. You can use this link or your own sources.

  3.  Explain how Imam Bukhari authenticated the Ahadeeth of the Prophet? Mention the example of the person who cheated the camel?

  4. What is the Hadith of intention? Explain the Hadith and mention the story of the guy who wanted to marry Um Qays.

  5. If forty people who did not know each other narrated one Hadeeth, Would it be accepted as authentic? Explain.

  6. What is the order of the Hadith of intention in the book of Imam Bukhari?

  7.  Explain why the intention's hadeeth is 1/3 of Islam that the other 2/3 are no good without.

  8. Explain how one is rewarded for a deed and the other one is punished for the same exact deed. What is the difference between them that caused one to be rewarded and the other to be punished?

  9. Do angels know the intentions? What do they record?

  10. Mention and explain the Hadeeth of the four people who go to hell first (Teacher of Quran, Teacher of Islam, martyr and a generous donor).

  11. Explain the Hadeeth of the four categories of people. Relate them to the intentions.

  12. In the example of a person who went to the bar to drink wine. There are four possibilities. Mention and explain them.

  13. If someone intend to drink a liquor but he changed his mind not for the fear of Allah but because the doctor told him not to drink. Does he get good deed, bad deeds or none. How about if this scenario happen in Meccah? Is it going to be different? Why?

  14. In what situation the person is not judged for wrong doing? Explain? Mention the story of Amar Ibn Yasir.


You may use the following document as a reference: The HADITH - How it was Collected and Compiled.

See this link for explanation of the intension's Hadith








Week [21]: February 26, 2017

Making Innovations (Bida'a) بِدْعَة

Islam and Philosophy.

Click here to listen to the class


Listen to the class and read the notes, and then in no less that 600 words Answer the following questions. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. What is Bida'a? How does it divide Muslims?

  2. If someone gave you a special formula to make Dua'a Allah (For example, to get a baby boy, make 300 Subhana Allah, followed by 50 Ayat from Surat Al-Baqara, followed by 50 Raka's, then Duaia). It is Bida'a and it is Haram. How do you respond to prove that it is Haram to use this Bida'a?

  3. Who brought in the philosophy to the Muslim world and what was his intentions?

  4. Why did the clowns of the entertainment industry at that time welcome the philosophy? How did they use it?

  5. What was the conflict between Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal and the clowns of the entertainment industry about? Why was it so important to stop these clowns from messing with the Quran or the Names of Allah?

  6. What was the argument of Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal against raising the issues of the Quran is creation of Allah, Allah's hand, Allah's eyes, Allah's hearing, Allah's rising over the thrown, ...etc.

  7. What is the correct answer to the questions Quran is creation of Allah, Allah has hand, Allah has eyes, Allah has hearing, and Allah rose over the thrown?

  8. Define an innovation. Is going to the Masjid in a car is innovation because the Prophet SAW used to walk? Is putting your hand behind your neck during the prayer is an innovation? Explain why or why not?

  9. Define legal differences in Islam? What would make a certain difference legal and what would make it illegal?

  10. Describe the Hadeeth about praying Asr in Bani Qoraiza incident? What was the reaction of the Prophet SAW?

  11. If you see people saying Ameen loudly behind the Imam and some don't say it or say it silently, is that a legal difference? Why or why not?

  12. Give five examples of Bida'a (innovations) and give five examples of something new but not Bida'a. (hint: at the time of the Prophet, people used to pray on small stones with their shoes on. Praying on a carpet as compared to praying on stone at the time of the Prophet SAW, praying without shoes as compared to praying with shoes on at the time of the Prophet).

  13. How many ways the Quran can be read? Mention two ways of saying the Ayah مالك يوم الدين in surat Al-Fatiha? Compare both meanings and see if they complement each other or conflict with one another?


Click here to read about Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal and his struggle against the innovators.


