Welcome to Dr. Zeiny Islamic Studies Class

The homework must be written in email and emailed to my email address hw@zeiny.net. The subject of the email must show the date when the homework was given. Please remember to write your name in the right hand corner. The HW is due on Saturday noon time.

[30] June 1, 2014

Mercy from Allah

Click here to Listen to the Class


[29] May 18, 2014

Philosophy and Innovations (Bida'a).

Click here to Listen to the Class


  1. Who brought in the philosophy to the Muslim world and what was his intentions?

  2. Why did the clowns of the entertainment industry at that time welcome the philosophy? How did they use it?

  3. What was the conflict between Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal and the clowns of the entertainment industry about? Why was it so important to stop these clowns from messing with the Quran or the names of Allah?

  4. Define an innovation. Is going to the Masjid in a car is innovation because the Prophet SAW used to walk? Is putting your hand behind your neck during the prayer is an innovation? Explain why or why not?

  5. Define legal differences in Islam? What would make a certain difference legal and what would make it illegal?

  6. Describe the Hadeeth about praying Asr in Bani Qoraiza incident? What was the reaction of the Prophet SAW?

  7. If you see people saying Ameen loudly behind the Imam and some don't say it or say it silently, is that a legal difference? Why or why not?

  8. Give five examples of Bida'a (innovations) and give five examples of soemthing new but not Bida'a. (hint: at the time of the Prophet, people used to pray on small stones with their shoes on. Praying on a carpet as compared to praying on stone at the time of the Prophet SAW, praying without shoes as compared to praying with shoes on at the time of the Prophet).

  9. How many ways the Quran can be read? Mention two ways of saying the Ayah مالك يوم الدين in surat Al-Fatiha? Compare both meanings and see if they complement each other or conflict with one another?

  10. In Surat Al-Shamis, the last Ayah has two ways to read it one with waw and the other with Fa. Explain why they are different and the meanings of both ways.


[28] May 11, 2014

Hadeeth Collection and Intentions:

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  1. Were the Ahadeeth of the Prophet written when he was alive? Why?
  2. Give examples of things that will make Imam Bukhari reject a Hadeeth?
  3. Explain how Imam Bukhari authenticated the Ahadeeth of the Prophet? Mention the example of the person who cheated the camel?
  4. If forty people who did not know each other narrated one Hadeeth, Would it be accepted as authentic? Explain.
  5. What is the first Hadeeth in the Book of Bukhari? Explain why this hadeeth is 1/3 of Islam that the other 2/3 are no good without.
  6. Do angels know the intentions? What do they record?
  7. Mention and explain the Hadeeth of the three people who go to hell first (Teacher of Quran, Teacher of Islam and a generous donor).
  8. Can you mix good intentions together?
  9. Can you mix good intentions and bad ones together?
  10. State all the possibilities of the person who goes to the liquor store to buy liquor and the store was closed.
  11. Mention the four kinds of people in terms of righteous/courrutp and rich / poor. Mention and explain the Hadeeth about them.
  12. Google and list the nine books of Hadeeth collections. (hint the first one is the Saheeh of Imam Bukhari).


[27] April 27, 2014

Could not teach the class (HW was to write about Hijab)

[26] April 13, 2014

Asking Allah for what is bad for you. You might hate what is good for you and you might love what is bad for you.

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  1. In no less than 200 words, describe how we might love something which will be bad for us and hate something which will be good for us. Give five examples.
  2. In no less than 200 words, describe the two decisions that Aboo Bakr made that looked bad but it turned out to be good.


[25] April 6, 2014

Allah the Most Wise.

The test of being rich is harder than the test of being poor.

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In no less than 200 words, describe the reasons why the test of being rich is harder than the test of being poor.


[24] March 30, 2014

Allah the Most Wise.

Dividing the shares of life among people. 

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  1. Allah is most accused when it comes to dividing the shares among people. Explain?
  2. Why Allah is not making everyone rich?
  3. Why Allah is not making the good people rich and the bad people poor?
  4. Why Allah is not making the bad people rich and the good people poor?
  5. Is our shares pre assigned?
  6. We can get our shares the Hallal way or the Haram way. Explain. Mention the story of the Ali Ibn Aby Talib and the camel.
  7. We can get our pre assigned shares of fun the Hallal way and the Haram way.
  8. What is the best way of getting our shares of pain. Explain.
  9. How do drugs affect the happiness?
  10. Things are matters of perception. Explain.
  11. Feeling of satisfaction is more important than the amount of wealth you have. Explain.


