Welcome to Dr. Elzeiny Islamic Studies Class


Homework must be emailed to hw@zeiny.net 

[30] May 17, 2015.

Pillars of Faith

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Sumarize the class in 300 words essay


[29] May 10, 2015.

Pillars of Faith - Believe in Allah

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Sumarize the class in 300 words essay


[28] May 3, 2015.

Islamic Studies Jeopardy.

Work on missed homework.

[27] April 26, 2015.

Pillars of Islam

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Sumarize the class in 300 words essay


Two infinities cannot coexist because there has to be a boundary between them and this cannot be infinity then.

[26] April 19, 2015.

 Communications between Heavens and Earth

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Sumarize the class in 300 words essay


[25] April 5, 2015.

The name of Allah Al-Wasi'a (The limitless, the infinity).

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summarize the class in 300 word essay.



[24] March 29, 2015.

The Hadeeth of the Intentions - Similarity of Hearts

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summarize the class in 300 word essay.


[23] March 22, 2015.

The Hadeeth of the Intentions

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summarize the class in 300 word essay. Use the following talking points:

  1. Explain why the intention's hadeeth is 1/3 of Islam that the other 2/3 are no good without.
  2. Do angels know the intentions? What do they record?
  3. Mention and explain the Hadeeth of the four people who go to hell first (Teacher of Quran, Teacher of Islam, martyer and a generous donor).
  4. Explain the Hadeeth of the four categories of people. Relate them to the intentions.
  5. In what situation the person is not judged for wrong doing? Explain?
  6. Comment on the two jokes mentioned in class regarding intentions. What are the lessons that you learn from them?


[22] March 15, 2015.

Sunnah and Hadeeth Collection

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summarize the class in 300 word essay. Use the following talking points:

  1. The word Sunnah has different meanings. What are they? Explain each"
  2. Were the Sunnah / Ahadeeth of the Prophet written when he was alive? Why?
  3. Who was the first Imam that started collecting the Ahadeeth (or Sunnah) of the prophet?
  4. Give examples of things that will make Imam Bukhari reject a Hadeeth?
  5. Explain how Imam Bukhari authenticated the Ahadeeth of the Prophet? Mention the example of the person who cheated the camel?
  6. If forty people who did not know each other narrated one Hadeeth, Would it be accepted as authentic? Explain.
  7. Using this link, what is the first hadeeth and what is the last hadeeth in the book of Bukhari?
  8. Talk about the life of Imam Bukhari. You can use this link or your own sources.



The Motawatir Hadeeth is the Hadeeth that is narrated by so many people some of them do not know each other. It is impossible for people to agree on the same lie, in particular the ones who do not know each other.



[21] March 8, 2015.

Islam and Philosophy

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  1. Who brought in the philosophy to the Muslim world and what was his intentions?

  2. Why did the clowns of the entertainment industry at that time welcome the philosophy? How did they use it?

  3. What was the conflict between Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal and the clowns of the entertainment industry about? Why was it so important to stop these clowns from messing with the Quran or the names of Allah?

  4. Define an innovation. Is going to the Masjid in a car is innovation because the Prophet SAW used to walk? Is putting your hand behind your neck during the prayer is an innovation? Explain why or why not?

  5. Define legal differences in Islam? What would make a certain difference legal and what would make it illegal?

  6. Describe the Hadeeth about praying Asr in Bani Qoraiza incident? What was the reaction of the Prophet SAW?

  7. If you see people saying Ameen loudly behind the Imam and some don't say it or say it silently, is that a legal difference? Why or why not?

  8. Give five examples of Bida'a (innovations) and give five examples of soemthing new but not Bida'a. (hint: at the time of the Prophet, people used to pray on small stones with their shoes on. Praying on a carpet as compared to praying on stone at the time of the Prophet SAW, praying without shoes as compared to praying with shoes on at the time of the Prophet).

  9. How many ways the Quran can be read? Mention two ways of saying the Ayah مالك يوم الدين in surat Al-Fatiha? Compare both meanings and see if they complement each other or conflict with one another?

  10. In Surat Al-Shamis, the last Ayah has two ways to read it one with waw and the other with Fa. Explain why they are different and the meanings of both ways.


[20] March 1, 2015.

Differences and Innovations (Bida'a)

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Explain what bida'a means.

Explain how the differences came, what are the legal differences and what are the illegal differences.

Explain about the ways of reading the Quran and give 2 examples.

Explain about the school of thoughts.



At the time of the Prophet SAW, Gibril came and prayed with the Prophet early, then in the second day, Gibril came and prayed with the prophet late. Then he told the Prophet SAW that the window of the prayer is between the first day and the second day.