Week [20]: February 12, 2017

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam Allows Slavery

Click here to listen to the class


Listen to the class and read the notes, and then in no less that 600 words Answer the following questions. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

Read this article in Wikipedia about Islamic Views on Slavery. Then listen to class and answer the following in no less that 300 words. Use the following talking points;

(1) When Islam came, was slavery already existing or did Islam introduced it to the soceinty?

(2) Islam has introduced a tactic to reduce the number of slaves in a Muslim Society. What was this tactic? Use the example of water tank to explain the tactic.

(3) What are the possibilities in handling prisoners of war? Rank them in terms of best to worst.

(4) To prisoners of war, slavery is an alternative to prisons. What are the advantages of slavery over prison?

(5) The modern example of handling prisoners of war is in Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp. Compare slavery in Islam to Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Click here to learn about Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp from Wikipedia.

(6) What are the rights of slaves in Islam? Compare them with the rights of African American Slaves.

(7) How does Islam handle Female Prisoners of War?  How was the treatment of women slaves before Islam? Compare.

(8) How did the American Society handled female African American slaves?

(9) The modern example of handling female prisoners of war is what happened in Bosnia, explain what happened. Click here to learn about Rape Camps in Bosnian War from Wikipedia (Systematic Rape by Armed Forces).

(10) Islam elevated the female prisoners of war who are owned by men from being a slave to being a wife. Explain how? What happens if she gets pregnant?

(11) Why did the European free citizens preferred to be slaves in a Muslim society rather than being free in their own home land?

(12) Who was Malcolm X? Why his last name is X? Briefly talk about his impact on civil rights. Use this link to read more about Malcolm X.


Week [19]: February 5, 2017

Defending Islam against Stereotypes: Reply to Islam is a non American religion (Imported from outside of the US) and Mohamed is not an American Name.


Click here to listen to class


Listen to the audio recording of the class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:

  1. The birth area of the three religions.

  2. Mohamed is not a Christian name but it is ............

  3. In case of differences between Muslim American and their fellow Non Muslim Americans, the Non Muslims say go back to your country.

  4. Immigrant Muslims accepted to be American citizens (naturalized) when......

  5. In a case of differences between main stream Americans, they do not say to each other go back to your country. Why?

  6.  Love it or leave it is not American. The American spirit is .....

  7. You are either with us or with the terrorists (Bush). You are either with us or with the US (bin Laden). We are ........

  8. Difference between propaganda and journalism (decent media).

  9. In a similar manner the American media insults the intellectuals because .....

  10. Natural differences intended by our creator.....

  11. Allah judges us for what we choose to be not what he chose for us.

  12. Are we democratic or constitutional republic? Explain the difference between both.

  13. What is the American personality? What is the Islamic personality? Are they against each other or can coexist?

  14. Explain how the American personality and the Islamic personality can work together in the concept of image pollution.

  15. Immigrants are tested but American born were not tested. Explain this argument. This argument is a reply to what? You may use the example of the free pens given in a medical conference.


Week [18]: January 29, 2017

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Women are not Equal to Men

Islam allows girls to marry young.

Islam does not allow boys and girls to mate before marriage.

The share of inheritance is that the boys are twice the girls.

The testimony of two men or one man and two women in business contracts.

Click here to listen to the class


Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:

Are men and women identical or different. Give four examples that show your answer. (for example the Olympics).

Islam allows girls to marry when they are young:

·         Difference between a pregnant teenager in US and Muslim country. Which one is more descent?

·         What is the proof that many teenage girls are ready to mate?

·         The alternative does not have to be arranged marriage. Explain.

·         Comment on arranged marriage, independent marriage without any regard to parent’s opinion and Islam

·         Can a girl be forced to marry a person without her consent?

Islam does not allow boys and girls to mate before marriage:

·         Is it moral?

·         Girls are taken advantage of. How?

·         Explain the meaning of why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free.

·         In Muslim countries would a girl would give herself up to a guy without marriage? Explain why not? Why would this make girls precious?

·         Why would a girl wear clothes showing her body when it is freezing cold?

·         Islam wants to make sure that the brains fit together before consummating the marriage. Explain the stages of getting married in Islam.