[23] March 23, 2014

Raising doubts about Islam using Stereo types:

Reply to: Islam allows slavery 

Click here to Listen to the Class


Read this article in Wikipedia about Islamic Views on Slavery. Then listen to class and summarize it in no less that 300 words. Use the following talking points;

(1) When Islam came, was slavery already existing or did Islam introduced it to the soceinty?

(2) Islam has introduced a tactic to reduce the number of slaves in a Muslim Society. What was this tactic? Use the example of water tank to explain the tactic.

(3) What are the four possibilities in handling prisoners of war? Rank them in terms of best to worst.

(4) To prisoners of war, slavery is an alternative to prisons. What are the advantages of slavery over prison?

(5) The modern example of handling prisoners of war is in Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp. Compare slavery to Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Click here to learn about Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp from Wikipedia.

(6) What are the rights of slaves in Islam? Compare them with the rights of African American Slaves.

(7) How does Islam handle Female Prisoners of War? How did the American Society handled female African American slaves? Compare.

(8) The modern example of handling female prisoners of war is what happened in Bosnia, explain what happened. Click here to learn about Rape Camps in Bosnian War from Wikipedia (Systematic Rape by Armed Forces).

(9) Islam elevated the female prisoners of war who are owned by men from being a slave to being a wife. Explain how? What happens if she gets pregnant?

(10) Who was Malcolm X? Why his last name is X? Briefly talk about his impact on civil rights. Use this link to read more about Malcolm X.


[22] March 16, 2014

Reply to: Islam is not a civilized religion and Muslims are not civilized people.

Click here to Listen to the Class


Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 300 words. Use the following talking points;

  1. What is the final criteria to judge civilization (that we covered today)?
  2. What are the ratio of kids who come from outside of marriage in Indiana?
  3. What are the ratio of men and women who date and go to bed together on their first date in Indiana?
  4. What are the stages of marriage recommended by Islam? Why is it that way?
  5. If the man tells his wife that you are divorced (direct divorce), at what period of time this statement counts as a divorce? Can the wife move out of the house right away? Is it a must or a choice for her to move out? Explain what happens next.
  6. After how long the woman has to stay with her husband before marrying another man again?
  7. How many divorces that can take place? What happens next after the maximum number of divorce is reached? Can the wife move out? Is it a must or a choice? Can they remarry again? How to reset the counter of divorce back to zero?
  8. If a man says to his wife you are divorced during the time where divorce is permissible, who pays for wife's support and housing?
  9. If the a woman goes to the judge and proves that her husband is abusive or bad and the judge orders the divorce, who pays for the wife's support and housing?
  10. What if the husband was decent person but his wife does not like him, can she divorce him? If this happens, then who pays for the wife's support and housing? What would happen to the gifts and dowry that he brought her? Why does it have to be this way?
  11. What happen to the person who accuses a woman of committing adultery without brining four witnesses?
  12. If a husband caught his wife with another man and did not bring four witnesses. what happens next? Can they ever remarry again? Does the wife get legal punishment in this case? If she doesn't, why? At what scenario she gets the legal punishment?
  13. After a divorce, the couple have how long to back out of the divorce without a new marriage contract and another dowry as if it is a brand new marriage?
  14. Does Islam recommend arranged marriage?
  15. Does Islam recommend fast Zawag (fast marriage)? why?


[21] March 9, 2014

Reply to: Islam is not a civilized religion and Muslims are not civilized people.

Click here to Listen to the Class

Click here to listen to the same topic in Friday Khotbah


Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 300 words. Use the following talking points;

  1. Difference between having technology and being civilization. Give example of people who were civilized but had no tech, civilized and had tech, not civilized and had no tech, and not civilized but has tech.
  2. Why did Allah destroy the people of Ad by a miraculous power and didn't leave them to destroy themselves by themselves due to their corruption.
  3. Which is more important tech or civilization?
  4. What was the state of the world before Prophet Mohamed SAW come? Do we have a cast system today? Explain?
  5. Did Prophet Mohamed came SAW to teach tech or to teach civilization?
  6. Talk about the French revolution and how it was anti religion. Why did the French people rebelled against tyranny and the church at the same time. Explain how Christianity was used then as a slave mind management system.
  7. The origin of the separation between religion and state.
  8. The reason that made France allow girls to be undressed at all but can't were Hijab.
  9. How technology with no civilization produced technology of death.
  10. How many people that died in the previous century due to technology of death. Why was it called the century of mega-death? (The book: Out of Control)
  11. Why were people happy at the begging of the past century and why did they become disappointed?
  12. How bombing thousands of people today from an airplane is similar to playing a video game.


