J Welcome to Dr. Zeiny’s Islamic Studies class J

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June 3, 2012

Take Home Final:

Click here to get the take home final

Due date is extended to Sunday 6/17/2012

Audio Notes:

Click here to listen to the class


In 300 words essay, summarize all what we talked about in the class and send it by email to aelzeiny@hotmail.com



You are nothing but a number of days. Every day that passes, a piece of you is gone.

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May 20, 2012

Click here to listen to class


In 300 words essay, summarize all what we talked about in the class and send it by email to aelzeiny@hotmail.com

Make sure to cover the following points

1.       Is it appropriate to say Salam to Allah. How did Khadija (RAA) reply to the Salam of Allah delivered to her throw angel Jibril and the Prophet SAW.

2.       How to greet Allah. How did the Prophet greet Allah when he saw him in the heavenly journey (the field trip to see Jannah and Hell, which is Called Miraj المعراج)

3.       Why Jannah is called Dar-Al-Salam (The house of Salam)

4.       What are the actions that we do that will violate our belief in the name (Al-Salam)


The Name of Allah Al-Salam (The One who is Secured from being Harmed and the One who Provides Others with Security from Harm)


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May 6, 2012

Click here to listen to class


In 300 words essay, summarize all what we talked about in the class and send it by email to aelzeiny@hotmail.com



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April 29, 2012



Click here to listen to class


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April 22, 2012



Listen to the class by clicking here

The name of Allah Al-Hakeem (The Most Wise)

To explore the name of Allah Al-Hakeem, we will discuss the wisdom of Allah in the following:

1.    Not making it possible to physically see him.

2.    Not sending us miracles on regular basis.

3.    Making us who we are now.

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April 8, 2012




The name of Allah Al-Tawab (The one who helps us to repent)

Allah SWT helps us to repent by giving us wise punishments. Consider the following illustrative examples

1.    A father who doesn’t punish his child for doing something wrong is actually hurting his child because he is giving him the wrong message. If the father pretends that his child didn’t do anything wrong, then the child is going to continue doing wrong and even worse. If the father continues to treat his child as though he didn’t do anything wrong, the child will keep going and going. This father is not wise at all.

2.    Consider a teacher that gives the students the lectures, lessons, homework, text book and his expectations from the students, then at the end of the year he tests the students and some pass and some fail. This teacher is fair but not Tawab. Allah is better than that. Allah is like the teacher who also follows up the progress of his students. If they do bad, then he punishes them lightly first. If they continue doing bad, then he calls the parents for conference. If they still continue doing bad, then he escalates the level of his punishment more and more to help them pass the test at the end. This teacher is Tawab. He helps his students correct their mistakes before it is too late. He helps them become successful.

Having good hopes in the mercy of Allah:

It is a major sin (first degree sin) to despair the mercy of Allah. Those who despair the mercy of Allah are promised severe punishment. We are ordered to have good hopes in the mercy of Allah. Having good hopes in Allah’s mercy doesn’t mean that you disobey him and don’t do what he asked you to do and then say I have good hope of his mercy. No. Having good hopes in Allah’s mercy means that if you have the interest and trying but you are not succeeding, you should have good hopes in the mercy of Allah. It also means that if you make an awful sin and then you repent, you have to have good hopes in the mercy of Allah. In other words, you have to try to do the homework and if you fail, then you should have good hopes in the mercy of Allah.

Some people do bad deeds and say “Allah will forgive us. We have good hopes in his mercy”. This is not called having good hopes in the mercy of Allah. This is called Passive Wishes (or foolish wishes). It is foolish not to do the homework or try to do it and then wish that you are covered by the rule of having good hopes in Allah’s mercy. Again, remember that trying to fool Allah or take advantage of his mercy in a bad way is not going to happen. You are fooling no one but yourself and you are harming no one but yourself.

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April 1, 2012


Q.1 To make sure that we don’t think that Allah changes his mind, we need to understand the reason for which Allah reduced the prayers from 50 times a day to 5 times a day. There is a wisdom behind that, mention that wisdom?

Q2. I asked you to handwrite the story so that you don’t do cut and paste. You can read about the story by clicking here

Q3. The Pharaoh tried to repent as Allah described in Surat Yunus

{90} وَجَاوَزْنَا بِبَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ الْبَحْرَ فَأَتْبَعَهُمْ فِرْعَوْنُ وَجُنُودُهُ بَغْيًا وَعَدْوًا حَتَّى إِذَا أَدْرَكَهُ الْغَرَقُ قَالَ آمَنْتُ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا الَّذِي آمَنَتْ بِهِ بَنُو إِسْرَائِيلَ وَأَنَا مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ 

We took the Children of Israel across the sea: Pharaoh and his soldiers followed them motivated by meanness and arrogance. Then when the Pharaoh  was about to drown, he said: "I believe that there is no god except the one that the Children of Israel believe in and I am joining the ones who are Muslims"

 {91} آلْآنَ وَقَدْ عَصَيْتَ قَبْلُ وَكُنْتَ مِنَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ 

Allah replied "Now you are saying that and a little while before, you were disobedient and were spreading corruption”

 {92} فَالْيَوْمَ نُنَجِّيكَ بِبَدَنِكَ لِتَكُونَ لِمَنْ خَلْفَكَ آيَةً وَإِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِنَ النَّاسِ عَنْ آيَاتِنَا لَغَافِلُونَ 

(Allah continued saying) Today we will save your body so that you become a reminder to the ones who come after you for most people are forgetful to my reminders”

Hint: Was the Pharaoh repenting to evade the hell fire or was he repenting out of fear to Allah and regretting that he disobeyed him.