·         Consummating the marriage fast (fast Zawag) is it wise? Why or why not?


·         Who has the Financial burden, men or women?

·         Are women required to spend money on anyone else?

·         Before Islam women used to be inherited (not inherit but get inherited). Explain.

·         Can we apply part of Sharia and leave parts. Explain how Sharia laws will not make sense if this happened. Use the issue of inheritance as an example.


·         Baqra 282 is the longest Ayah in the Quran. What was it about? What does it say about witnesses in business contracts?

·         Why at least one man is a must? Explain how women might be less familiar than men in business terminology? Relate that to the requirement of why do we have to have at least one man.

·         Stay home mothers might not be very well familiar with business terminology. There are women who are involved in business and there are women who stay home. Explain how is that related to the requirement of at least one man.

·         Are two men allowed to testify in the same room or together? Why or why not?

·         Are two women or more testify in the same room or together? Why or why not?

·         Explain how women tend to forget due to shortage of iron during the period, during the pregnancy and after the delivery. Explain the relationship between this fact and requiring more than one woman to testify together.






Week [17]: January 22, 2017

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam is not a civilized religion and Muslims are not civilized people [Part II]

Judging Civilizations:

Click on the following to listen to the class:

Part I:  Judging civilizations

Part II: Sources of law and global inequality.


Must Read This Document (MS Word Format, PDF Format).

Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:

Criteria to Judge Civilizations are

  1. What is the highest value of the society, i.e. rules the society? Which is more important tech or civilization?
  2. Source of the new generation. Provide statistics.
  3. Role of women in society.
  4. Highest value in the society that controls all other values.
  5. Who make the laws. Part of the society make laws and the other part are slaves of these laws.
  6. The basis of our unity: Earthly or Heavenly.
  7. Global Inequality.


 Week [16]: January 15, 2017

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam is not a civilized religion [Part I]

Muslims are not civilized people.

Click here to listen to the class


Must Read This Document (MS Word Format, PDF Format).

  1. Difference between having technology and being civilization. Give example of people who were civilized but had no tech, civilized and had tech, not civilized and had no tech, and not civilized but has tech.
  2. Why did Allah destroy the people of Ad by a miraculous power and didn't leave them to destroy themselves by themselves due to their corruption.
  3. Which is more important tech or civilization?
  4. What was the state of the world before Prophet Mohamed SAW come? Do we have a cast system today? Explain?
  5. Did Prophet Mohamed came SAW to teach tech or to teach civilization?
  6. Talk about the French revolution and how it was anti religion. Why did the French people rebelled against tyranny and the church at the same time. Explain how Christianity was used then as a slave mind management system.
  7. The origin of the separation between religion and state.
  8. The reason that made France allow girls to be completely undressed in shops' display but at the same time, she can't were Hijab.
  9. How technology with no civilization produced technology of death.
  10. How many people that died in the previous century due to technology of death. Why was it called the century of mega-death? (The book: Out of Control)
  11. Why were people happy at the begging of the past century and why did they become disappointed?
  12. How bombing thousands of people today from an airplane is similar to playing a video game.
  13. Talk about the century of Mega death. How many people died last century due to political insanity?
  14. Talk about the global injustices. TV made it even worse, why? explain?
  15. Talk about the movies industry and address the use of profanity and the average time spent by a house wife and teenagers watching TV?
  16. Talk about image pollution. Is that a civilization?


Week [15]: January 8, 2017

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to:

Sharia (Islamic Law) is too Old

Click here to listen to the class


  1. Is there any country without laws?

  2. If we reject the divine laws, what is the remaining alternative?

  3. Who is the only one that can make fair laws and why? What happen when humans make laws?

  4. Today's societies are different than the societies 1400 ago. How come Sharia laws still apply now after 1400 years when it was revealed to the Prophet SAW?  How come the Sharia still applies to all society at all places?

  5. What is the fixed part of Sharia that does not change with time and place and what is the variable part that changes with time and/or place?