[20] March 2, 2014


Reply to: Sharia has double standards between men and women (2).

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  1. Can I apply parts of the Sharia and leave parts? Can I apply Sharia rules to US? Why not?
  2. Compare the rights of women before Islam, after Islam, in the western culture and in feministic culture.
  3. Explain the steps that Islam recommends to avoid divorce.
  4. Explain the difference between direct divorce, indirect divorce, separation and permanent termination of marriage.
  5. Can women have the right of direct divorce? if yes, then how?
  6. Who suffers financially in the following cases: divorce, separation and permanent termination of marrige?
  7. Crooked women can cheat men. Explain how and what Islam did to protect men.
  8. How many divorces are allowed? What happens if you hit the maximum number of divorce? Is it possible to reset the counter of divorce again? If yes, then Explain how?


Comparing the status of women before Islam and after Islam will show that Islam established the rights of women to live, inherit, own and be honored. There are two extremes regarding women rights: One extreme is the pre Islamic Arabs where baby girls are buried alive, women are owned like property and thy have no right to own; the other extreme is feminism. Islam is in the middle between both. Islam recognizes the natural differences between both genders and legislate laws accordingly.

Inheritance issue. Men get twice as women because men carry the financial responsibility of the family. In Islam women do not have to carry any financial responsibility. Her money is hers alone and she does not have to spend it on the family. It is the job of the man to work and provide for the entire family. This makes sense in a Sharia compliant societies. But in US and the west, it will not make sense because both men and women have financial responsibility. Sharia is applied as a package, otherwise it will not make sense.

Surah 4, Ayah 34-35

(34) Men are in charge of women (custodians), because Allah has made them different that one another, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded (keep the secrets of the household secret). As for those who are dishonest, talk to them (first step), sleep in different beds (second step), and hit them (third step). Then if they quit, don't do injustice to them for Allah is above you bigger and higher (35) And if you see that they are heading for divorce, then bring one arbitrator from his family and another from her family (fourth step) to arbitrate. If they (husband and wife) want to fix the relationship Allah will help them succeed for Allah is the knowledgeable expert.

The wicked translation is "men are superior to women, the women that do not listen to you beat them up."

The correct translation

[19] February 9, 2014

Reply to: Sharia has double standards between men and women.

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Summarize the class in 300 words or more. All the following questions must be answered.

  1. What made people say that Islam has double standards regarding men and women?

  2. What are the reasons for which two women testimony in court is equal to one man?

  3. What are the reasons for which a woman cannot have multiple husbands?

  4. Is it illegal to have one wife and unlimited number of girl friends? What if is he caught with another woman, then he might be treated like criminal or not criminal, explain how?

  5. Not allowing man to have multiple wives make women lose their rights. Explain?

  6. How many wives the bible say about Prophet Ibrahim and Soliman?

  7. What are the reasons when have multiple wives is necesary?

  8. What is the story of the single woman who were lonly?

  9. What is the norm regarding having many wives? Whay?

  10. What about the ratio of born baby boys to born baby girls? Who is more likely to survive?

  11. Wars take the lives of which gender?

  12. Why is it nice to have a co-wife? What are the advantage of this?

  13. What happen to the one who is not fair when dealing with his wives?

  14. Number the exceptional situations where having a second wife is almost a must?

  15. What are the rules of combination? Can you combine two sisters? Mention the remaining rule?




[18] February 2, 2014

Reply to: Sharia is too Harsh.

Click here to Listen to the Class


Summarize the class in 300 words or more. All the following points must be covered.

  1. How come Sharia laws still apply now after 1400 years when it was revealed to the Prophet SAW?

  2. Today's societies are different than the societies 1400 ago. How come the Sharia must apply to both?

  3. What is the fixed part of Sharia that does not change with time and place and what is the variable part that changes with time and/or place?

  4. What is Riba? Explain the equation of Riba as the equation of Sharia. How are they different? How is the Sharia equation is superior to Riba equation?

  5. Give an example how the Capitalism laws change with time and place. Comment on that. Which value is controlling? Moral values controls the economy or the economy is controlling moral values in Capitalism?

  6. Capitalism is based on selfishness and greed. Give examples?


Riba Equation: $Money + Time = More Money (Time value of money. It causes inflations because the extra money came from time)

Sharia Equation: $Money + Work = More Money (No inflation because the extra money came from work)


[17] January 26, 2014

Reply to: Sharia is too Harsh.