[19] February 22, 2015.

Types of Mercy

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Explain the two kinds of mercy. Summarize the story of the divine slave and relate them to the two types.


[18] February 8, 2015.

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam is not an American Religion and Mohamed is not an American Name.

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How do you reply to the ones who say that Islam is not an American Religion and Mohamed is not an American Name.



[17] February 1, 2015.

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam allows girls to marry young;

Reply to: Islam does not allow boys and girls to mate before marriage;

Reply to: Islam Allows Divorce


Islam allows girls to marry when they are young:

·        Difference between a pregnant teenager in US and Muslim country. Which one is more descent?

·        What is the proof that many teenage girls are ready to mate?

·        The alternative does not have to be arranged marriage. Explain.

·        Comment on arranged marriage, independent marriage without any regard to parent’s opinion and Islam

·        Can a girl be forced to marry a person without her consent?

Islam does not allow boys and girls to mate before marriage:

·        Is it moral?

·        Girls are taken advantage of. How?

·        Explain the meaning of why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free.

·        In Muslim countries would a girl would give herself up to a guy without marriage? Explain why not? Why would this make girls precious?

·        Why would a girl wear clothes showing her body when it is freezing cold?

·        Islam wants to make sure that the brains fit together before consummating the marriage. Explain the stages of getting married in Islam.

·        Consummating the marriage fast (fast Zawag) is it wise? Why or why not?

Islam allows divorce:

·        In Islam is marriage just a civil contract? Explain.

·        Considering marriage to be just a relationship established by God and cannot be broken by man. Is this true? Explain.

·        Who will resort to the husband accusing the wife of cheating on him and the wife will not mind? For what reason?


[16] January 25, 2015.

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam is not a civilized religion and Muslims are not civilized people (2)

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Explain the criteria to judge civilization and give examples



[15] January 18, 2015.

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam is not a civilized religion and Muslims are not civilized people

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Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 300 words. Address the following

  1. Difference between having technology and being civilization. Give example of people who were civilized but had no tech, civilized and had tech, not civilized and had no tech, and not civilized but has tech.
  2. Why did Allah destroy the people of Ad by a miraculous power and didn't leave them to destroy themselves by themselves due to their corruption.
  3. Which is more important tech or civilization?
  4. What was the state of the world before Prophet Mohamed SAW come? Do we have a cast system today? Explain?
  5. Did Prophet Mohamed came SAW to teach tech or to teach civilization?
  6. Talk about the French revolution and how it was anti religion. Why did the French people rebelled against tyranny and the church at the same time. Explain how Christianity was used then as a slave mind management system.
  7. The origin of the separation between religion and state.
  8. The reason that made France allow girls to be undressed at all but can't were Hijab.
  9. How technology with no civilization produced technology of death.
  10. How many people that died in the previous century due to technology of death. Why was it called the century of mega-death? (The book: Out of Control)
  11. Why were people happy at the begging of the past century and why did they become disappointed?
  12. How bombing thousands of people today from an airplane is similar to playing a video game.


[14] January 11, 2015.

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam allows slavery

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Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 300 words. Address the following

Read this article in Wikipedia about Islamic Views on Slavery. Then listen to class and summarize it in no less that 300 words. Use the following talking points;

(1) When Islam came, was slavery already existing or did Islam introduced it to the soceinty?

(2) Islam has introduced a tactic to reduce the number of slaves in a Muslim Society. What was this tactic? Use the example of water tank to explain the tactic.

(3) What are the four possibilities in handling prisoners of war? Rank them in terms of best to worst.

(4) To prisoners of war, slavery is an alternative to prisons. What are the advantages of slavery over prison?

(5) The modern example of handling prisoners of war is in Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp. Compare slavery to Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Click here to learn about Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp from Wikipedia.

(6) What are the rights of slaves in Islam? Compare them with the rights of African American Slaves.

(7) How does Islam handle Female Prisoners of War? How did the American Society handled female African American slaves? Compare.

(8) The modern example of handling female prisoners of war is what happened in Bosnia, explain what happened. Click here to learn about Rape Camps in Bosnian War from Wikipedia (Systematic Rape by Armed Forces).

(9) Islam elevated the female prisoners of war who are owned by men from being a slave to being a wife. Explain how? What happens if she gets pregnant?

(10) Who was Malcolm X? Why his last name is X? Briefly talk about his impact on civil rights. Use this link to read more about Malcolm X.



[13] January 4, 2015.

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam has double standards when dealing with men and women in Hijab issues

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Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 300 words.


[12] December 14, 2014.