  6. Do the Ten Commandments still apply till today? Do they change with time and place?

  7. Explain the difference between Hallal and Haram versus wise and unwise?

  8. Does Sharia allow freedom for Haram or corruption? What freedoms the Sharia provides?

  9. If Sharia allows freedom between Hallal alternatives, how do you select which alternative to use?

  10. Give an example how the Capitalism laws change with time and place (Lake Tahoe for example). Comment on that. Which value is controlling? Moral values controls the economy or the economy is controlling moral values in Capitalism?

  11. Capitalism is based on selfishness and greed. Give two examples.

  12. Mention three haram things in doing business?

  13. What is the difference between 13 years old pregnant girl in US vs Sharia country? Which one is better and why?

  14. What is Riba? Explain the equation of Riba as the equation of Sharia. How are they different? How is the Sharia equation is superior to Riba equation?


Week [14]: December 18, 2016

About Hijab by Leena Elzeiny

Click here for the class notes


Summarize the class in 600 words essay.

Week [13]: December 11, 2016

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Replay to: Sharia (Islamic Law) is too Harsh


Click here to listen to the class


Listen to the audio recording, read the notes and answer the following questions in no less than 600 words:

  1. Is Sharia intended to protect the public space or the private space?
  2. Does Sharia allows spying on the people in their private places?
  3. Why they say that Sharia is harsh. Mention the punishments of the examples given in class and you can add your own as well.
  4. Indeed Sharia is harsh on criminals. How does this affect the number of future criminals and victims?
  5. Justice to the favor of criminals (easy punishment) versus justice to the favor of victims (harsh punishment). Explain how and why Sharia is kind to victims.
  6.  Explain the benefit from a crime / cost of punishment ratio, explain how Islam keeps this ratio low? Give some numerical examples to explain the point?
  7. Difference between the rich thieves and the poor thieves in terms of how harsh the punishment in both cases?
  8. When did Omar R stop cutting the hands of the poor thieves?
  9. When did the Prophet order the death punishment of the ones who denounce Islam publicly? Why was it necessary at his time?
  10. Why is it fair to give the death punishment to those who denounce Islam publicly in a Sharia complaint country? (hint: you don't harm the religion, the religion will not.....). How many days given to these individuals before execution of the punishment? If someone denounces Islam without advertizing it, would Sharia harm him/her?



Week [12]: December 4, 2016

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam Says: Kill the Infidels.

Reply to: Quran Says: Kill them where ever you find them (Quran 2:191)

Does the Quran Really Sanction Violence Against 'Unbelievers'?

Click here to listen to the class


  1. Write Ayat Quran (2:190 to 192) that include the statement "Kill them where ever you find them". Explain the deception of those who quoted this part of Ayah to stereotype Islam.

  2. Quran (5:5) Proves that Islam is very tolerant with other religions. Explain in details.

  3. If Muslim men can marry non Muslim women, then why Muslim women can't marry non Muslim men?

  4. Explain the rule in (Quran 60:8-9). Show the tolerance in these Ayat.

  5. Explain how the name of Islam was hijacked in 911?

  6. Do radicals kill non Muslims only? Explain.

  7. Vigilantism is prohibited in Islam. Explain why and relate to 911.

  8. Describe the act of terror that was done in Oklahoma City in 1996. Who did it and why?

  9. Describe the acts of Anti-abortion terror. Who did it and what was the motive?

  10. Who is Jerry Adams? What is the Irish Republican Army (IRA)? Describe the acts of terror committed by the IRA.

  11. While our fellow American citizen suffered once due to 911, Muslims suffered twice as much. Explain in details.

  12. Summarize the arguments in this video clip.

  13. Summarize the arguments by President Obama regarding Islam in this video clip.

  14. (Optional question) Explain how the terrorist succeeded into disturbing the unity of the American society.

  15. (Optional question) Bin Laden said, it is either with us or you are a hypocrite. George W. Bush said, you are either with us or with the terrorists. Do you agree with these statements? What is your position from these statements?


Week [11]: November 20, 2016

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam is a Violent Religion Spread by the Sword.