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Summarize the class in 300 words or more. All the following points must be covered.

  1. Is Sharia intended to protect the public space or the private space?
  2. Does Sharia allows spying on the people in their private places?
  3. Why they say that Sharia is harsh. Mention the punishments of the examples given in class and you can add your own as well.
  4. Indeed Sharia is harsh on criminals. How does this affect the number of future criminals and victims?
  5. The four kinds of application of Sharia and man made laws.
  6. Justice to the favor of criminals (easy punishment) versus justice to the favor of victims (harsh punishment).
  7. Mathematical cost of crime and the risk of being caught.
  8. Difference between the rich thieves and the poor thieves
  9. When did Omar R stop cutting the hands of the poor thieves?
  10. When did the Prophet order the death punishment of the ones who denounce Islam publicly? Why was it necessary at his time?
  11. Why is it fair to give the death punishment to those who denounce Islam publicly in a Sharia complaint country? (hint: you don't harm the religion, the religion will not.....).


[16] January 19, 2014

Reply to: Muslims are terrorists and Islam is the religion of terror.

Click here to Listen to the Class


Part I: Write an article of no less than 300 words about Fear Incorporated. Use the following references:

Part II:

  1. Give a simplified example of how fear inc works.

  2. How do you reply to the ones who say Bin Laden shares the same religion as yours?

  3. Explain how the name of a religion can be hijacked. Give examples of Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

  4. What is the Zionist movement? Who founded it? When was it founded? Why was it founded?

  5. One man terrorist is another man freedom fighter? Explain? What name did the British call American Freedom Fighters?

  6. Who was blamed when Timothy McVieigh bombed the Federal Building of Oklahoma city  on April 19, 1995? Why?

  7. Who are the ones who carried the largest number of acts of terrorism in US?

  8. What was the the deadliest act of terrorism within the United States prior to the September 11 attacks?

  9. Compare state sponsored terrorism with gang sponsored terrorism. Give examples of State Sponsored Terrorism.


Defending Islam Against Stereo Types

Islam is Terrorism and Muslims are Terrorists:

1.       About Bin Laden sharing the religion with us:

a.       Same as Hitler sharing the religion of our fellow Christians

2.       Bin Laden hijacked the name of Islam and he doesn’t represent Muslims:

a.       Same as Timothy McVeigh representing the home grown terrorism

b.      Same as Christian fundamentalists who blew up the abortion clinics. See the anti-abortion violence

c.       Same as the catholic Irish Republican Army and Jerry Adams

3.       Bin Laden proves that Muslims are violent

a.       Bin Laden actually proves that Muslims are peaceful because he represents the exception not the norm. According to this report from the president of US, the number of Al-Qaeda members left in Afghanistan is 100. If we assume that Al-Qaeda has 100,000 members left, then the ratio between normal Muslims and Al-Qaeda Muslims is 100,000 to 1,500,000,000, which is 0.007%, which means that 99.993% of Muslims are main stream, which means that Muslims are doing really well.

b.      The exception proves the rule to be true not false because if there is no exception, there will be no rule. In other words, the existence of exception proves the existence of the rule, which is that main stream Muslims are not violent in this case.

4.       Many Americans are killed by Muslims:

a.       The number of Muslims killed by Americans far exceeds the number of American killed by Muslims.

b.      Both sides are wrong, the state sponsored terrorism and the gang sponsored terrorism.

c.       The British used to refer to the American freedom fighters as terrorists.

d.      One man terrorist is another man freedom fighter.

5.       Almost all acts of terrorism are done by Muslims

                        a.       False, see terrorism in United States.

Al-Qeda is a political movement that gave Islam a bad name just like Zionism gave Judaism a bad name. Many Jews are saying that Zionism doesn’t represent us like Muslims saying Al-Qaeda doesn’t represent us.


[15] January 12, 2014

Reply to: Islam is violent. The God of Muslims is a militant God.

Click here to Listen to the Class

Summarize the class in no less than 300 words essay. Identify the points and talk about each point in a separate paragraph.


Status of Non Muslims who live in Muslim land according to Shariah

The criterion of being an enemy or a friend doesn't depend on religion. It depends on justice. 

Quran Explorer - [Sura : 60, Verse : 8 - 9]

(60:8) Allah forbiddeth you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you not out from your homes, that ye should show them kindness and deal justly with them. Lo! Allah loveth the just dealers.