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam has double standards when dealing with men and women in divorce issues

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Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 300 words. Use the following talking points;

  1. If the man tells his wife that you are divorced (direct divorce), at what period of time this statement counts as a divorce? Can the wife move out of the house right away? Is it a must or a choice for her to move out? Explain what happens next.
  2. After how long the woman has to stay with her husband before marrying another man again?
  3. How many divorces that can take place? What happens next after the maximum number of divorce is reached? Can the wife move out? Is it a must or a choice? Can they remarry again? How to reset the counter of divorce back to zero?
  4. If a man says to his wife you are divorced during the time where divorce is permissible, who pays for wife's support and housing?
  5. If the a woman goes to the judge and proves that her husband is abusive or bad and the judge orders the divorce, who pays for the wife's support and housing?
  6. What if the husband was decent person but his wife does not like him, can she divorce him? If this happens, then who pays for the wife's support and housing? What would happen to the gifts and dowry that he brought her? Why does it have to be this way?
  7. What happen to the person who accuses a woman of committing adultery without brining four witnesses?
  8. After a divorce, the couple have how long to back out of the divorce without a new marriage contract and another dowry as if it is a brand new marriage?
  9. Explain the difference between direct divorce, indirect divorce, separation and permanent termination of marriage. Can women have the right of direct divorce? if yes, then how?
  10. Who suffers financially in the following cases: divorce, separation and permanent termination of marrige?
  11. Crooked women can cheat men. Explain how and what Islam did to protect men.


[10] November 30, 2014.

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam has double standards when dealing with men and women (1)

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Summarize the class in 200 words or more. All the following questions must be answered.

  1. What made people say that Islam has double standards regarding men and women?

  2. What are the reasons for which two women testimony in court is equal to one man?

  3. What are the reasons for which a woman cannot have multiple husbands?

  4. Is it illegal to have one wife and unlimited number of girl friends? What if is he caught with another woman, then he might be treated like criminal or not criminal, explain how?

  5. Not allowing man to have multiple wives make women lose their rights. Explain?

  6. How many wives the bible say about Prophet Ibrahim and Soliman?

  7. What are the reasons when have multiple wives is necesary?

  8. What is the story of the single woman who were lonly?

  9. What is the norm regarding having many wives? Whay?

  10. What about the ratio of born baby boys to born baby girls? Who is more likely to survive?

  11. Wars take the lives of which gender?

  12. Why is it nice to have a co-wife? What are the advantage of this?

  13. What happen to the one who is not fair when dealing with his wives?

  14. Number the exceptional situations where having a second wife is almost a must?

  15. What are the rules of combination? Can you combine two sisters? Mention the remaining rule?



[9] November 23, 2014.

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Sharia is too old

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  1. How come Sharia laws still apply now after 1400 years when it was revealed to the Prophet SAW?

  2. Today's societies are different than the societies 1400 ago. How come the Sharia must apply to both?

  3. What is the fixed part of Sharia that does not change with time and place and what is the variable part that changes with time and/or place?

  4. What is Riba? Explain the equation of Riba as the equation of Sharia. How are they different? How is the Sharia equation is superior to Riba equation?

  5. Give an example how the Capitalism laws change with time and place. Comment on that. Which value is controlling? Moral values controls the economy or the economy is controlling moral values in Capitalism?

  6. Capitalism is based on selfishness and greed. Give examples?



[8] November 16, 2014.

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Sharia is too harsh

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Summarize the class in no less than 200 words essay by discussing the following points

  1. Is Sharia intended to protect the public space or the private space?
  2. Does Sharia allows spying on the people in their private places?
  3. Why they say that Sharia is harsh. Mention the punishments of the examples given in class and you can add your own as well.
  4. Indeed Sharia is harsh on criminals. How does this affect the number of future criminals and victims?
  5. The four kinds of application of Sharia and man made laws.
  6. Justice to the favor of criminals (easy punishment) versus justice to the favor of victims (harsh punishment).
  7. Mathematical cost of crime and the risk of being caught.
  8. Difference between the rich thieves and the poor thieves
  9. When did Omar R stop cutting the hands of the poor thieves?
  10. When did the Prophet order the death punishment of the ones who denounce Islam publicly? Why was it necessary at his time?
  11. Why is it fair to give the death punishment to those who denounce Islam publicly in a Sharia complaint country? (hint: you don't harm the religion, the religion will not.....).


[7] November 9, 2014.

Laws of Nature and Laws of Islam

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Summarize the class in no less than 200 words essay.


[6] November 2, 2014.

Defending Islam against stereo types.

Reply to: Islam Spread by the Sword.