Reply to: The Muslim God is a War God (Warrior), Militant God

Click here to listen to the class

Click here to see a presentation about the subject


Listen to class and answer the following questions. The answers must be 600 words or more.

A. Summarize the following replies to the Stereotypes that Islam spread by the sword (violence).

  1. Muslims made the invaded county better than it was.
  2. When the British occupied Egypt, did they make Cairo better than London? When the French occupied Algeria, did they make Algeria better than Paris. When Gorge Bush occupied Iraq, did he make Bagdad better than Washington or worse than Tijuana?
  3. Indonesia.
  4. The sword opens a land not a heart.
  5. Did the Islamic law accommodate non Muslim minorities living in Muslim countries?
  6. Non Muslim worship places are preserved intact.
  7. Quran said that "No compulsion in religion" Quran (2:256).

B. What is the difference between libration and occupation.

C. What is the story of the Coptic guy and the son of Amro Ibn Al-As عمرو بي العاص.

D. What is the inquisition? What religion was the one who did the inquisition? where and when did it start?  What was the purpose? How long did it last? Did Muslims do any inquistion?

E. Bin Laden proves that Muslims are peaceful. How? Use numbers and explain their meanings?

F. Who made Bin Laden and Sadam Husain? If you want to know more about them, do you go to the Masjid or somewhere else? What is the place and why?


These pictures will show how Muslims made the land they invaded better than their own homeland. As a result people were impressed about Islam, what Islam had to offer them and the way Islam improved their lives. Many of those people became Muslims and others chose to keep their religion. The ones who chose to keep their religion are called "The people whom Allah and his Messenger trusted us with (أهل الذمة، أي ذمة الله ورسولة)




The sword opens a land not a heart. The sword is used to expand the empire not the faith. People embraced Islam because they were impressed by what Islam offered them in comparison of what they had.

Non Muslim Worship Places still exist until today. They have been protected by Muslims.





Muslims did not do inquisition:

 Inquisition torture devices.

Holy Inquisition. 



Week [10]: November 13, 2016

Five Pillars of Islam

أركان الإسلام

Click here to listen to the class


Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:

  1. From a language perspective, is the word Islam verb or noun? How about in reality is Islam verb or noun? Why? Explain.
  2.  Did the Arab lords hate Prophet Mohamed before he brought Islam? What did they use to call him before he brought them the package of  La Ilaha Ila Allah?
  3. The first pillar of Islam, the Shihada, Why did the Arab lords did not like it? What did it mean to them? (The answer to this question is long. Make sure to cover all reasons and explain them well).
  4. Using the example of a father who sent his son to study in a far away college, explain the following:
    • Concept of Salah? What is the phone number you need to call on Allah?
    • Concept of natural means? Who to thank for the check?
    • Evolution? hint Do you have a father and a mother.
  5. Explain the remembrance of Allah curve with time.
  6. Focusing in the prayer as a problem. In what case it would be forgiven and in what case it will not.
  7. What are the tests of Islam (tests of submission)? Why are we being given these tests? Explain how Ramadan is a test to us.
  8. Why Ramadan is a training camp? Mention four of the most important benefits of fasting Ramadan (the ones mentioned in class).
  9. If people convert their cash money into other forms (like diamond for example) for the purpose of evading Zakah. Would they be exempted from Zahah or what?
  10. Mention the rules of Zahat of cash, gold and other valuable things.
  11. Mention the rule of Zakah for farming for both cases of irrigation (by rain or by effort).
  12. Mention the rules of the Zahah for oil and other mines.
  13. People travel and go to crowded places for ......................................... Muslims travel to Haj for .........................
  14. How come that Allah would let the Masjids, his houses on earth, burn and would let the people doing Haj to his house die?
  15. Explain the following diagram


Week [9]: November 6, 2016

Pillars of Faith - Believe in the Books, Prophets, Day of Judgment and
Qadar (Accept and Respect the Decisions Made by Allah)

Click here to listen to the class


Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:

1. What is the difference between a Prophet and Messenger? Explain in details.
2. The messenger is sent to non believers but the Prophet is sent to believers. How? Explain in details.
3. Did each Prophet teach the same faith about Allah? Why? Explain.
4. Each Messenger came with different Sharia laws. Give three examples of differences between the Sharia laws of the Messengers.
5. What are the three spiritual motivations that will motivate someone wake up very early in the morning and go to Fajr?
6. Because Prophets are teachers, what do they need to teach from?
7. What are the benefits of having books (scriptures) while the Prophets are alive? What is the use of these books after the Prophets die?
8. All books now have been changed due to translations and manipulations except the Quran. Why did Allah declare that he will be guard the Quran from being lost, manipulate it or changed until the Day of Judgment?
9. If there is no day of judgment, then good guys and bad guys end up equal. Explain how they are the same. Is it fair?
10. If there is no day of judgment, then it will make no sense for us to fight our temptations and lower desires. Explain why.
11. What would you say about a judge who makes good guys equal to bad guys? How this is related to belief in the Day of Judgment?
12. Who has been writing our books when we were children? What happens as you grow older?
13. Allah knows about what we will be written in our books. How do you reconcile this with the fact that we are writing our own books and that we have the freedom to write them?
14. What are the decisions that have been made by Allah and we have no choice over? Can we question Allah, reject or change any of these decisions?
15. What is the story of the parents who accidently left their children to die in the garage due to carbon dioxide coming out of their running car? What did they do after the accident to be able to handle with the harsh reality?
16. In the grief management classes, what is the first thing they teach? How is that related to the sixth pillar of faith in Islam?
17. Some people are born with all the fame and wealth they need, while others are deprived? Are we born to equal rights? Are we born to equal opportunities? Explain.


See this Link

Week [8]: October 30, 2016

Pillars of Faith - Believe in the Angels.

Click here to listen to the class


Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:

  1. Why is it not appropriate to Allah to do all tasks by himself? Give examples of tasks that it is not appropriate for Him to do.

  2. How do you respond to those who say that if Allah can do everything, then can he create a rock that he himself can't carry?

  3. What is the Royal way of getting something done?

  4. Give examples of different angels doing different tasks.

  5. Because of the coupling between our bodies and souls, the body is limiting the soul. Explain that statement in details.

  6. What happen when we die, are we going to be limited to the five senses? Are we going to be able to see the world of unseen? Explain in details.

  7. After death, the angels Monkar and Nakeer wil ask us 3 questions? What are the questions? Can we lie to the angels? Why not?

  8. About the example of the people who live in 2D, can we see them? Can they see all of us? What would they see if you place your finger in their 2D plane? Use the example of the people who live in 2D to prove that we are seen and accessed from a higher dimension. 

  1. Give an example of how Jinn and angels can go through walls.

  2. Complete: In order for Jinn to be seen by us, they have to ............, and they will be controlled by our laws of ....................

  3. What is the interface between the body and the soul? How can the soul control the body? How can you split them apart so that you don't feel the pain during surgery?

  4. Which Angel blows in the trumpet? What happen after he blows the first time and what happens when he blows the second time?

  5. What is the job of the Guardian Angels? Do they do their job with both good and bad guys or only good guys?

  6. Describe the Shytan’s access to us? Can he have physical access to us?



Week [7]: October 23, 2016

Pillars of Faith - Believe in Allah.

Click here to listen to the class: First Part and Second Part


Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:

1.       What did Allah give us so that we can see him by our brains? What do we have to understand the nature of Allah? Explain.

2.       How many names Allah has given us? How many names Allah has overall? Write the Hadeeth that proves your statement?

3.       What are the two worlds that we have? To which one Allah, his angels and life after? What world that we live in now? To which world belong the things that we can feel using any of the five senses?

4.       From an Islamic perspective, what is the difference between to know and to believe? Use the example of the furnace.

5.       When the angels ask you the three questions right after death, how come you can't lie and give the correct answers?