 (60:9) Allah forbiddeth you only those who warred against you on account of religion and have driven you out from your homes and helped to drive you out, that ye make friends of them. Whosoever maketh friends of them - (All) such are wrong-doers. 

Wrong coalition. In Islam you don't make teams based on religions

If B is a pretending Muslim but corrupt, then you (A) teamed up with a corrupt pretending Muslim (B) against an honest non Muslim (C). This makes you foolish. B has fooled you by pretending Islam to trick you into fighting honesty.

The right way is to be against corruption regardless of the religion of the corrupt people. When understanding Quran, keep in mind that there were no corrupt Muslims at that time. The Muslims were the Prophet and his companions. Thus, category B didn't exist. This is why the Quran always addresses Muslims as the honest righteous ones.

The following arrangement is true if the Prophet is fighting alone.

Example of Category C at the time of the Prophet was Al-Najashi (Negus). In the following arrangement the Prophet is teaming with allies.

[14] January 5, 2014

Click here to listen to class

Reply to: Defending Islam against Stereotypes: Islam oppresses women. Hijab is a form of oppression.


In 300 words or more, summarize the replies to the Stereotypes that  Islam oppresses women. Hijab is a form of oppression.




Lines of defense against adultery or fornication are four:

[13] December 15, 2013

Defending Islam against Stereotypes

Reply to: Islam spread by the sword (violence).

Click here to listen to class

The homework

ALL of the following questions thoroughly and emailed the answers to me. Short answers are not acceptable. Explain in details.

A. Summarize the following replies to the Stereotypes that Islam spread by the sword (violence).

  1. Muslims made the invaded county better than it was.
  2. Indonesia.
  3. The sword opens a land not a heart.
  4. The non Muslims are protected by the Islamic law.
  5. Non Muslim worship places are preserved intact.

B. What is the difference between libration and occupation.

C. What is the story of the Coptic guy and the son of Amro Ibn Al-As عمرو بي العاص.

D. What was the difference between the Roman Catholics and the Coptic Christians in Egypt? How did the Catholic Romans treat the Coptic breasts? What Surah in the Quran replied to these difference and what did it say?

E. Bin Laden proves that Muslims are peaceful. How?

F. Who made Bin Laden and Sadam Husain? If you want to know more about them, do you go to the Masjid or somewhere else? What is the place and why?


These pictures will show how Muslims made the land they invaded better than their own homeland. As a result people were impressed about Islam, what Islam had to offer them and the way Islam improved their lives. Many of those people became Muslims and others chose to keep their religion. The ones who chose to keep their religion are called "The people whom Allah and his Messenger trusted us with (أهل الذمة، أي ذمة الله ورسولة)









Very Old Churches in Egypt still exist and respected to date










Church of Nativity in Bethlehem where Jesus was born still exist and respected to date in Palestine






Crying Wall for Jews still exist and respected to date in Palestine












[12] December 8, 2013:

The Name of Allah Al-Salam

Click here to listen to class

The homework

ALL of the following questions thoroughly and emailed the answers to me. Short answers are not acceptable. Explain in details.

  1. What is the meaning of the word Al-Salam?
  2. What is the meaning of Al-Salamo Alykom? what is the meaning of Wa Alykom Al-Salam?
  3. Can you give Salam to Allah?
  4. What is the meaning of صلي الله عليه وسلم? Does it does it mean that Allah is praying to the Prophet?
  5. How does Allah make ten prayers to the ones who say صلي الله عليه وسلم once?
  6. What was the greetings of the Prophet SAW to Allah when he saw him during the Miraj trip.
  7. What was the reply of Khadiga RA when the Prophet SAW told her that angel Gibril is reading you salam from Allah?
  8. What is the house of Salam? Why is it called this way?
  9. Explain the second meaning of the word Salam? Compare this meaning to the Christian faith for example?
  10. In Islam babies are born innocent. In Christianity babies inherit a sin. Explain?
  11. According the Christian faith, there was a conflict between Allah's mercy and justice. Explain what did Allah do to resolve the conflict according to the Christian faith. Compare this with the name of Allah Al-Salam.



[11] November 24, 2013:

Special class for girls.

[10] November 17, 2013:

Harmony between the laws of nature and laws of Islam

Click here to listen to class

The homework

ALL of the following questions must be Answered and emailed it to me. No essay. Answer each and every  question separately.