Allah accepts the repentance of criminals. Would it benefit or harm the society that Allah is forgiving to the criminals. Remember that the guy who killed 99 and then he was told that he can’t repent; he killed one more to make them 100. If the door of repentance is closed, criminals will never stop for they are going to hell anyway.

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March 25, 2012


Give three more examples of situations that if you do wrong things Allah will not hold responsible (not punish you) similar to the ones given below. (Hint: Insanity, little kids, sleeping …etc)

Solution of Last Week Homework


Don’t you ever think that you have a free will means that you can override the will of Allah. You have a free will only because Allah wanted this to happen.

There are two extremes in understanding this concept. Both extremes are wrong. The middle is the correct.

 The bottom line and final conclusion is very simple. It is simple enough for a child to understand, which is we are held responsible for our actions with few exceptions

We are not held responsible in the following three exceptions;

1.       Compelled by excessive force

2.       Forgot

3.       Didn’t intended to make a mistake


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March 18, 2012


The purpose of this homework is that to show that the opposite of the statement above doesn’t make any sense and therefore the statement itself makes perfect sense. Does it make sense to say that people are guided and misguided whether Allah wills or not, i.e.  whether Allah wants or not. In other words, does it make sense to say that people will be guided or misguided whether Allah like it or not. Therefore, if the opposite of a statement is nonsense, then the statement itself is common sense.


Ridiculous Understanding

Correct Understanding


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March 11, 2012


The Ayat are (24:31), (24:60) and (33:59).


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March 4, 2012



Since the creator is one, then he is the same one who made the laws of nature and the laws of Islam. Laws of nature can’t be broken but laws of Islam can. Since both laws are made by the same creator, he made them so that they work together. If we choose to obey the laws of Islam, the we live in peace with the laws of nature. If we choose to disobey the laws of Islam, then we will get in trouble with the laws of nature.

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February 26, 2012


Ask your father to take you to visit one of the graves


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February 12, 2012

The pictures are deleted by accident. Students should use their notes.

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February 5, 2012


Handwrite the story of Prophet Musa since his mother was pregnant until he finished the 8-10 Years agreement with his father in law. Use Surat 28 Ayat 1 to 28 as a reference

Click here to listen to the English translation of Surat 28

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January 29, 2012


Print 5 pictures that shows the historic Islamic Civilization in Andalusia.


Muslims made the countries they went into better than their own home land. You can verify this today by visiting Spain.




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January 22, 2012


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Chapter 2, verse 191 in the Quran. See the replay in this link.

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We had a debate between the students about the following:

1.       About Bin Laden sharing the religion with up:

a.       Same as Hitler sharing the religion of our fellow Christians

2.       Bin Laden hijacked the name of Islam and he doesn’t represent Muslims:

a.       Same as Timothy McVeigh representing the home grown terrorism

b.      Same as Christian fundamentalists who blew up the abortion clinics. See the anti-abortion violence

c.       Same as the catholic Irish Republican Army and Jerry Adams

3.       Bin Laden proves that Muslims are violent

a.       Bin Laden actually proves that Muslims are peaceful because he represents the exception not the norm. According to this report from the president of US, the number of Al-Qaeda members left in Afghanistan is 100. If we assume that Al-Qaeda has 100,000 members left, then the ratio between normal Muslims and Al-Qaeda Muslims is 100,000 to 1,500,000,000, which is 0.007%, which means that 99.993% of Muslims are main stream, which means that Muslims are doing really well.

b.      The exception proves the rule to be true not false because if there is no exception, there will be no rule. In other words, the existence of exception proves the existence of the rule, which is that main stream Muslims are not violent in this case.

4.       Many Americans are killed by Muslims:

a.       The number of Muslims killed by Americans far exceeds the number of American killed by Muslims.

b.      Both sides are wrong, the state sponsored terrorism and the gang sponsored terrorism.

c.       The British used to refer to the American freedom fighters as terrorists.

d.      One man terrorist is another man freedom fighter.

5.       Almost all acts of terrorism are done by Muslims

a.       False, see terrorism in United States.