6.       Compare the punishment in the grave with nightmares.

7.       Compare the joy in the grave with sweet dreams.

8.       What is the argument about a ship sailing from India to New York? Compare this with the schedule of the sunrise and sunset? How does it prove the existence of Allah?

9.       Can we see everything in existence? In order for something to exist, do we have to see it? What is the “show me” state?

10.   Because of the coupling between our bodies and souls, the body is limiting the soul. Explain that statement in details.

11.   What happen when we die, are we going to be limited to the five senses? Are we going to be able to see the world of unseen? Explain in details.

12.   What is the meaning of the statement “God did not create man. Man created God”.

13.   Denying the existence of the Creator (the God) seems unreasonable. What caused the atheists to don’t want to admit the existence of the Creator?

14.   Explain how is the Christian religion was used as a slave mind management system? What was the response of the smart slaves?




Week [6]: October 16, 2016

Sour Mercy and Sweet Mercy.

Click here to listen to the class


Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:

  1. Mention the story of Prophet Mosa and the Righteous slave of Allah.

  2. What are the two types of knowledge? Explain.

  3. What are the two types of mercy?

  4. In the first event, which was damaging the boat, who was the one who made the decision? Which type is this mercy?

  5. In the second event, which was killing the boy, who was the one who made the decision? Which type is this mercy?

  6. In the third event, which was fixing the wall of a ruined house, who was the one who made the decision? Which type is this mercy?

  7. Explain how is that you may pray for something, which is bad for you, or hate something, which is good for you. Give few examples.

  8. Mention few lessons that you learned from the story.


Week [5]: October 9, 2016

Lessons from the Hijra - How to depending on Allah.

Click here to listen to the class


In no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. Who was the woman of the double scarf? Why did she get this name? What was her relationship to the Prophet and Abo Bakr? What was her role during the Prophet migration to Madina?

  2. Who was the companion of the Prophet during his immigration?

  3. Who was the person who was spying on the Arab Lords? How? What was his relationship to Abo Baker Al-Sidiq?

  4. Who was the guy that was trying to capture the Prophet SAW for a prize? What was his name? And what was the prize? The Prophet promised his something. What was it? Why did the Prophet promise him? When did this promise become true, i.e. after what battle?

  5. What is the meaning of the word desperate?

  6. When does Allah help you with unseen soldiers? How do you qualify for them?

  7. How many times the Prophet SAW plan of Higra failed and what were the unseen soldier that Allah helped him with? Explain in details.

  8. Why did Allah make the Prophet follow the laws of nature in his immigration to Madian but in the night journey he gave him the miraculous animal called Al-Borak? Why? What is the difference between both the night journey and the Higra?

  9. Allah sent fruit basket from Jannah to Marium when she was in her room worshiping Allah. After giving birth to Prophet Isa, why did Allah ask her to shake the palm tree to get dates to eat and did not provide her with a fruit basket from Jannah?

  10. What happened to the 40 guys that were surrounding the house of the Prophet SAW? What did the Prophet do to them before he leaves? Why?

  11. What is the name of the cave where is the Prophet was hiding in? Why did he hide and did not go straight to Makah?

  12. How did soldiers of the Muslim army deal with the war elephants?

  13. Failure to plan is a plan to fail. Explain.


Week [4]: October 2, 2016

Depending on Allah



Click here to listen to the class


In no less that 200 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. What is the meaning of the name Al-Wakeel

  2. Since we cannot expect Allah to vacuum your carpet and wash your dishes, then how do you depend on Allah in both of these tasks?

  3. How do you reply to the one who says "If I do my part, then there is nothing left for Allah to do".

  4. Explain the word "Tawfeeq توفيق".  Who does control Tawfeeq?

  5. Explain the probability of failure?

  6. Mention the story of tying the camel and how did Prophet Mohamed comment on this?

  7. How do you reply to the ones who say "I tied the camel, what is left for Allah to do"?

  8. How do I depend on Allah to heal my sicknesses?

  9. What did Omar Ibn Al-khatab say regarding the people who stayed in the Masjid claiming that they depend on Allah to bring them sustenance? Explain?