  1. If you do not want to be tested, what are the choices?
  2. Can one ask Allah to give her death? What Dua'a would you say if you feel that you want to die?
  3. When a person is in pain and then this person dies, people say that he is relieved from pain. Is this true? Explain.
  4. How does Allah serve justice to animals in the day of judgment? And what happens after?
  5. Mention the story of the bird who was complaining to Prophet Soliman.
  6. Would the Lion in the day of judgment be punished for eating a deer? why?
  7. The animals are better in the eyes of Allah than the bad guys. Explain the reason.
  8. The bad guys in the day of judgment will wish that they are treated like animals. Explain how? What Surah in the Quran mentions this?
  9. Why doesn't Allah give us full control without confinements? What would happen if he does? Give examples including the example of Cuba Missile Crisis.
  10. The evil in the hearts is much much more than the evil that takes place in reality. Explain this statement and mention the name of Allah related to this explanation.
  11. Explain the four kinds of people (good  rich, good poor, bad rich, bad poor). How do they get judged by Allah?
  12. Allah made alcoholic beverages Haram on three stages. What are the three stages and mention the corresponding Ayah in the Quran.
  13. Why the laws of Islam fits perfectly in harmony with the laws of nature? How is this related to the oneness of Allah?
  14. Explain in details the harmony between the laws of nature and Islam. Use the two examples of drinking and no justice no piece.
  15. How do you respond to someone who asks you why eating begs is Haram?


[9] November 10, 2013:

We don't only want to be tested, but also we are working hard to get a harder test.

Click here to listen to class

The homework

ALL of the following questions must be Answered and emailed it to me. No essay. Answer each and every  question separately.

  1. Are we tested against the laws of Islam or the laws of nature?
  2. Order the following in the order of level of freedom. Explain in details. (Heart, Tongue, Hand),
  3. There is one statement that you can say without anyone knowing that you are saying it. What is this word?
  4. If you see something wrong and you want to change it. Mention the order of trying to change it. (Mention the Hadeeth of the Prophet).
  5. Do you get everything you want? Can you do everything you want to do?
  6. Explain the difference between the circle of influence and the circle of interest.
  7. Can you are breaching not to do something bad, but you are doing it? If yes, under what conditions?
  8. Mention the story of Ammar Ibn Yassir. What is the lesson we get out of it.
  9. Some people claim that they do not want to be test. Explain how? Explain how that we do want to be tested?
  10. We don't only want to be tested, but also we are dying to get a harder test. Explain how?
  11. If you are praying Fajr late without an excuse, then would Allah forgive you don't pray on time because of an excuse? Explain why.
  12. Is seeing miracles an asset or a liability? Is it good to see miracles? What happen to the people of the dining table?
  13. What are the three kinds of people who will be dwelling in the bottom of hell fire?



[8] November 3, 2013:

Laws of nature and Unseen Soldiers.

Click here to listen to class

The homework

ALL of the following questions must be Answered and emailed it to me. No essay. Answer each and every  question separately.

  1. When does Allah help you with unseen soldiers? How do you qualify for them? How many times the Prophet SAW plan of Higra failed and what were the unseen soldier that Allah helped him with?
  2. What happens when two evil powers fight together? What happens if one good army fights one bad army but the good army is outnumbered? 
  3. How long did Allah take to create heavens and earth? How long it will take uses the command "exist" and it will exist? Why did not Allah use the command "exist".
  4. Who is Soraqa? What is his story?
  5. Why pre-Islamic Arabs were so bad? Mention four things?
  6. Historians were impressed about how could the Prophet transform the bad Arabs into leaders who established a righteous super power and teach civilized values to other nations in 23 years. What is so impressive about doing this job?
  7. Without Islam and Quran, what would happened to the Arab and to their language?
  8. Explain the relevant lesson we get from the following Ayat: 8:65-66.
  9. Why did Allah make the Prophet follow the laws of nature in his immigration to Madian but in the night journey he gave his the miraculous animal? What is the difference between both the immigration and the Higra? How about Marium PBUH? Did she had a similar situation? Explain.
  10. Which Muslim country had the most number of Muslim population? How did they become Muslims? Was their any military interaction involved?
  11. Explain the concept of Tawfiq and give examples/
  12. Do we have a free will? How could this fit with the fact that no one can change the laws of nature?

[7] October 27, 2013:

Getting to Know Allah - Continue Al-Wakeel - Unseen soldiers and Laws of nature.

Click here to listen to class Part III: The implementation to the name Al-Wakeel by the Prophet SAW.