The debate didn’t go well. Only two students were very active and making arguments and the remaining students had no interest. Parents should make sure that their children are not ashamed of their religion or misunderstand their religion. Al-Qeda is a political movement that gave Islam a bad name just like Zionism gave Judaism a bad name. Many Jews are saying that Zionism doesn’t represent us like Muslims saying Al-Qaeda doesn’t represent us.


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January 15, 2012


1.     To highlight the role of women in Islam, state the names of the following women

a.     First person ever to believe in the Prophet SAW.

b.     First Martyr in Islam.

c.      The one who got her arms cut when defending the Prophet SAW in the battle of Uhud.

2.     Write short essay about Benazir Bhutto and Sheikh Hasina and their contributions to the improvement of their nations.

Class Notes:

Sharia is too harsh:

1.     It is less harsh that the National Defense Authorization Act and Guantanamo bay

2.     Why are you concerned about how harsh it is. Do you have criminal plans? Only criminals should worry the most.

3.     In a non-deterring punishment system, criminals calculate the risk versus the gain to find out that the crime is worth the risk.

4.     In Sharia country, the number of people who lost their lives or got disabled because of crimes are mostly the criminals. In a non-Sharia country, the number of people who lost their lives or got disabled because of crimes are mostly the victims.

5.     In a non-Sharia country, criminal justice means justice for criminals and unfairness for victims. In a Sharia country, criminal justice means justice against criminals and justice to the favor of victims.

6.     There are much more details about Sharia laws other than the ones spread by the stereo types (criminal or punishment laws). Sharia focuses on the justice of the distribution of wealth and power. Generally, Sharia main objectives are

a.     Protection of the Religion from a system that pressures someone to sell his/her religion in exchange of an essential need of life

b.     Protection of human soul against killing, abuse, disability …etc.

c.      Protection of the brain from mental abuse and harmful substances.

d.     Protection of lineage, i.e. it is well known who are the parents and grand parents of a child. Which family did he come from.

e.     Protection of wealth from being stolen by the government or by individuals.

Women are oppressed because they can’t be leaders:

1.     Islam doesn’t violate the rights of Muslim women. Islam recognizes that the job of women in general is more honorable than the job of men. While the product of a woman is a human being, the product of a man is commercial products. Motherhood is not an inferior job, rather it is a much more honorable job.

2.     Western media stereo type Islam as a religion that oppresses women and doesn’t allow them to be leaders. This is not true. Benazir Bhutto is the former prime minister of Pakistan and Sheikh Hasina is the current prime minister of Bangladesh. The prime minster is the head of the government in both countries. The most civilized nation in the world today is United States of America. There was never a female president elected in the history of United States until now. The US media doesn’t propagate these facts but rather they stress the stereo types. We should learn facts about one another rather than stereo types.

Hijab is oppression:

1.     This is what Muslim women believe is the expectation of God from them. They are free to believe and practice their beliefs. After Taliban left power in Afghanistan, Muslim women continue to wear Niqab, which is the most strict version of Hijab.

2.     God expects Muslim women to cover their feminine features for it is not for public display. This way they guarantee that they are appreciated for their talent and not for being sexy or not. By having scarves, it is guaranteed that any male will be interested in them only for descent business. It is very unlikely that a male who is interested into indecent business will approach a woman with scarf. In addition, Islam prohibits the use of the feminine features in business and forbids females from using their feminine features to propagate unethical temptations.

3.     Consider the following statements coming from the mouth of a reporter who won an award when their male coworkers got jealous of her and said that she won the award because she is sexy. She got mad and said “Being sexy has nothing to do with winning the award. I won the award because of my talent, not because of my feminine features”.

3.     If you go to the Vatican, women are not allowed to meet the Catholic Pope without head covers and decent cloth.

4.     Mary the mother of Jesus and church nuns believe in Hijab and they are dressed accordingly.

5.     Beautiful girls who are almost naked are used to advertise cars and bulldozers. The implied message is ….?


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December 11, 2011


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December 4, 2011



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November 20, 2011

Click here to download and print the midterm exam.

Solution of the midterm is due on December 4, 2011. Email the solution i@zeiny.net or print and bring to class

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November 13, 2011




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October 30, 2011




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October 16, 2011


Example of homework:


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October 9, 2011


Notes: Struggle between good and evil

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October 2, 2011


Read over 5:27-32 and write it word for word. No printing.

Notes: Today in class we talked about Qabeel and Habeel



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September 25, 2011


For Example:


Today in class we talked about the struggle between good and bad guys. You can see this on a daily basis (ie cops vs. criminals, nerd vs. bully)

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September  18, 2011


Notes: Story of Adam in Heaven

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September  11, 2011

Class Information:

·         This site will be updated EVERY WEEK (usually on  the day of the school) so parents should feel free to check if they want to know what their children are learning.

·         Report cards will be emailed.

·         We will contact parents if the students are doing bad in class.

·         Students are expected to bring their notebooks and pencils to class.

·         Exams are open notes so if you have good notes, then you’re going to do well.


Mention and explain the hadeeth of intentions.


The beginning of creation

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