الإسلام إنتشر بالسيف

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Summarize the class in no less that 200 words

Defending Islam against Stereotypes: Islam spread by the sword (violence).

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The homework

ALL of the following questions thoroughly and emailed the answers to me. Short answers are not acceptable. Explain in details.

A. Summarize the following replies to the Stereotypes that Islam spread by the sword (violence).

  1. Muslims made the invaded county better than it was.
  2. Indonesia.
  3. The sword opens a land not a heart.
  4. The non Muslims are protected by the Islamic law.
  5. Non Muslim worship places are preserved intact.

B. What is the difference between libration and occupation.

C. What is the story of the Coptic guy and the son of Amro Ibn Al-As عمرو بي العاص.

D. What was the difference between the Roman Catholics and the Coptic Christians in Egypt? How did the Catholic Romans treat the Coptic breasts? What Surah in the Quran replied to these difference and what did it say?

E. Bin Laden proves that Muslims are peaceful. How?

F. Who made Bin Laden and Sadam Husain? If you want to know more about them, do you go to the Masjid or somewhere else? What is the place and why?


These pictures will show how Muslims made the land they invaded better than their own homeland. As a result people were impressed about Islam, what Islam had to offer them and the way Islam improved their lives. Many of those people became Muslims and others chose to keep their religion. The ones who chose to keep their religion are called "The people whom Allah and his Messenger trusted us with (أهل الذمة، أي ذمة الله ورسولة)









Very Old Churches in Egypt still exist and respected to date










Church of Nativity in Bethlehem where Jesus was born still exist and respected to date in Palestine






Crying Wall for Jews still exist and respected to date in Palestine














[5] October 26, 2014.

Hijra and the Unseen Soldiers

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Summarize the class in no less that 200 words



[4] October 19, 2014.

The name of Allah Al-Wakeel

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In no less than 300 word essay summarize the class by answering the following questions in detail:

  1. What is the meaning of the name Al-Wakeel

  2. Since we cannot expect Allah to vacuum your carpet and wash your dishes, then how do you depend on Allah in both of these tasks?

  3. Explain the word "Tawfeeq توفيق".  Who does control Tawfeeq?

  4. Explain the probability of failure?

  5. Mention the story of tying the camel and how did Prophet Mohamed comment on this?

  6. How do you reply to the ones who say "I tied the camel, what is left for Allah to do"?

  7. How do I depend on Allah to heal my sicknesses?

  8. What did Omar Ibn Al-khatab say regarding the people who stayed in the Masjid claiming that they depend on Allah to bring them sustenance? Explain?

  9. The engineer who built Titanic said "Even God cannot sink it". What happened and how did Allah make him fail.

  10. How did the Prophet depend on Allah during Hijra? Mention his plans and how they were the best plans available? (I expect you to write about the plan, who is doing what, and how did the plan failed three times (we mentioned only two of them in the class). You must cover the following points:


[3] September 28, 2014.

Allah - The All Knowing (The Knowledge of Allah)

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In no less than 300 word essay summarize the class


[2] September 21, 2014.

Our Enemies

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Summarize the class by answering the following questions in detail. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

(1) What are our enemies? Explain all of them with examples?

(2) How can you tell that the evil idea is coming from the Shitan or from the evil soul?

(3) What are the reasons for which Allah created his own enemies, including the Shitan?

(4) What are the Hallal temptations?

(5) Explain when and how loving your family becomes a Haram temptations?

(6) If the Shitan whispers an evil thought in your mind, what can you do to  avoid making it grow?

(7) Talk about the money, pain and pleasure and how can they be among our enemies?

(8) Give an example of how can the Shitan uses a person to spread evil temptations?

(9) How could wealth destroy the wealthy people? Give several examples?




[1] September 14, 2014.

The Names of Allah Explaining the Purpose of Creation.

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Summarize the class by answering the following questions in detail. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

(1) Why did Allah create?
(2) If he wants to create, why not creating angels and trees that will not kill, commit crimes and spread corruption?
(3) What are the names of Allah applicable to the answers of the previous questions?
(4) What are the tests of Islam?
(5) You can be Muslim to Allah or Muslim to temptations. Explain and use Ramadan as an example.
(6) What happens when you make mistakes ask Allah for forgiveness? What if you make the mistake over and over again and then ask for forgiveness? When would Allah stop forgiving you?
(7) Give example of the guy who killed 99 persons. What happened when he died? Explain why Allah made it happen this way.
(8) Mention the story of how many prayers should we pray every day. Why did Allah make it happen this way.
(9) If someone says that he/she does not want to be tested, how can you prove to him/her that he/she wants to be tested. How can you also prove that they are looking for harder tests?