The homework

ALL of the following questions must be Answered and emailed it to me. No essay. Answer each and every  question separately.

1.      Who is Ali Iben Abotalib? For how many reasons did the Prophet left Ali his bed? What are they?

2.      What is the full name of the Prophet SAW?

3.      How is Abo Bakr Al-Sidiq? What is his original name and why was he called the Al-Sidiq?

4.      Who was the woman of the double scarf? Why did she get this name? What was her relationship to the Prphet and Abo Bakr? What was he role during the Prophet migration to Madina?

5.      Who was the person who were spying on the Arab Lords? How? What was his relationship to Abo Baker Al-Sidiq?

6.      What happened to the 40 guys that were surrounding the house of the Prophet SAW? What did the Prophet do to them before he leaves? Why?

7.      What is the name of the cave where is the Prophet was hiding in? Why did he hide and did not go straight to Makah?

8.      The plan of the Prophet failed for the second time. Where and How did Allah got him out of it?

9.      Is the story of the spider web and the bird nest true or made up?

10.  Who was the guy that was trying to capture the Prophet SAW for a prize? What was his name? What happed to him? And what was the prize? The Prophet promised his something. What was it? Why did the Prophet promise him?

11.  Who is the Khalifa that conquered the two super powers: the Persian empire and the Roman Empire?

12.  How did soldiers in the Muslim army deal with the war elephants?

13.  The soldiers in the Persian army used heated hooks for a reason. How? And what was it?

14.  How is the great military general that no one was able to defeat him in a battle including the Prophet SAW? What was the name of the battle between him the Prophet that he won? What made him realize that the Prophet has impunity? How did the Muslim pray at the time of war (the prayer of fear)? Hint read Surah 4 Ayah 102.

[6] October 13, 2013:

Getting to Know Allah - Al-Wakeel - Part I (The one we depend on).

Click here to listen to class Part I: Al-Wakeel.

Click here to listen to class Part II: The implementation to the name Al-Wakeel by the Prophet SAW.

The homework

ALL of the following questions must be Answered and email it to me. No essay. Answer each and every  question separately.

  1. Allah is Al-Wakeel (The we depend on). Does this mean that we depend on him to wash our dishes and vacuum our houses? Explain?
  2. Explain the meaning of the word Tawfeeq and how is it related to the name of Allah Al-Wakeel?
  3. What did the Prophet Mohamed SAW say to  the Arabian guy who did not tie his camel?
  4. What did Omar Ibn Al-Khatab said to the ones who are sleeping in the Masjid waiting for Allah to feed them?
  5. If I have to do my homework, then what is the need to depend on Allah?
  6.  Depending on Allah means we have to do all what can we do using what? and then depend on the on Allah using what? (Select from brain, muscles, heart).
  7. A child who got sick and he needs to be taken to the doctor. Should his parent take him to the doctor? Explain three scenarios, the two extremes and the middle between them.
  8. What happened to the genius engineer who build Titanic? What did he say about it that angered Allah? How did Allah punish him? What is the message that Allah taught humanity in sinking the ship?
  9. When the Prophet SAW was immigrating from Makkah to Madinah, did he make plans? If yes, then list and explain the seven items in his plan and the wisdom behind each item in the plan?
  10. What did prevent the Pagan Arab Lords from killing the Prophet SAW? How did they get around this?
  11. Although the Prophet did every thing that can be done to plan and prepare, his plan came to a complete failure and he became desperate. How? Explain?


[5] October 6, 2013:

Getting to Know Allah.

Click here to listen to class.

The homework

Summarize the class in at least 200 words essay and email it to me. Organize your thoughts. Start every new thought in a new paragraph.  Consider the following points:

  1. Can Allah create a rock which is too heavy for him to lift? Explain your answers?

  2. Would Allah do everything? What are the things that Allah will not do and Why?

  3. Would Allah let a group of criminal beat him, and hurt him so badly, and then kill him? How is this belief going to affect the image of Allah?

  4. When Allah ask a question, is he asking the question for him to know the answer or for others to know the answer directly from the mouth of the person or angel that Allah is asking? Give example from the Quran where Allah was asking a Prophet about a very obvious question? Why that Prophet described the details of the thing that he was holding?

  5. What happen when Allah wanted to bring peaces of the earth's clay from different kinds? What was the wisdom of Allah doing it in such away?