  10. The engineer who built Titanic said "Even God cannot sink it". What happened and how did Allah make him fail.

  11. What did prevent the Pagan Arab Lords from killing the Prophet SAW? How did they get around this?

  12. When the Prophet SAW was immigrating from Makkah to Madinah, did he make plans?



Week [3]: September 25, 2016

The Knowledge of Allah


Click here to listen to the class


In no less that 200 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. Allah has written our deeds in his book before we even exist. If this is the case, then how come we have freedom of choice? What is the ridiculous understanding of this statement.

  2. Allah blocks the hearts of the bad guys so that they don't appreciate the truth. Allah blinds the eyes of the bad guys so they don't see the truth. Allah seals the ears of the bad guys so that they hear the truth. Allah guides and misguides. If this is the case, then how come he is judging the bad guys for being bad? Do we still have freedom of choice. Explain. Use the example of flying cows.

  3. The names of Allah (الأول) means the first without start and the twin name of this name is (الآخر) which means the last without end. Explain this in terms of time. Explain how Allah controls the time and he does not change or age with time. On the other hand, he made the time able to age everything else. Elaborate on the previous statement and use that to explain how Allah contains time and everything else is contained in time.

  4. How can I know your answer ahead of time without forcing you to follow my answer? Use the cow examples.

  5. What is the opposite of the statement "Allah guides whom so ever he wants and misguides whomsoever he wants". Prove that the opposite doesn't make any sense.

  6.  In order for humans to know the future, they need .......complete

  7. Mention the story of Omer with the guy who was arguing that he stole because it is the decree of Allah and it is not his fault.

  8.  Is our will superior to Allah's will? The following Ayat in Surat Al-Takweer [29:28-29] have the answer. Explain them.




Week [2]: September 18, 2016

Communications between Heavens and Earth

Click here to listen to the class.


  1. What are the heavenly values and what are the earthly values? Which one Allah wants us to follow?

  2. Describe the cycles that has been happening since the creation of Adam until today?

  3. Why did Prophet Mohamed select to seclude himself in a cave?

  4. Why was Prophet Mohamed observing the nature? Explain how the product will tell you about the maker?

  5. Why Allah made Angel Gabriel hugs Prophet Mohamed SAW? What is the significance of the hug?

  6. Why was the hug so painful? What is the significance of the pain in the hug?

  7. What is the relationship between the names of Allah and life? What are the glasses of Iqra'a that we talked about in class?

  8. Explain the views regarding the issue of creation using the glasses of Iqra'a and without.

  9. How many rounds do we have? Which one is more important? The true winners are the ones who win which round?

  10. If you see a criminal thug was successful in killing a Prophet, without using the glasses of Iqra'a , who is the winner and who is the loser? How about when you wear the glasses of Iqra'a ? Explain in details.

  11. Is the story of cave men and women true? Why or why not? Were Prophet Adam and Eve cave people? Explain.

  12. Give examples of how people saw things differently through the glasses of Iqra'a such as the example of the widow that had many children and her husband died.


Week [1]: August 28, 2016

Our Enemies

Click here to listen to part of the class.


  1. Regarding having a free will, Allah created two kinds of creations. What are they? Explain.

  2. The evil Jinn is called ……

  3. Wave can go through ………. Angels are created from waves of ………. and Jinn are created from waves of …..

  4. Can we have a free will if we don’t have evil motives? Give an example of a creation of Allah that has no evil motives at all. Are they being tested?

  5. Temptations are evil motives. Give five illustrative examples.

  6. In addition to temptations, there are other evil motives. What are they? Give couple of illustrative examples of each.

  7. How does the Shytan make us do evil? Explain.

  8. After the Shytan starts the temptations, would he be able to make it grow? Explain.

  9. If no one can avoid the startup of temptations in his/her heart, how can we fight temptations then?

  10. What are the good motives? Give couple of illustrative examples of each.
