
Class date: May 22, 2011







First, we corrected HW. The reds are irregular.

Then, we went into a totally new subject (commands.. male and female)


Class date: May 15, 2011


Get the past, the present and future tenses of the following

Eat, Sleep, Drink, Visit, Walk, Run, Stand, Sit, Think, Go.

The Arabic words for the above verbs are listed below in a mixed order

وقف، ذهب، نام، جري، شرب، مشي، فكر، زار، جلس، أكل



First we corrected the homework:


We also reviewed how to do past, present, future of each verb.

لعب، يلعب، سيلعب

لعبت، تلعب، ستلعب

فعل، يفعل، سيفعل

فعلت، تفعل، ستفعل




Class date: May 8, 2011


In class:

First, we corrected homework

Then we took notes on a completely new subject. How to say female and male nouns in single, double, and plural forms.

First, male.

Then, female



Class Date: May 1, 2011


1)      He is doing his homework.

2)      She is doing her homework.

3)      They are doing their homework (2 males).

4)      They are doing their homework (2 females).

5)      They are doing their homework (many males).

6)      They are doing their homework (many females).

7)      They are doing their homework (mixed group).

8)      They are doing their homework (one male, one female).

9)      I am doing my homework

10)   We are doing our homework


We took a test today. It was fairly simple, open-note, and multiple choice.

It was the following:

1.             He is eating his candy.

2.             She is eating her candy.

3.             They are eating their candy (2 males).

4.             They are eating their candy (2 females).

5.             They are eating their candy (many males).

6.             They are eating their candy (many females).

7.             They are eating their candy (mixed group).

8.             They are eating their candy (one male, one female).

9.             I am eating my candy

10.         We are eating our candy


After, we went over the Test answers:

We did not take a lot of notes, but among our notes was the following:


Class Date: April 24, 2011




Today in class we corrected our last homework and reviewed stuff.


Class Date: April 17, 2011

Today in class we corrected our last homework.

The Homework for next week could or could not be the correct homework. We have been having some difficulties with the camera.



Class Date: April 3, 2011

Write they play with their toy in the form of 2 males, 2 females, several males, and several females. See notes if you don’t understand what I mean.

Congrats to the winners of the contest today!




Class Date: March 27, 2011




This quiz was open-note. On the left are the questions, and on the right are the answers that we went over in class.


Class Date: March 20, 2011


Today during class we corrected our homework. You can still turn it in late, but for half credit only. Usually you can turn things in late for full credit, but not this time. This is to prevent cheaters that the answers off the board/site. Those who are found guilty of copying the homework off the board also get half credit. It might be like this for a while.

These are the first four, the fifth will be corrected by me.



Class Date: March 13, 2011





Class Date: March 6, 2011

No homework today! Yay!

Today in class we reviewed how to write sentences and tried writing some questions.




Class Date: February 27, 2011






Class Date: February 13, 2011



Say in Arabic:

Put Tashkeel on the words accordingly (review):



Class Date: February 6, 2011

Today in class we played a game while taking notes at the same time.

Let us spend a moment to bask in the glory of the winners of today’s game. Team L:

Notes and game:



Class Date: January 30, 2011

We took notes on how to say these two examples of what we learned before in Arabic

Example 1:



Example 2:




Class Date: January 23, 2011

Homework: Pg. 32


Here are the notes:



In between notes, we took an open-note quiz:




Class Date: Sunday, January 16, 2011

The homework is the following: Identify the verb, subject, and object on the second to last bullet on page 44 of your textbook. If you would like the meaning, it is on page 46.

The notes are below:




At the end, we had a little open note pop quiz:


Class Date: Sunday, January 9, 2011

The homework is below


The notes are below






Class Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010


Winter Project Due on January 9th, 2011

The midterm grade will be based on the project

You can download free Arabic Grammar Books written in English and Urdu Languages from






Sample from the homework of last week:




Class Date: Sunday, December 12, 2010


Homework is to show noun sentences in Surat Al-Fatiha and Mark the Mobtada (The subject) and the Khabar (the news)








Class Date: Sunday, December 4, 2010


Homework is Page 39


This is the overall subject. It is the division of the sentence in the Arabic language into verb sentence and noun sentence. English language has only one kind of sentences, it is the verb sentence. If there is no real verb, then an auxiliary verb is inserted. This is not the case in the Arabic language where you can see a sentence without a verb, called the noun sentence.












The quiz is



Class Date: Sunday, November 7, 2010

Homework is







Class Date: Sunday, October 31, 2010

Homework for next week.


Rules to Solve the Homework


Quiz that the children took and Solution





Class Date: October 24, 2010

Homework for next week.

Using a table similar to the one in the competition, write the word Qalam (Pen) using different pronouns. My Pen, Your Pen, His Pen, Her Pen, Our Pen, ….etc.


We had a competition between two teams A and B. The competition is shown below and the teams are shown also

Team A


Team B




Class Date: October 17, 2010


Homework for this week is two parts A and B

HW5A is

Difference between Translation and Transliteration

Competition between Team A and Team B

Team A is

Team B is

Arabic Pronouns and HW5B





Class Date: October 10, 2010

Homework for next week is to answer questions in Page 32 of the text book.

First Quiz

Second Quiz:

Then we learned about using the Arabic equivalent of “The” and “a”, i.e. The car is specific car and a car is any car.

Then we talked how this makes a difference between Halal and Haram names as follows

Then we explained why Raheem is legal name for men but not Rahaman.


Class Date: October 3, 2010

We did 19 words, I focused more on recognizing shadda and sekoon, I split students into 2 teams and selected random verses of Surat Al-A'laq and the team that finds the words with shadda and sekoon and can tell which letter it's on gets a point, it was really fun and they were able to find almost all of them. On the side, we also talked about Arabic numerals and Hindi numerals and how the Arabs invented these numbers and by counting the angles in them.


Class Date: September 26, 2010

We covered words and their meanings. The homework is