  6. Why the angel of death was sad? What did Allah promise to calm him down?

  7. Is the angel of death allowed to take the soul of Prophet the way he takes the souls of everybody else? Explain?

  8. What is the big problem that will happen if we draw Allah as a man?

  9. Why is it a mercy from Allah that he does not tell us when are we going to die?

  10. Why did the Prophet decide to breach Islam to the City of Taif? What happed that made him do that?

  11. What happen when the Prophet tried to breach Islam to the people of Al-Taif? Who believed in him in this trip?

  12. When and why Allah decided to guard the heavens with shooting stars?

  13. Why did Allah assigned 50 prayers first and then made them 5 at the end? Why did not he assign 5 from the beginning? What is the reward of the one who prays the five. How come he get the reward of 50?

  14. Why does Allah want us to know about him?

  15. Would we appreciate the qualities of Allah if we did not experience the opposite? Can anyone claim greatness because he/she can breath?

[4] September 29, 2013:

Getting to Know Allah.

The homework

Summarize the class in at least 200 words essay and email it to me. Organize your thoughts. Start every new thought in a new paragraph.  Consider the following points:

(1) Allah has written our deeds in his book before we even exist. If this is the case, then how come we have freedom of choice?

(2) Allah blocks the hearts of the bad guys so that they don't appreciate the truth. Allah blinds the eyes of the bad guys so they don't see the truth. Allah seals the ears of the bad guys so that they hear the truth. Allah guides and misguides. If this is the case, then how come he is judging the bad guys for being bad? Do we still have freedom of choice. Explain. Use the example of flying cows.

(3) The names of Allah (الأول) means the first without start and the twin name of this name is (الآخر) which means the last without end. Explain this in terms of time. Explain how Allah controls the time and he does not change or age with time. On the otherhand, he made the time able to age everything else. Elaborate on the previous statement and use that to explain how Allah contains time and everything else is contained in time.

(4) Explain the story of Albert (the 2d guy) and use this to explain our situation on earth.

(5) How would the people of the second heaven see the people of the first heaven? Explain.

(6) Where is Allah according to the hadeeth of the little girl who asked the Prophet this question. What is wrong with saying that Allah is everywhere?

(7) If Allah can do everything. Then can he create a rock that he cannot carry?


[3] September 22, 2013

Listen to the class.:

Beware of the enemies

The homework

Summarize the class in at least 200 words essay and email it to me. Organize your thoughts. Start every new thought in a new paragraph.  Consider the following points:

(1) Who are our four enemies.

(2) What is the maximum that the Shyitan can do to us? Can he physically force us to do evil? Does he whispers sound or puts evil ideas in out brain. What you should do when he whispers an evil idea in your brain?

(3) What are the lower desires and how could they mislead us?

(4) What are the evil temptations and how can they mislead us?

(5) What are the love of pleasure of this life and how could it mislead us?

(6) Is it Haram to love our children? What is the hallal love and the haram love to our children or to anything?

(7) What are the Hallal temptations?

(8) The four enemies are the enemies of Allah because they take us away from him. Why would Allah create his own enemies and give them freedom and influence on us?


[2] September 15, 2013: Getting to Know Allah.

The homework

Summarize the class in at least 200 words essay and email it to me. Organize your thoughts. Start every new thought in a new paragraph.  Consider the following points

  1. What are the sources of guidance in Islam? Explain the difference between Hadeeth, Hadeeth Qudssy and Quran.

  2. What are our four enemies?

  3. Allah created the Shiytan and gave him power and freedom to spread evil. Allah had good reasons, what are they? Explain each reason.

  4. Can the Shiytan force us to commit evil. What is the maximum influence on us that the Shiytan have?

  5. Explain and give examples of the tests submission?

  6. Some rich people who have every thing end up committing suicide. They have every thing that we want to have and we are dying to have. Why are they killing themselves?

  7. Is the outside look is the same as the inside feelings. Give an example of the person who has a nightmare.

  8. Draw and explain the curve of happiness with respect to time. Explain its relationship with the people who take drugs.

The Notes:

[1] September 8, 2013: Getting to Know Allah.

Click here to listen to class

The homework

Summarize the class in at least 200 words essay. Organize your thoughts. Start every new thought in a new paragraph.  Consider the following points

  1. Why did Allah create?

  2. If he wants to create, why not creating angels and trees that will not kill, commit crimes and spread corruption?

  3. What are the names of Allah applicable to the answers of the previous questions?

  4. What are the tests of Islam?

  5. Which laws control us and which laws control the sun?

  6. Divide the creation of Allah with respect to laws of nature and laws of Islam.

The Notes